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Opposites attract~me and Anjeru

((Like my little idea? Just trying to come up with someway they can have at least a few romantic nights together.^_^))

"If you like. We can always order in, if you'd like. Just stay in the bedroom and let someone else make the food and bring it to us. do look cute in nothing but that cute apron of yours." Kou replied with a smile, gently kissing the tip of her nose, arms going around her waist. If only she could stay at his place for good, but alas, that was not to happen now. Maybe someday in the future he could ask her to move in, after their relationship was known to their friends and everyone had a chance to get use to it. But for now, one amazing night a week was good enough.
((I do like it ^^ it actually helps too for the story. She could get sick in the morning one time while she is over?))

Leaning into him, she found she was blushing again at his teasing remarks. She set her arms on his shoulders, around his neck, leaning down to kiss his lips softly. "We can order out.." She said, kissing him again before lifting her head with a smile. "Cooking would take away time I could be spending with you and I want to spend as much time as I can with you." The soft blush was still there, but it wasn't so obviously brightening her pale cheeks. She had to lift a hand to push back some blonde strands as they fell into her face.
((OOO, sounds good.^_^ That brings up a question. When do you think we should have Kou and Dominique reveal their relationship to everyone else? Me personally, I was thinking when she finds out she's pregnant, they decide to stop lying and hiding it and reveal it. Or, wait until Echidna comes in, and have the news end up pushing Sion to her.))

"Mmmmm, sound absolutely delicious......." Kou replied, talking more about the intimate night ahead and her, than any food.

"Well then, should we get going, or would you prefer to start our wonderful night right here at the bar?" he playfully asked, mostly joking. If they did end up doing it in the bar, there was always the risk of getting caught if Sion or Volt returned due to forgetting something. Even then, the risk of such capture excited some people.
((Well if you would prefer it to be after she finds out she is pregnant, we can go along with that and have Echidna come in shortly after, after it has had a little, even if only a little, time to settle with Sion.))

Dominique blushed red and pulled away from him with a small laugh, taking his hand to pull him up from the stool. "C'mon then, I'll help make sure everything is all set for closing," she said as she let go of his hand and moved about the large expanse of the building, making sure everything was put away and cleaned well enough for closing. It would matter to her where they got to be together, but here at the bar was too risky because she didn't want Sion to catch them...she was still afraid of hurting him. After a few moments, she came down from the stairs of the 2nd floor. "Everything is all set. Ready?"
((Well, those were just my ideas. If you have any for it, I'd love to hear them.^_^))

When she came down the stairs, Kou looked at her as if he was thinking about her question. Then, with a smile, he quickly and casually scooped her up and swung her over his shoulder.

"Now I am." he replied, laughing lightly as he headed for the door. It would sure make quite a sight, but it didn't really matter. It was a big city. Noone would recognize them or think anything more about them than that they're a pair of young lovers.........which they actually are.
((I'll think about it =D))

She saw him coming towards her and vaguely, she wondered what he was up to. "What are you--" she was cut off before she could finished her question, squealing as he picked her up caveman style and tossed her onto his shoulder. She playfuly hit his back, trying to stop her bubbling laughter. "You going to carry me all the way back like this?" she asked as they left the bar this was, folding her arms and resting her head upon them.
((Hehe, have fun.^_^ Sometimes, I come with ideas for RPs without even trying. Like, if I'm watching tv, taking easy.............WHAM, I suddenly get a crazy idea for one of my RPs. Strangely, it seems as if these random ideas end up more successful then the ones I plan out for weeks and weeks.))

"Hmmmm, maybe. Depends on if it gets suddenly windy and that jacket of yours blows up to give these lovely people a view of just what's under this oversized coat." Kou replied, smiling and snickering a bit. As they walked by the crowds of people, many gave them odd looks. He didn't mind at all. In fact, he just smiled and politely nodded his head as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
((Haha! That's pretty funny and kinda cool!))

She blushes both from his words and the way people looked at them as he carried her this way back to his place. Occassionally she tapped his back with a fist, playfully. Not sure what else to do just hanging on his shoulder this way. She laughed softly and nipped the back of his neck from this odd angle. "That's only for you to see Kou and you know that," she said with another small laugh.
((Kinda weird too.^_^ Anywho, gotta run. See ya later.))

"Good, cause I don't think I want anyone else to see how good your tush looks in your dainty preference of undergarments" Kou replied, smiling as he playfully gave her rump a light smack through her thick jacket. Eventually, he reached the steps of the apartment building he resided in and set her on the ground. Stepping forward, he lowered his hands and gently started to run them up her legs, pushing her jacket up bit by bit.

"But it doesn't matter.........They'll be off anyways before long." he whispered into her ear as he leaned down, lightly nipping at her earlobe before suddenly standing up straight and taking his hands away. He was quite skilled at getting her hot and bothered before their intimate times together.
((Have a good day~))

She squeaked and blushed when he lightly gave her tush a playful pat. Before long, he was setting her down on the steps to his apartment, his hands on her legs. "Kou.." She shivered softly as he gave attentions to her ear, biting her lip to surpress the moans he was so good at working up in her.

Before she could get into it, though, he stepped back. She groaned and playfully smacked him upside the head. "You shouldn't get me all hot outside," she teased with a laugh as she pulled him by his hand up the stairs. She waited for him to unlock the door, then playfully drew her nails down his back as it swung open. He had learned to turn her on quickly, but so had she when it came to Kou.
Kou pretty much growled in pleasure when she ran her nails down his back as he opened the door and stepped into the lobby. It was late at night, so the doorman had been off work for a bit, leaving the two alone in the lobby. Not a very patient man, he couldn't..........fully wait until they got upstairs. So, as the door shut and relocked itself, he spun around and playfully pushed her up against the glass door. In no more than a couple moments, his hand had tugged the zipper of her thick jacket all the way down and he pulled open each side, revealing her slender, somewhat pale and very sexy body underneath.

"Hmmm, I find myself wondering what you would do if I took you right here, right now." he said with a seductive grin as his hands lightly gripped her hips and pulled her hips up against his own. Sure, they were in a somewhat public place..........but there was actually very little chance of anyone seeing what was going on. For the people on the street, since her back was to them, it would just look like she was leaning against the door, as they wouldn't be able to see the front of her jacket open. And as for random apartment dwellers coming down, anyone going down the stairs made plenty of noise, as did the elevator, which would give them time to straighten themselves up.
Dominique let out a gasp of both shock and delight as Kou pressed her back against the glass of the apartment lobby enterance. He quickly pulled down the zipper of her coat and parted the cloth, so that her small and athletic body became visible to him. His words made her both excited and nervous. It was getting rather late, so there were very few, if any, people wandering about.

She somewhat shyly pressed her hips back against his own, a blush crawling across her cheeks as she peeked up at him. Her hands spanned across his chest, nails dragging playfully. With a small nervous laugh, she said, "I'm just as clueless as you are. I'm not sure what I'd do either."
((I've got a game question I could use your help with. Last night, I was thinking up ideas for all the couples and what not, along with the roles Kaldea and Echidna will have in the group of friends. Anywho, my actual question is, in the game, when Kaldea 'died' and was taken in by the Makado corporation and experimented on, was she artificially aged, or did she remain the same age she had been years ago? I do remember Sion was surprised by how she looked when they met later in the game, but I don't remember the specifics of why.))

"Well, how bout we try and find out?" Kou asked, smiling as he raised an eyebrow. His hands stayed on her hips, but every so slowly, started tugging down the waist band of whatever choice of panties she happen to have decided on for the day. He wasn't so much removing them, as he was just continuing to tease her with the possibility of doing it right there with a possiblity of being caught. Albeit, a very small chance, but a chance none the less. So, for the moment at least, it was hard to say if Kou was being entirely serious about what he was suggesting, or just doing it all to get her even more hot and bothered so that the night they'd share together would be a wild one.
((I believe she was the same age...I don't remember >< and I think he was more suprised because she was transforming into that panther thingy.))

She hadn't chosen anything considerably specific when it came to her undergarments, because in the off chance that her coat ever came open, she wanted to be able to salvage a little modesty. Her pale and lithe body had a semi-sexy pair of black undergarments on tonight, that stood out in contrast against her pale skin. A sort of low cut sports bra and short shorts.

When he tugged at the waistband of her underwear shorts, she squirmed a little. He certianly knew how to make her hot quickly, but she wasn't sure if she really wanted to do such intimate things in the lobby of his apartment complex. Albeit the risk of getting caught was substantially low, she didn't want to be caught. After all, their relationship was a secret and she didn't need it somehow travelining back to Sion if somebody saw what they were doing.

She leaned her head forward and kissed Kou deeply, before pulling back and nipping playfully at his lips. "Let's go upstairs," she said, her voice husky and seductive, though unintentionally so.
((I just looked it up. The experiment they did on her caused her cells to age 10 years, making her look older than Sion had remembered. Make sense, as she 'died' only 2 years before the game. 2 years doesn't really change your appearance a whole lot. Well, unless you're really stressed out or smoke alot or something. Figured she looked older than she should, as when I was thinking about what role she would have in the group, I kept seeing her and Volt being kind of like........the ma and pa of the group. The two most serious people that look out and are very protective of the others. Like a big happy family.^_^ Sion will be the loner son with a very seductive, flirty girl friend and Kou and Dominique, a pair opposites that live happily ever after.^_^))

Kou quite enjoyed her unique clothing taste. In both her choice to wear her jacket as a dress, and her modest, but still quite sexy choice of undergarments. Just seeing her body clad in such things was already driving him wild.

"As you wish........" Kou replied, smiling and stepping away before pushing the up button on the elevator, stepping in and pulling Dominique with him when the doors opened. With no security camera in the elevator, once those doors closed, he was all over her. Kissing her passionately, his hands roamed all over her body, savoring every inch and growing hotter by the second.
((Yea, I started thinking about it after I posted and realized she was older. XD))

She smiled and followed after him, her jacket still open as they moved through the lobby towards the elevator. She just sort of innocent bobbed on the heels of her feet until it dinged, the doors opened, and they moved inside. The doors closed and again she gasped as she found herself against the elevator wall, Kou suddenly on the strong offense. She moaned against his lips and kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck as she wriggled her hips against his own.
((Yep, makes her perfect for Volt.^_^ Though, I have absolutely not clue how hold he is.........or Kaldea for that matter. All I know is about that aging thing, but I don't know how old she was when it happened in the first place. Same for Echidna, but she seems obviously older than Sion.))

The kiss only deepened and things got more fierce as the elevator climbed floors. When it finally dinged as it reached Kous floor, he finally pulled away. Wasting no time, he took her hand and was at his door with in a few seconds. Fumbling with the keys in his anxiety, he eventually managed to get the door open, pulling Dominique swiftly in before shutting the door behind them. Once again, he had Dominique up against the wall.........or door if one wants to get literal. Things continued to grow more intense as being the privacy of his own place, his hands pushing the jacket off her body, already reaching back up to start pushing up her sports bra like lingerie.
((Yeah, I have no idea either, how old they are really. My friend will be over shortly and I can ask her, she knows a lot about japanese video games and originally played it in japanese. Makes sense since she is japanese, lol. If we can't get a definitive number though, I suppose we could just give them a made up, but reasonable age. Ya?))

Kou was just as anxious as she was. She could tell by the way they seemed so desperate to reach his apartment. He even fumbled anxiously with his keys and she had never seem the suave, pervy Kou fumble. It was endearing really. Quite cute, she thought with a small smile. It didn't last too long and before she knew it, she was pressed back against the door, her jacket sliding off her small body to pool upon the floor.

Dominique moaned softly into his mouth and didn't stop his as he pushed up her sports bra lingerie, her breasts falling free from the material and she gasped as the cool air in the apartment made her nipples harden. She wondered vaguely if they would make love against the door, she wouldn't mind, it was one thing they hadn't done yet. They'd made love on the couch, in his bed, in the shower; she had no doubt that before long, they'd ravish his poor apartment.
((Sure, makes sense to me.^_^ Heh, I like your little comment at the end about where they've done it. Sure are a horny pair of bunnies, aren't they?))

Once her breasts were free, Kou still continued to kiss her, but he drifted away from her lips. Going down her chin, down her neck, stopping only when he kissed between her modest breasts before his lips gently latched onto a nipple, teasing it with his tongue as his he slide of his pretty much trademark vest, gloves going with it before sliding down her side, tugging her panties slowly down her legs.
((I figured that would amuse you =p lol, but yeah, I've noticed that when opposites get together, they clash in either a good way, or bad way. Dom and Kou are definitely clashing in the good way. XD))

Dominique shuddered under his ministrations, her back arching slightly as he took her pebbled nipple into his mouth. She moaned softly, teeth nibbling upon her lower lip from the tingling pleasure the action caused. Already wet, and quite hot for him, she wiggled her hips to help take the spandex shorts off of her. Between their combined efforts they soon fell to her feet.

She stepped out of them and then her shoes as well, tossing her gloves off into the pile that had started at her feet. She slid her hands through the strands of his beautiful hair as she panted softly from being already so wildly excited for him. Kou always seemed to have that effect on the little blonde since their first encounter when trying to escape from the Mikado group.
((Very much so. And they'll only get better. Though, I am working on some ideas to bring some suspense and drama to the RP.^_^))

Kou himself, wasn't even entirely sure just why sex between them always turned out to be so titilating and exciting. Almost as if they're bodies were made for each other, no pun intended. Of course, Sion, Kou and Volt all stood by her after revelation of her being an artificially created being. But, Kou ended up being the one to provide her the most comfort, as he actually understood her in a way. He dressed uniquely, had a playboyish attitude and many other traits that caused people to look at him like a womanizer, when he really wasn't. And Dominique was an android, fearing that her three dear friends would see her as nothing more than a machine. Due to his understanding of her feelings, Kou was able to help her get over it, and it was one of the big point that lead to their strong relationship.

And the sex, it only got hotter over the weeks. Things sure weren't cooling down now as Kou rather reluctantly stepped back to remove the remaining bits of clothes he had on, once again moving back to devour her when his jeans, boxers and boots piled at his feet.
((Yea! That's perfectly fine with me. Hehe. I liked that, no pun intended. =p))

It was no surprise that the fact that Dominique was revealed to be an A.I. made her very self conscious not only as a person, but as a friend, and even...a lover. She had been distraught for awhile, upset that she couldn't be the woman Kou wanted because she wasn't a real woman. Kou had made sure to share his feelings with her, that she was more than he could have ever hoped for. That no woman compared to her, whether real or not. He'd comforted her in the weeks she had doubted herself. She loved him for that, for making her realize she was perfect the way she was.

She almost whined when he stepped away, but happily began to kiss him when he stepped back, gloriously nude as she was. The fire between them seemed to ever only stroke higher, never fading. It was amazing. Her fingers wrapped around his length and began to stroke him, not that he needed it, he was already hard and hot for her like he always was.
((Well, I do what I can.^_^))

"Dominique......" Kou moaned out between kisses and nips along her shoulder and neck when she began to stroke him. He indeed, was always ready to go for her. He was no sex addict or anything. But, every time they did do it, it was just more passionate and amazing each time. Still, the two did go at it like bunnies. They made love..........alot. Still, it wasn't the only thing they did. Simple being together, whether going for a simple walk, or snuggling together was just as enjoyable.
"Kou.." She, too, moaned out his name as he nipped along her sensitive neck and shoulder. Slim, small fingers slid over and along him, pleasuring him the way he always pleasure her. He always did too, he gave her to best pleasure she ever knew. "I can't wait any longer," she moaned out, pulling his head up to kiss him again, deeply. "Please make love to me, Kou." Kissing him deeper this time, sliding her tongue into his mouth to caress his own.
((I's got another game question..........but this is casual, nothing to do with the RP. Anywho, I was wondering if you happen to own either a PS2 or Nintendo DS. I do, and their the two primary systems I play. Not the only ones I have, just the main ones. Got GC and a Box, but all set on games for them. Anyyyyyyyyyways, if you happen to due, got anything you could suggest, as I'm gonna be looking for some new stuff tomorrow, due to it being summer and me being bored with no classes...........Watching my moms three dogs chase a laser pointer is only entertaining for so long.))

Kou had no time to verbally respond, due to kissing her right back each time. Still, he certainly agreed to her request as he picked up her light body, letting her legs wrap around his waist, his manhood right at her entrance, which he soon began to slowly slide into. One hand on her butt to both enjoy the lovely part of her body, and hold her up a bit, the other up against the door for a bit of leverage.
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