Mornië utúlië (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

It wasn’t the same as that awful fisherman, but somehow, it felt worse. She gave a small nod, not bringing her eyes up, but muttering her agreement.
She tilted her head to the side, letting him kiss her shoulder and neck. She only closed her eyes, wishing for Motochika to be with her in that moment instead of Lucifer.
He laid her down and crawled on top of her, rubbing his tip against her entrance to make sure she was wet enough before alowly sliding into her.
Nana made a soft grunt as he pushed inside her, gripping the sheets. Her face was flushed, unable to deny the fact that he had made her excited. She didn’t want to look at him, closing her eyes, and simply thinking of Motochika.
Nana kept her eyes shut, gripping the sheets tightly as she imagined Motochika over her, inside her. His moans filled her ears, and she even let a few moans out herself, letting Lucifer do as he pleased to her.
Nana winced, but kept her mind focused on imagining Motochika making love to her.

Akihime has been called upon again, being told her next patient was in critical condition, and she was absolutely not allowed to fail. When she entered the room, there was a slender figure laying out on a cot, midsection covered in blood stained bandages. They had long, wild pink hair, and delicate features; she was beautiful, thick full lashes and freckles splattered across their face. They looked to be in pain, with what she could see of their face, a metal mask over their mouth, secured with a heavy lock.
After what felt like an eternity, Lucifer pulled out before he finished inside her. Maybe he didn't want children?

"Oh, Gods..." Akihime moved over and delicately removed the bandages; both to inspect the damage and to keep the mended skin from eating the fabric.
((ditches them for now))

Three deep claw marks had torn the soft flesh of his stomach, and despite what medicines he had been treated with, he needed more than that. Even up close it was a bit hard to tell him a man, as he looked so beautifully feminine, but the chest gave it away. He had three line like tattoo marks on both sides of his neck, and scale-like tattoo marks across his whole body.
He was breathing shallowly, and he looked pale, like he was on deaths door.

“That things a freak through and through.”
One of the guards muttered in disgust.
“The girl? I don’t think she’s half bad.”
“No, the fish. I thought he would’ve croaked already, but it just won’t die.”
Akihime glared back at them, "Hold your tongue! He is still a living being and I will not have you belittle him in this state!" She hissed before turning back to the siren and beginning her healing.
When she turned back, Akihime was startled to see his eyes were open, hazy with pain, but clearly looking up at her. Wait, had he not been given anything for his pain? Nothing at all?
“Why are all the healers such bleeding hearts.” One of the guards muttered.
“They’re just animals, they only have that form because they’ve been bound.”
She turned and threw a wooden pestle at them from her mortar beside her, "Get out! Surely you can do your job noisily outside so I can work!" She hissed.
The guards dodged the pestle easily, both looking annoyed.
“We should just go get Ishida-sama...”
Akihime heard one mutter, but they stayed in the room, more than likely ordered to.
The young man watched Akihime, his fatal wound healing slowly, and at no point did he seem like he was on the verge of death; was this the mermaids curse? Immortality?
Akihime gave the guards one last glare before looking down at the mermaid. Merman? Siren fit just fine, really. He was rather enchanting. "Are you in any more pain? I'm sorry the process is so slow.."
His eyes moved to her lips, as if trying to see what she was saying, maybe he was deaf? No, with how unfocused his eyes were, he was more than likely delirious with pain, unable to comprehend what she was saying, and unable to answer from the metal mask covering his mouth.
She frowned and reached to touch the lock over the mask he was forced to wear. The only pain relief she could make for him had to be administered orally, which made her heart hurt. What had happened to him?
"What put him in such a sorry state?" She asked the guards gently before she reached to hold up a bag of poppy seeds, "Answer my questions and I'll make it worth your while.."
“The only thing you could offer that would make it worth my while ain’t no damn seeds.” One guard said, grabbing his crotch with a nasty smirk.
“It was a dragon, no one in the Order managed to tame it, so it had to be subdued for extermination. It managed to take one last swipe and caught half the squadron, the fish was one of those hit, only one to live too.” The second piped up, looking a bit disgusted by his comrades perverted behavior.
Akihime held out her hand, "If you could hand me the pestle I tossed, I will reward your forthcoming nature." She said. The healing magic was still hard at work, mending and closing the broken skin as if she didn't even need to be there in the first place.
The one who had answered her looked uncomfortable, picking up the pestle and placing it in Akihime’s hand. “Don’t need no milk of the poppy..” He muttered, returning to his posted, the older one grunting and turning his head away. “You’re not supposed to speak with witches, they’ll just curse you.” He spat bitterly.
"Oh yes~ dark curses~ awful ones~ like making your penis smaller, or worse~ it could rot off if I so wished~" She said. Like Hell she knew any of those things, but if she could get under their skin she was for it. She turned back to the siren and focused harder on her healing, wanting to patch him up as fast as she could. He didn't deserve to suffer any more.
She heard the door behind her open and close and when she glanced back, she only saw the younger guard, who kept his eyes off of Akihime, saying nothing.
She laughed and shook her head, "Oh wow~ as if I could do any of those things with white magic." She said softly. She smiled down at the siren, "Wouldn't that be something, hm?"
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