Mornië utúlië (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

"You don't believe me, do you?" He said before snapping his fingers. Immense, white hot pain shot through her; much worse than when she lost her eyes.
Her eyes watered immediately, choking back a scream of pain as she hunched forward in bed. “Wh-What..?” She barely managed out. “Please stop..!” Was he telling the truth? Why had he taken away her pain?
Nana only gave a silent nod, laying back in bed and looking up at the ceiling. She wished this was happening with Motochika, that after she wouldn’t have to say goodbye to her only child, but wishing did nothing.
Nana found the way he emulated emotions disturbing, but didn’t pull away, only pushing as instructed. Though she felt no pain, she did sweat and strain from the labor, it still taxing on her body.
Eventually, she heard the sound of her child crying, and the demon was surprisingly gentle as it cleaned and swaddled the newborn. "It is a boy, sire.." It said as it moved closer.
Nana was covered in sweat, hair stuck to her forehead, and when she heard it was a boy, she felt her heart swell and tears prick her eyes. “Can I hold him..?” She asked, tired from the hours of pushing.
Lucifer didn't seem very happy, but nodded regardless. The demon carefully offered her son to her, and she could see faint seal spots on his tiny shoulders.
Her tears spilled down her cheeks the moment she had him in her arms, and she had to fight her sobs, gently petting his hair, which was already so thick atop his head; was it because he was half yokai? It swirled black and white, soft as could be, and already she saw Motochika in his face.
He settled as soon as she touched him, his short little arm reaching out to her to grab her. It was just them in the room; no Lucifer, no demon midwife, just her and her son.
Nana let him grab onto her finger, his small hand warm, and when she smelled his head, she could’ve sworn he smelled of the sea.
He held her finger tight in his little fist, relaxing in her arms peacefully. He was so pure, so soft. He was everything she could have hoped for.
She closed her eyes and inhaled his smell, it reminding her of Motochika as well, it only made her weep silently. She didn’t want this moment to end, she wanted to hold her child forever.
She clutched him to her chest, squeezing her eyes shut tight, wishing she could block out his voice. “I know.” She whispered softly, sounding more defeated than desperate now. “I know.. Just a moment longer...” She said softly, nuzzling her child.
He didn't say another word and moved away to give her more time. How cruel this world was, to have her son grow up without his mother, to never let her see her only true love again. What had she done to deserve this fate?
She felt like she couldn’t possibly have enough time with her child, whispering to him gentle words of affection, telling him his name, how she loved him and would always love him.
Nana almost tugged her child back, reaching out for her child in a silent protest, only to turn her head away as to not have to watch them leave.
Nana didn’t want to look back at the door, didn’t want to move at all, feeling a heavy weight slowly overcoming her. Her son was gone, and she was to never see him again, never hold him again. Tears fell freely down her cheeks, not bothering to wipe at them as she numbly laid back down in bed.
Nana pulled the blanket closer to her, unable to look at him. “He’s with Motochika..?” She asked softly, still shedding tears silently.
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