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Mornië utúlië (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

The man blinked slowly, letting out a soft wheeze and crinkling his eyes, almost as if he was laughing. That’s when the door opened and the first older guard came in. “She’s disobeying again, being unruly, and threatening using her Magic’s. Again.” The guard growled, having retrieved Mitsunari like he had said he would, Amaya stood behind Mitsunari, head down and silent.
Akihime looked back and offered a warm smile, "Hello, Mitsunari. I was just doing what you asked. Only magic's here is the ones I'm using to heal this poor young man."
"What is considered unruly?" Mitsunari almost demanded. Akihime turned back to look at her work; the wound was almost completely healed up now.
“Tryin’ orders, throwin’ things, threatening unsanctioned magic use, runnin’ her mouth. What are we supposed to do if we aren’t allowed to use physical force against the healers?” The guard asked Mitsunari.
"I have done no such thing, Mitsunari, I have been focusing solely on my work." Akihime said, not turning back this time. Mitsunari scowled lightly and glanced at the younger guard.
The younger guard jumped a bit, looking nervously from Akihime to the other guard. “I-I... She’s been doing her job as she says, sir..” He said, looking away.
The older guard flinched, muttering in agreement and bowing to Mitsunari. “Of course sir, forgive me.”
Mitsunari left angrily and Akihime kept her back to the guards as she finished the siren.
"There you go...much better now, hm?" Sje gently ran her fingers over the mended skin with a smile, "Like it never happened."
The siren made a soft noise, almost like a thank you.
“Let’s go girl, you’ve got more work to do.” One of the guards said gruffly, the older one, clearly angry.
She looked back at him with bored eyes before looking down at the siren, "Akihime desu. I hope I get to see you again under better circumstances." She told him, eyes gentle.
The siren gave a slight nod, eyes crinkling again in what she could only guess was a smile.
Let’s go!” The guard growled out again.
The younger guard opened the door and the older one sneered at her, his hatred burning clear in his eyes as they both escorted her from the cell.
Akihime tried not to let the oldest bother her, but she glanced at the youngest apologetically, "I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to reward you for answering my question.."
The younger guard looked to Akihime and shook his head. “It’s fine, really!” He said with a soft smile, then quickly looked away when he saw the older guard glaring death at him.
Akihime looked to the older guard blankly, "Do you get off on bullying people? Or has your wife ceased accepting your dick? Oh, don't tell me..." She stifled a laugh and pinched her index finger and thumb together in a small gap, "It's too small for her? I have a potion for that, you poor bastard~"
The guard didn’t say anything, only looked down at her with cold eyes before backhanding her hard across the face, knocking her off her feet. “You don’t seem to realize that you aren’t employed here, that you aren’t an equal. You’re a slave, witch, and when you’ve outlived your usefulness, you’ll be burned, just like every other witch that ends up here.”
“Teru, that’s enough, she’s just a girl..” The younger guard tried to come to her aid, but was shut down quickly.
“You wanna know how we kill our witches who’ve outlived their usefulness, girlie?” He sneered down at her. “Y’see, we don’t just tie ‘em to a stake and light them up, no no, we use dragon fire. It makes sure you’re nothing but a black smear on the ground when you’re done.”
Akihime fought the cold shudder of fear that rocketed down her spine. Dragon fire? They had a dragon?
"I'm not a slave...and you don't scare me. If it weren't for me or the other witches you've so heartlessly murdered, you and your pets wouldn't be here still to bark when told! You better be thankful none of them or me knows black magic or you and this whole rotten order would be cursed straight to Hell where you all belong! Lay a hand on me again and I don't care how bound I am, I will make you regret putting your filthy fucking hands on me!"
He slammed his foot down between her legs, dangerously close to her delicates, pinning her there by her skirts. “If you’re not a slave, then why are you here? Why are you bound to these grounds?” He asked coldly.
“Teru-senpai..!” The younger guard said firmly. “She’s learned her lesson, she’ll behave.” Was the younger guard trying to stick up for her again? “She has other jobs..”
She was trying so hard not to shake, her throat feeling so dry that it might close up. But she kept her mouth shut, simply glaring up at him hatefully. She wished she did know black magic, just to make this awful man suffer. To bring this whole God forsaken place to its knees.
It was late before Akihime had finished her daily duties, finally allowed to return to the wing of the massive castle that housed witches. It was smaller, closed off and exclusively for witches- a small positive being not many guards patrolled there at night, allowing the women their privacy and minimal freedom given they weren’t unruly. Unfortunately it was so heavily equipped with runes, Akihime couldn’t even heal a small scratch inside the housing walls, rendering them almost human.
As she traversed the long corridor to the wing, she was suddenly slammed into the wall hard, one hand gripping her hair, and another gloves hand over her mouth.

Ren had been returned to his small cell, which had a bed, a shallow pool of saltwater, and a heavy iron door. The room was lined with heavy fabrics to dampen any sound, yet the metal mask remained on him.
She gave a muffled wail, eyes pricking with tears from the pain from her hair. She tried to throw her hands behind her to hit whoever it was, try and get them to recoil enough to let her go.

It had grown dark rather quickly, the day had gotten away from him thanks to that dragon attack. How boring.
She only received a hard yank to her hair for trying to fight back. “You aren’t scared of me?” Someone hissed in her ear, pressing her head hard against the stone, Akihime recognizing the voice as Teru. “You’ll make me regret touching you?” He brought her head away from the wall, then slammed it back again. “I’ll fucking show you fear.”

It was almost timeless in his little cell, no windows or skylights allowing him to keep track of the hours when he wasn’t being used in a mission. He was hungry for seared fish, laying back on his bed and staring up at the ceiling with a blank stare, unable to sleep.
She grunted in pain, seeing stars for a small second. She tried using some kind of simple defensive spell but her brain felt scrambled in her head.

He could hear footsteps coming toward his cell. Was he going on another mission? So soon?
He slammed her head into the wall again, then yanked her head back and uncovered her mouth. Akihime felt a rough fabric forced into her mouth before it was secured by him tying another rag around her head. She heard him laugh in her ear before she was punched hard in the ribs, once, twice, then she was thrown to the ground and kicked in the stomach again and again. “You’ll make me regret it?” He hissed our through his teeth, quiet enough to not get caught. “Small cock, huh?” He stopped kicking her, only to start working at his belt. “I’ll fuck you nice and thorough, then you’ll tell me how my cock feels inside ya, decide for yourself just how small it is.” He said with a grin, kneeling down on the cold floor with her, and pushing her skirts up to her waist.

Ren sat up in bed, knowing he more than likely did have another mission. He’s was really only called in with bigger beasts, and as of late, that was all the Order was really targeting.
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