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Mornië utúlië (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

She froze right there, feeling her hopes dashed- become his bride? How cruel was that? She had already been hoping for Motochika to ask her hand in marriage, but seeing the situation she was in currently, that seemed the farthest from her reach. “I-I already belong to someone..” She barely managed out, weighing her options- it wasn’t just her own freedom she was bargaining, but her unborn child’s.
“No, wait!” Nana quickly stumbled after the man, reaching out blindly. “I will! I’ll do it!” She regretted it the moment the words left her mouth, but what other option did she have? Stay locked away in that small room forever? Live with the knowledge her son was being raised as a tool? No, she couldn’t do that, and she didn’t have Motochika to help her this time, she’d have to do it on her own.
Nana felt odd, her eyes growing warm, but not painfully so; she didn’t let go of this mans hand, didn’t try to push away either, and soon instead of seeing nothing, her vision began to blur and grow brighter.
When her eyes fully adjusted and her sight returned, she could see this man was rather handsome, dressed in Western clothes. "Well, that's the first part done~"
Nana blinked in shock, looking around the stone room before to the man again. “How did you..?” She was shocked and amazed, no mortal had powers like this.
Her now seeing eyes widened at his name, and she could hardly believe her ears. “Lucifer?” She wanted nothing more than to pull her hand away in that instant. “But how? Why?”
"Well, I'm in need of a new bride, you see. My previous one decided she wanted to leave me, even after I had treated her with such kindness. And you looked so sad." He said.
Nana didn’t quite understand his though process, of course his previous bride ran from him, he was Satan himself. “That was all that brought you to me?”
“P-Preach..? Preach what?” She stared back at him with wide eyes. “The church would burn me..!”
Nana didn’t want this kind of life, didn’t want to be married to the devil and to spread his work, but she had no choice. She nodded, casting her gaze away in shame she would agree to such a thing. “Alright.” She agreed.
She didn’t like his new name for her, but she only nodded, letting him hold her hand. “Yes..” She said softly.
He tapped his cane and in the blink of an eye, she was on the shore line with him. "Out here you're a might far from people but it'll be hard for them to find you should you upset anyone. The church is awful touchy."
She feared the church less than him, but still feared him all the same. “What if they find me?” She asked softly, looking to him.
Nana looked to him again. “And of Motochika? Can he stay with me? Can you find him and bring him here?”
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