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Mornië utúlië (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

"If you're quite finished harrassing me, I would like for you to leave." Motochika huffed. Shusuke made a noise and stood.
"Fine. I'll come back tomorrow." He stated. Motochika let out a mental breath of relief. Thank God.
"Oh, Chosokabe..." Shusuke called. Motochika clenched his fist.
"What's under the floor?" Motochika's heart stopped. He had noticed? Oh no. Oh God, no.
"Nothing. Please leave." Motochika said. Shusuke scowled and made his way over to the floor boards hiding Nana.
Nana’s medicine had started to wear off, and the pain in her eyes was so terrible she was sweating, but she had to keep quiet. Her heart pounded in her ears so loudly, she hardly heard the exchange between the two above her, only holding her breath.
She heard the floorboards move and she was grabbed roughly.
"You hid her!"
"Of course I did, I had to protect her!!"
"You did a piss pour job doing that, pal!"
Nana cried out as she was grabbed roughly and dragged partially from her hidding spot, unable to see anything at all that was going on around her. So she was found? What was going on?
Shusuke pulled Nana from the storage and threw her to the ground. Motochika moved to her quickly and picked her up gingerly.
"Are you alright, Nana?" He asked gently.
She looked a little pale, was sweating and shaking, but other than that, looked fine. She nodded, a look of fear on her face even though he couldn’t see her eyes anymore. “I-I’m ok..!” She said quietly.
"Well, I guess I have two bitches now." Shusuke said. Motochika held her tighter.
"No. She's blind, she can't do anything without help, let her go!" He argued. Shusuke gave a thoughtful noise before glaring.
"No." He answered flatly.
“I don’t understand..” Nana whispered, holding onto Motochika for comfort. “What’s going on..?”
She looked scared, scared to death, but she tried to be brave. “Please..” She was speaking to Shusuke now. “Please, you may have all of the money we have, but please return Motochika’s pelt, I beg of you..!”
"Mm~ nah~ I'm ok with having two people do what I say for free~"
"You son of a bitch." Motochika shot up but Shusuke stopped him.
"You can't touch me, remember? I own you."
There was nothing either of them could do, Motochika was bound to his pelt, and Nana couldn’t leave due to her blindness. Over the next few days, he worked the both of them like dogs, sending Motochika out to sea to catch food for both the house and to sell, not giving him any time to rest or be at home, while Nana wasn’t ever allowed to leave the house. He expected her to cook and clean, and Nana did her very best, but being blind made things hard. She cut her fingers trying to prepare meals, had a hard time properly cleaning the fish and often left bones in the food by mistake. She would burn her hands cooking food over the fire, and getting around was more difficult than anything. She tripped and fell so often, her knees were scraped up, and quite a few dishes were broken, resulting in her having to crawl half the time. Cleaning was also rather hard, she missed many spots when dusting or sweeping, and laundry took many hours more than it should have.
Nana perked from trying to prepare tea for Shusuke, turning her head to face where she heard his voice. “Th-There is..?”
“S-Service..” Her face flushed in embarrassment, and she turned her face away from him, gripping the front of her yukata to keep it closed. She was quiet for a long while, before she finally spoke. “If I agree, you would promise me that you’d return his pelt to him..?” She asked quietly.
She pressed her lips together, and he could see the internal struggle on her face before she finally answered. “Please just return his pelt to him.. I’ll do what you want.. Just... Just please don’t tell him..” She said softly.
His words were cruel and she knew it, but she truly just wanted Motochika to be happy, even if it meant her own unhappiness. She stayed quiet, slowly pouring his tea, and then carefully moving toward him with the tray, pushing it across the floor toward him. “Your tea..”
Nana flinched at his words, not expecting him to ask her anything so soon. “Hai.” Her voice was barely a whisper as she slowly untied her sash, letting her yukata fall open and expose herself, slowly pushing it open further.
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