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Mornië utúlië (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

“You never said I had to inform you of anything, and even if you did, I wouldn’t.” She said simply.
“Seeing as how I can’t leave, probably any place you’re not, and somewhere in this home.” She said with a snarky sneer, almost like she enjoyed poking at him when he was upset.
“What? No, I don’t even know what kind of curse you have, but hopefully one that kills you when you pester and kidnap people.” She said, returning her attention to the book.
He put his index and middle finger to his neck and looked around for a couple seconds before pulling them back, "Unfortunately for you, I'm still kickin'."
“Yeah, that’s pretty apparent on how your gums keep flapping.” She muttered, trying to bury her nose in the book.
“I don’t even know what curse you have, let alone how to lift it.” She muttered into her book.
“It’s not that simple, not all were-curses are the same, and plus, I don’t know who cursed you. All curses are unique, I thought you would know that.” She huffed and closed her book, standing up. “Fine, I’ll do it.”
Megohime stared up at him. “I said I’d do it, I want to leave, so I’ll help you.” She repeated.
“I’ll need materials though, and a large clear area.” She said, putting the book back on the shelf.
Megohime made a noise, frowning softly and shaking her head. “I don’t know, I have to see this curse first... Then I’ll be able to tell..”
She nodded and followed Kojurou down to the enchanting room, waiting with him for Masamune to bring the things she would need to try and break his curse.
Masamune came down after a bit with what she asked for, trying to contain his excitement. He genuinely couldn't wait to have his curse removed.
Megohime went to work, kneeling on the ground and using the chalk to draw a large circle first. Once she was done drawing out the rune on the floor, she took the salt, lining the chalk in certain places before standing and turning to Masamune. “Stand in the center, and don’t step on the lines.” She said, moving to take the bowl and the knife. “And take off your vest and shirt.”
He tossed off his vest and shirt without a second thought. He was rather muscular, all things considered. He was careful not to step on the lines in her circle before moving to stand in the center.
Megohime blushed when he so readily tossed away his clothes, taking a moment to collect herself before clearing her throat. She rolled up one sleeve, revealing an arm covered in scars before cutting into her flesh. She collected the blood in the bowl, filling it about halfway before she set the bowl aside and tore a few strips of cloth from the skirt of her dress to wrap up her arm. After she was done, she took the bowl again and moved to Masamune, minding the salt and chalk lines as she did so.
She dipped her finger in the bowl and started to draw symbols on Masamune’s chest and stomach, cheeks flushed and eyes focused on her task as she did so, moving to write on his back with blood as well. She chanted softly under her breath as she worked, covering the entirety of his back with symbols written in her blood.
“Even his back is muscular..” She thought to herself.
“I’ll need you to take off your eyepatch and move your hair..” She muttered as she moved to face him again.
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