Opposites attract~me and Anjeru

((But ah well, I've got enough RPs at the moment. I let it get out of hand, I'll overload myself again. Perhaps soon, I'll go seeking a good VP RP after I've thought up some plot ideas. Only ideas I have for one now are the pairings of LennethxArngrim or Lezard, and AliciaxArngrim. Don't like too many of the canon pairings in the game. So with these three, Arngrim with both, as he's in all the damn games and seems kind of like Lenneths trademark Einherjar and LennethxLezard would be a kind of I despise everything you are, but I can't stop coming back for more, type thing, where she hates him just like she does in the games, after he sexes her up and she pretty much becomes addicted to it. She pretty much ends up addicted to the taboo aspect of giving her body to her worst enemy from time to time. Could also end up as a little romance...........I have seen weirder. OOO, or maybe something with Freya and an OC human male..........Gah, now the ideas are flooding in.........makes my head hurt. :? ))

God, such an evil little woman Kou thought when he easily realized she was teasing him. Two could play that game.

"It matters greatly who asked first, and who asked second." he replied, smiling as he swiftly took her hands and moved forward, leaving her on her back, him overtop of her, and her hands helpless and pinned down on the couch.
((I like the LennethxLezard idea. ^^ sounds like it could be fun, and last for awhile. And careful! Don't make your head explode!))

She squeaked as he moved her to lay on her back and helplessly pinned her thin wrists to the surface of the couch cushion. She blushed and wriggled, squirming around in his hold playfully. "It does not," Dominique protested, laughing softly. "I asked last, so you're supposed to answer, not me." She insisted, trying hard to surpress her giggling, a soft blush on her cheeks as she stared up at him with innocently and dramatically wide eyes.
((Yep, and be pretty smutty as well.^_^ The possible romance, if added, would come from Odin finding out and exiling her from Valhalla/Asgard/wherever it is they all live. But instead of putting her in a normal body, he strips her of her powers and basically just throws her into the human world, where she has to fend for herself as a normal human. Considering how dark and twisted these people get, she'll have alot to worry about. Thieves, rapists, monsters, people that hate her, like Wyl. So, having no other choice for survival..........who does she go to? Lezard of course.^_^ he's still a twisted bastard, but he's glad to take her in and keep her safe and he starts to show a gentler side.........but only because he pretty much finally accomplished his goal of "owning" her now. And as much as it sickens her, she finds herself falling for him as well and they end up a couple. A twisted, dysfunctional couple........but one none the less that lives happily.......ish ever after. Of course, that's just an optional thing for whoever, if any, take me up on it. If they'd prefer, I'd keep as the taboo sex addict thing.^_^ Wouldn't be the first time I had a couple start out under weird circumstances. In my longest running RP on here and from DRP, the couple involves a lord and a princess and in their first encounter, he takes over her lands and rapes her in her destroyed castle. But now.......they're happily married with kids and the RP centers around their twin daughters.^_^))

Hearing her response, Kou just smiled before letting go of her wrists..........only to suddenly flip her over on her stomach seconds later, laying his body on top of hers to keep her pinned now.

"But I have the advantage here. I could always make you answer. Afterall, who knows the ins and outs your oh so naughty weak spots like I do?" Kou seductively asked, saying it right next to her ear before starting to kissing around her shoulder and the back of her neck.

((Also, I'm curious. CoP, which path do you pick when Chapter 2 starts? Personally, I can't bring myself to choose anything other than helping the rebels. Earnest is annoying, but I absolutely love Natalia.^_^ It's too bad that's only the path in which she survives. I'd love to have Gwendal and her. But ah well........I'll just wait until I unlock the Seraphic Gate. I finished Path C last night, and am planning on doing Path A today, move on to do Path B. The final battle of C was ridiculously easy. Though, that's probably because I only plumed 4 people the entire game.^_^ Phionas tactic made it an absolute cake walk. I mean, full auto revive for all your team for three turns.........that's just broken. Cheriphas made battles easy as hell as well.))
((I like the idea, either way. And I understand the hate turning to feelings of love and such, that's sort of how mine and Houdini's rp is going at the moment. And as for the CoP question, I go every path once. So I've done every option, but I feel bad that I killed her >< in all honesty, I like helping the rebels. And the blonde haired king; he seems a more reliable leader and a bit more compassionate, though he could kick your ass if you're not careful and be kind of a prick, lol.))

She squeaked as he flipped her over, using his body to pin her down. His words against her ear causing her to shudder under him because what he said was true. Kou was the only one who knew her inside and out. She moaned as he paid attentions to her shoulders and neck.

"And if I still don't answer?" she asked, half wriggling her tight little bottom against him; she knew him as well as he knew her, though he was a great deal more assertive than she.
((Yea, I did Choice A once, where you get Darius and Gwendal.........but I reset and chose Rebels. I can't bare to kill Natalia. Must less do it in a asshole, backstabber manner. Which of the princes are you talking? Kristoff, the girly looking one that wields a sword, or Langrey, the older one with short hair and uses magic? I'm Path A at the moment and fought against Kristoff for the first time.........He was pretty badass. But........Phionas Tactic saves the day again. Save it for a boss fight and you're pretty much guaranteed to win. Use Glepnirs Bond to paralyze the grunts and then just slaughter them, and when it's just you and the boss, bum rush him, use the tactic and just gang up on him. Since the later bosses can use SCs every combo, they'll generally kill off one character a turn..........but don't have to worry about that with Phionas Plume tactic. There's more good Plume Tactics, but those two are easily the best. Valmurs is good too. Increases your teams attack range by two squares in every direction, making even melee fighters like Wyl able to slaughter enemies from a safe distance.))

"Then I'll just have to torment you until you relent." Kou replied in a casual tone as he lifted his head only to smirk at her, before going back to work on her shoulder and neck. When he felt her little wiggle, he gently ground his hips against her in response. Two could certainly play that game. Just gotta see who could get the other to say uncle first.
((Yeah, I hated killing her but I wanted to do every path possible in the game. I'm kind of a perfectionist when it comes to games...lol. And I was talking about Kristoff, I believe. The girly looking one. Langley just kind of pissed me off, by his 'must control everything' attitude. The only thing I haven't done yet is over-plume to fight Freya(aka the game over option). I kinda want to do it just to see what it's like. Could just be my OCD with viji games though, too. Lol.))

Dominique made a soft sound when he ground up against her in response. "Oh? How are you going to do that?" she inquired softly, biting her lip as he returned to kissing and nibbling her neck. She wiggled against him again, wanting to torment him as he was tormenting her, though her options were much more limited being pinned under him as she was. Not that she minded. She loved when Kou was dominant, maybe even a slight aggresive, in bed.
((Heh, could be.^_^ I'm sometimes like that, but not always. Since I like Natalia so much, I can't bare to kill her and will always stick to that path. I finished Path A earlier today. Man, Ailyths transformation CGI was awesome. Garm is one of the coolest monsters I've ever seen. Then I finished path B after, as I saved before that three battles in one at the end of 5A. So, beat it once to get A, reload the copy save of it I had, and just plumed my way through all three battles, to get the Path B ending. Now, I'm going through the Seraphic Gate. Pretty damn funny and I just got Langrey on my team. About to fight Roineburg. I'm itching to get Lenneth and Freya on my team......Maybe Hrist too, but she's more or less a pallette swap of Lenneth in this game.^_^ As for that Freya fight..........I don't know if it's possible to beat her without cheats. I know that if you beat her, you still get game over. Your typical unwinnable RPG fight. *Sigh* It's too bad you can't carry over SG characters to the main game. I'd love to bust out some Ether Strikes and Nibelung Vilestis on some of the battles that annoyed me.))

"Oh, nothing too serious. Just tease you to the point where you beg for it. Where you crave it and feel as if you can't live without me ravaging you. Then I'll just have to decide if I'm in the mood to give you what you want." Kou replied, smiling slyly. Of course, if she caved, he'd give it to her gladly.......after teasing her further. But, this was just too fun. Competing to see who would cave first.
((I know, right. Some of the battles got so frustrating. And I would love to have the valkyrie's on my team! Cept Hrist was kinda...bitchy, lol.))

Dominique felt especially playful tonight under Kou's teasing and so in answer to his words, she wiggled back against him again, not really being able to do much else with the way he had her pinned on his sofa. She wondered who would crack first for the need to be fulfilled, though she knew they both craved it almost intensely because they lit each other on fire(figure of speech of course).
((Yea, that they did. Though, most could be handled with a bait and gang bang approach. Send out a unit with good move range and inch closer to an enemy till they start coming after you, then have the "scout" gradually move back to the main group.........then surround the enemy and slaughter them. But, there are a few missions where the enemies are aggressive and start close to you and they'll just swarm in. That's when you gotta prioritize targets. Sorcs can be absolute bastards with their magic. And yea, I'd love to have had all three Valkyries, like in 2. I actually like Hrist. Starts out as Odins loyal lapdog, and stays faithful till someone fucks with her Einherjar and then she goes apeshit. Personally, if I was an einherjar, I'd hope to be hers. Lenneth is cool and all, but she's too soft spoken and miss goody good for my tastes. Silmeria...........well, we really don't see much about her. She seems to be miss sweet and caring. Hrist, bitch with an attitude that would go against Odin himself if he threatened any of her Einherjar. A very protective bad girl. That way, I'd know I was in good hands.^_^ CoP SG selection could have been better. It has the two valkyries and Freya.........but that's it. I could have done without the others. Even Arngrim. As cool as he is, he's a borderline pallette swap of Ancel. Same can be said for Hrist. Pretty much a pallette swap of Lenneth. Though, I think she has better HP growth. Strange that they decided to NOT have her wield a spear, like she did in 2. Sure, the Valkyries kick ass with any weapon, but she seemed to prefer Spears, like Silmeria and bows. Lenneth was just your typical main character. She's basically all round with everything and just seems to stick with her basic sword.))

Kou groaned again when she wiggled. God, it felt so amazing to feel her tight little bod wiggle and rub up against his from below. He was tempted to say to hell with the contest, admit defeat.......then just ravage her like she had never been ravaged before. But, it hadn't come to that quite yet. Returning the gesture, he ground up against her. His hard manhood that she had come to enjoy many times before rubbing up against her soft backside while his kissing and nips grew more intense.
((I suppose you have a point there. You want someone to really care about you if you serve them, and Hrist is pretty good about that despite the attitude. And I was surprised about the lack of the spear, too. I had naturally assumed that each Valkyrie had a assigned weapon class. Hrist=spear, Lenneth=sword, and Silmeria=bow. *shrugs* I also used the bait approach in the more frustrating battles, as well as maxing out my avatars' speed and move area. I also had 'godly' equipment for always doubling my SIN quota that helped. I loved combo's <3 lastly, sorry it took a but to reply. Busy busy weekend. @.@))

Dominique squeaked as he pressed his hard length against her soft backside and bit her lip. She didn't want to give in, but the other part of her was just begging for her to say uncle so he would ravage her so thoroughally like he'd done so many times before. He was a very passionate lover and she was, for him, so when they came together it was explosive and so very addictive. Her hands gripped at the cough beneath her and she trembled, rubbing back against him again.
((No worries. I didn't go out of my way to get double sin in all the battles, but I was able to get it a good few without too much effort. It's quite easy with SC enabled weapons and if you gang up each enemy with all four people. But still, the game was actually pretty easy. And that does seem how the Valks are set up. It's stated their absolute combat masters and can kick ass with each weapon, but they each have their own preferred weapon.))

"You're so evil......" Kou moaned out when she rubbed back again. He too, was on the brink of caving as he ground back. It was now a race against time. It would all come down to just which one of them could hold out just one second longer than the other. They were pretty much tied in that department, so it was always anyones game.
I won't give in, I won't give in, she chanted to herself as she bit her lip to stifle the soft moan building in her throat. The little blonde wanted to cave, but at the same didn't, liking that she could bring a powerful man, a powerful fighter, like Kou to his wits end. She clenched her hands against the couch cushion tighter, rubbing back as she desperately tried to hold onto her control.
Kou did the same, using every last ounce of willpower he had to resist giving in to her. Of course, whether he caved or not, the result would be the same. He'd ravaged Dominique thoroughly right then and there, in the position they were in now. Still, both obviously enjoyed the competition, as Kou continued to grind back against her as well. They were both on their last stretch. It would only be moments before one or the other gave in and begged for what they both desired.
Seconds ticked by like minutes as she tried her best not to give in to the demanding lull of her pulse, that sped at the thought of Kou making love to her again. The two were insatiable when it came to each other, though something about tonight seemed almost desperate in their need for each other. She bit her lip and made a soft noise, closing her eyes tightly as she was rubbing back against him. If he didn't save in the next few seconds, she knew she would.
Kou groaned lightly as he continued countering her. He was literally right on the brink. He had to bite his lip to actually keep from saying the words. It was just too hard. That soft body rubbing against his while he grinded back against it........he couldn't resist.

"God, I can't take it anymore..........you win." he pretty much moaned out. His grinding didn't stop. Though, it was only due to how he anxiously started to position himself to take her, and show just how bad she had made him want it.
Dominique let out a long, pent up breath. "Dear god, Kou, it's about time..." she moaned as she pressed back against him. The young blonde was just as much on the brink as Kou was, having barely held on by a some invisible thread.

"Please, god, Kou, please..." she moaned again, squirming back against him. Though he had given in, she too was begging for it and only just a second after him. It really wasn't a victory, so much as a tie, but she didn't really care. All she could think about was Kou and him passionately taking her, though they'd just had each other not too long ago. They couldn't seem to get enough. She couldn't get enough. Not of Kou, never of Kou.
Her begging was soon answered as Kou found his prized, reaching up lightly take her hands as he started to slowly slide himself into her waiting pussy, groaning as he did so. Both from relief and from just how good it always felt. He could never tire of her either. Hell, wouldn't be too surprising if these two stayed this active well into their later years.
Dominique made a soft noise and pressed back against him as he slid his rigid length inside of her wet and very overwhelming warm enterance. She moaned softly, both from relief and from the way him pressing into her made her feel. It would never be enough, she soon realized; only Kou could sate her and yet, if she had him for the rest of their lives, it wouldn't be enough. She wanted him, his everything. Always.
((Hehe, such a romantic last sentence.^_^))

Still holding her hands out above their heads on the couch Kou lowered his head, whispering her name lovingly into her hear as he just lay there a moment, but soon enough, his hips slid back before thrusting right back in. Sure, they could be sensual and romantic...........but they could also be quite fiery and animalistic. Now, it was perhaps a mix of both.
((Hehe, sorry. I posted while I was reading my girly vampire book. ^^;))

"Oh Kou..." she in turn whispered his name, lovingly and passionately as he pulled from her and slid back in. She moaned and lifted her head back, pressing her cheek to his even as he kept her hands pinned playfully against the couch. Her cuvry hips and rounded bottom pressed back each time he thrusted forward, giving him as much of herself as she could.
((It's fine, I liked it.^_^ Coincidentally, I've been dealing with vampires as well as of late..........in a videogame though....))

Kou grunted and moaned as he continued to pull out, only to thrust right back in. As he increased his pace, the sounds of his lower abdomen slapping against that amazing rump of hers began to fill the apartment. It was like music to his ears......most of the time. Right now though, he was pretty much concentrating solely on letting out all that pent up frustration from moments earlier from their little game. And he had ALOT to release, so she was in for quite a night.
((Oh? What game?))

Dominique made a small noise each time he thrusted inside of her, and as the tension rose, the pleasure meeting extrodinary heights, her noise became frequent and just a tad louder. Not anything that Kou hadn't heard before, but the same sounds that usually drove him crazy each time they got into it like they did now. Her back arching into his body as she pressed herself back him best she could, though the pleasure of him inside of her made it hard for her to concentrate on moving with him. Being with Kou just so amazingly good, it was perfect.
((Weird little DS action RPG called Lunar Knights.))

Kou gradually picked up speed, finally releasing her hands, but only to place his hands on either side of her, giving him increased leverage, which he used to full effect as he thrust into her harder and faster. The couch began to creek lightly with just how hard it was starting to get. Of course, this wasn't the first time. They had never broken furniture or anything during any of their many encounters.
((Haven't played it. Any good?))

She moaned and, even though he let go of her hands to grasp at her for leverage, she kept her hands where they were, clutching at the couch. Dominique began to pant softly among her pleasurable noises, her womanhood clutching at him hotly and wetly as he began to increase his tempo. She arched her back, lifting her head as her eyes closed, letting out those noises that Kou seemed so enthusiastic to pull from her.
((Yea, it's not too bad. Annoying and frustrating at times though. Primarily when using one of the two character you get in the game. You start out as your typical loner swordsman who can take a good deal of damage and dish it out too with his sword..........but then comes the second character, your typical justice lover who uses range attacks and because of that.........can't take a hit worth shit. Even up against weak enemies, a few hits will knock him into critical health. Your meant to use him from afar, but even then, the game likes to swarm you at times..........so that's not always an option. Luckily, once they join up, you can switch at any time, and you're never really forced to use one or the other in any dungeons. You'll have to switch a few times to the ranged kid to hit far away switches and what not, and there's one short dungeon late in the game where you have to play as him. More often than not........you'll be sticking to the swordsman. Still, it's a pretty fun game. Surprisingly, the people that made the Metal Gear Solid series made it as well.........but it's a fairly typical RPG story...........no mind trips like the MGS games. It's a dungeon crawler type RPG with lots of hack and slash stuff. Also has some space shooter stuff tossed in after most boss fights, due to storyline reasons. Those are annoying at times too, because you can't move and shoot at the same time. You have to move the ship by holding the stylus over it and moving it and you fire by tapping an enemy.......So you either shoot, or move. The swarms of random enemies you run into in these space levels are actually a good bit more dangerous than the bosses at the end of them because the boss is just a single enemy and follows a predictable pattern........Enemies just come at you balls to the wall and you have to be quick and shoot them all, or just zig and zag out of their way.))

Without skipping a beat, Kou moved his hands up above her shoulders, which gave him even better leverage with which to thoroughly ravage her further. And indeed, he was glad to hear such pleasurable sounds come from her. Not so much for the boost in confidence. More for just had the kind of voice that sounded so amazing when she was crying out in pleasure. The couch was really beginning to shake now as he pounded into her again and again and again with the strength he could muster.
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