Mornië utúlië (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Her eyes widened in fear and she tried to scramble away, shaking her head quickly. She didn't want to be taken advantage of. Why was he allowed to do this?

The door opened and knights walked in with a younger rookie. They all looked blitz out of their minds.
Teru only grabbed her ankle and yanked her back toward him, crawling on top of her before tearing open chest of her gown to expose her breasts. “Where’s all that spunk, huh?” He grunted as he punched her in the side of the head. “What happened to all your little insults, huh?!” Another blow to the head.

Ren made a face when four knights came in, all drunk and obviously not there for a mission. He turned away and headed back to his bed.
“Aw, c’mon Ren~ don’t be like that, we’re all here to have fun~ we even brought the new kid~”
She whimpered loudly, her brain scrambling in her head again. She didn't know any truly aggressive spells, but she really wished she did now. She started to cry, wishing Yukimura was there to stop him, or even Amaya.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" That was Mitsunari. He and Tashi usually made their way through the witch's housing to make sure they were in bed on time; curfew and all that. Akihime felt relief wash over her and she rolled onto her side to try and cover herself.

"She's beautiful..." Daisuke muttered, face flushed. The others snickered gently.
"That ain't no she~" One teased.
Teru quickly moved away from Akihime, pulling his pants up and putting himself away. “I-Ishida-sama!”
“Silence, you do not get to speak.”
Tachi hissed as he moved passed Teru and to Akihime, crouching down beside her as he pulled off his cloak and covered her with it, then carefully removing the gag from her mouth.

Ren felt irritation at the fact he was visited yet again to only provide pleasure, he wasn’t a shared whore for these humans.
“Ren here is a Siren~” One of Daisuke’s superiors said as he moved over to Ren, putting his hand on his shoulder with a smirk. “He’s also a good fuck~”
She began to cry harder, "Thank you...! Thank you so much, I was so scared...!" She sobbed, holding his cloak tight to her body. Mitsunari glared at Teru.
"You are a disgrace to this Order and all it represents!" He growled.

Daisuke's face flushed more.
"I...I don't know...he seems rather upset..."
"Nah, Ren don't mind none~ he likes it~"
Teru gnashed his teeth and clenched his fists tight, glaring down at the ground. “It ain’t like she’s really a human anyway, witches don’t feel the same shit humans do.” He hissed lowly.
Tachi said nothing as he helped Akihime back to her feet, carefully parting her hair to check the split on her head. “You’ll need stitches..” He muttered softly.

“He just needs to be warmed up a little, ain’t that right~?” The man said, moving to Ren and sitting on the bed beside him. “C’mon Daisuke~”
Mitsunari punched Teru as hard as he possibly could, "Were it not for them, you wouldn't be alive to serve the Order, you insolent bug!"
Akihime nodded weakly, her head feeling like it would pop.
"Please get me away from him, Tashi-san..." She pleaded weakly.

Daisuke gulped and moved closer, hoping Ren wouldn't be repulsed by him.
Teru stumbled and fell hard on his ass, holding his nose, it gushing blood onto the floor.
Tachi glanced to Mitsunari before escorting Akihime into the witches dorm to be treated by her fellow witches.

Ren only looked away as Daisuke moved closer, and though most of his face was hidden by the mask, his features were beautiful and delicate.
“C’mon Ren, be nice to the boy~”
Ren felt his cheeks flush, but he obeyed, his delicate fingers working at undoing his belt.
"If I ever see you lay a hand on her or another witch in that manner again, I will cut your cock off and feed it to you." He spat.
She really did make him regret touching her, did she?

"Oh, wait, hang on." One of the knights pushed through to unlock the mask, carefully pulling it off, "You know the rules, sweetheart~"
Teru gnashed his teeth, but nodded in agreement. “Yes sir.” He muttered quietly.

Ren seemed to find having his mask off quite enjoyable. “I know..” He said softly, even his voice was beautiful and enticing.
Ren ignored the knights jeering, pulling off his belt and his top, then working on taking his trousers off. “Just hurry up, if Mitsunari-dana catches you, we’ll all be in trouble..” He said, brushing his hair over his shoulder.
Daisuke nodded, not wanting to put something harms way. Especially with Mitsunari. The knights left the cell to give the two privacy, or some semblance of it.
Ren laid back on the bed, pulling off his loincloth and motioning for Daisuke to move closer. He knew the consequences of resisting or using his abilities, it only ended up in him being beaten severely, and being used anyway.
Ren let Daisuke do with him as he pleased, and though it was obvious that he tried to be gentle, him being drunk and a virgin, he was a little sloppy. After Daisuke was done with Ren, the other three men each took their own then on Ren, finishing with Ren an exhausted mess on the bed.
As one of the men pulled his pants back up, another man locked the metal mask back onto Ren, smirking as he pet the Siren’s cheek before turning to leave. “Let’s get out of here, there’s still booze left and I want some.” He said, heading out the door with a laugh.
Ren listened to the door close and lock, laying on the bed a moment longer before sliding off the bed and onto the floor, crawling to the shallow pool of saltwater and sitting in the cool water. It stung his skin, bite marks and lumps covering him; he washed the sweat and seed off of himself, wincing as his hands ran over every bruise and lump left on him.
Ren sat alone in his cell, washing himself in the dimly lit, cold room. He shed no tears, not anymore, this had happened dozens of times, and he was used to it now; as long as he did what they liked, he wasn’t hurt too badly.
Ren said nothing, he couldn’t even if he wanted to, only taking his food with a small bow of his head. He just wanted to forget the night before, hoping he’d be going out for a mission soon as to avoid another night of it.
Ren wasn’t allowed to talk to any of the servants that came by to feed him or clean his cell, only having ten minutes to eat his meals before his mask was put back on. He followed the rules rather well, eating his bland meals in silence, sitting cross legged on the floor.
The servants weren't blind to what the knights did to Ren. They've tried their best to notify Mitsunari and the other higher ups but nothing ever came from it.
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