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What A Pair We Make (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"I was hoping for something a little different, but no, I'd pretty much pieced that together by now.." she said.
She felt a little stung. She'd been doing everything for him these last months, now she needed to wait by his every beck and call?
He stared at her for a moment, "That's not me being demanding or anything..." He said softly, "I just...don't wanna eat...but you're set on me I'm telling you, unless you feed me yourself, I'm not doing it..."
Fuck's sake, Taran. You really are a pathetic sack of shit. He lowered his gaze and exhaled softly, "I'll...go out later..." He muttered.
What happened? He was now so reserved that he, once again, wasn't the same man. She had no idea how to help him. "Thank you.."
He merely nodded, "I'm obviously very boring...why don't you go and enjoy yourself somewhere...? I'll be here... promise..."
Because I worry about you, was what she couldn't say without hurting him further. "I'm fine where I am.."
I don't even want to be here. "I just don't want you being bored, I'm no fun. Just a depressed sack of meat."
He wanted to say yes. He wanted to free her of him, but he still loved her. God, did he love her. But she refused, still, after all these months to do anything even remotely affectionate with him. All she did was touch his arm to show that she was there for him but it wasn't enough. He was just a heavy chain around her ankle now, keeping her from being free. She was only here for him out of pity, not love. He kept quiet.
"Because if you simply want to lay here and waste away, then the man I knew nd loved died as soon as he stepped foot in that arena.." she said.
Damn. This quest for power meant nothing to her then. Perhaps she was content with how he was before. He shouldn't have changed. He pushed himself up from his chaise and moved over to her, "Is that what you think?"
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