Mornië utúlië (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Nana’s time by herself was a struggle, she had no one there to help her with the daily chores, no one to speak to, only herself and Lucifer when he found time for her. He did his best to teach her magic, but either she was resistant to his teachings, or she wasn’t trying hard enough.
They would train until Nana was on her hands and knees, exhausted. “I-I can’t..!” She had tried what seemed like a dozen times to try and cast one simple spell, but she just couldn’t- was it because it was black magic?
“I’m trying..!” She looked up at him, clearly distressed; was there any possibility she was resistant to black magic?
He rubbed his chin gently in confusion, thoughtful of what it could be. She was a rather pure soul, her spirit almost too much for him to get close to.
Nana did her best to catch her breath, standing up and waiting for further instruction; would he have to corrupt her for this to work?
He moved toward her and put his hand to her chest, trying to push all of his dark force into her body, but it only forced itself back into himself with a painful jolt. He cried out and stumbled back, "Son of a bitch!"
Nana stumbled back, putting a hand on her chest. “Wh-What was that..?!” She asked, feeling like she had been shocked in the chest.
She flinched at his words, looking away with a soft frown. “I’m done for today...” She muttered softly, eyes sad. “I want to be alone..”
Nana would spend the rest of the afternoon drinking the cooking wine Lucifer had provided to her. She never much cared for the taste, but she had no other outlets; she wanted to feel, she wanted Motochika and her son. By the time the sun started to set, she was quite intoxicated, sitting on the floor against her bed as she downed more, not caring if it spilled.
Nana looked up at the door before scowling. “ I know this is just a trick, Lucifer.” She spat, throwing a half empty bottle of wine at the door, missing and having it smash against the wall.
The house was quiet for a moment before he heard stumbling, then the door opened. Nana stood there looking up at Motochika, the moving to grab his shirt. She pulled him forward into a kiss, holding him tightly as tears fell down her cheeks.
Her head was spinning from the alcohol, but everything about him confirmed that it was him. He smelled of the sea, his lips were chapped, and his hair had the faintest bit of salt in it, making it rough. Nana kissed him deeply, her body aching at the familiarity, heart pounding hard in her chest.
Nana let out a soft moan, having to pull away to breathe, pulling Motochika inside, stumbling a bit as she did so. “I need you..” She whispered against his lips. “I need you inside me..”
“I haven’t seen you for nearly three years.” She managed out, her breathing heavy. “I’ve missed you... I just want to be close to you again..”
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