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What A Pair We Make (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He broke. He finally let his emotions slam into him and he let out a weak sob, tears pouring down his cheeks as he couldn't look away.
"Y-You should have killed me...!" He cried, "I don't deserve any chances...! I was so awful to you...! I was such a sack of shit...!"
"Mine were inexcusable! You shouldn't forgive such things! Fuck, I could have killed you...!" He held her tighter, like if he let go she would leave again.
He cried and cried until he couldn't anymore, gasping and coughing as he held her, "Fuck, I'm so pathetic..."
He took some time to get over his depressed little hump, keeping on his chaise that he now barely fit on due to his bulkier size. He hated that Ulvir did everything for him, but he just couldn't bring himself to help. He still wanted to die after all. He tried to hide his hunger pangs, not wanting her to know he still refused to eat. It was driving him crazy, but if he couldn't taste her sweetness anymore then there wasn't a point.
"I can tell that you haven't moved.." she said. "And, if you were eating, you wouldn't look o wasted..
"When I was in a fog for that year...I did...I took and fed from men and women for hours but wasn't enough..." He told her.
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