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What A Pair We Make (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"What? Come to laugh?" He asked, "I don't need or want your fucking pity." He tried to hide the pain in his voice but it was hard, his voice tight.
"I came to.. how can I say it..." she said, sitting next to him. "I came to give you another chance.." she said. "That may not be the best way to say it.."
"Then I apologize.. I came to make amends.. you told me to leave, so I respected your wishes and I left.. I missed you so much.." she said.
She hesitated, before gently touching his arm. "I.. I'm sorry.." she said. "If I had opened up or.. I'm not even sure.. but if I had done things differently.. maybe things would have been different.."
"I wasn't sure how you'd react to touch.." she said. She smiled sadly. "Besides, I'm still unsure of how this little meeting will go.."
"I'm not gonna hurt you anymore..." He said quietly, "I shouldn't...I should have never touched you like that...once was should have killed me for doing it twice..."
"I'm not sure why I didn't.." she said, smiling softly. "Will you come back...? The wastes is no good for my complexion.."
"I can't... Lucifer kicked me out of the arena...and I'm not sure I can look at my home again...too much negativity there..." He said.
Guess that answered that. "Nothing sounded good..." He told her, "Didn't wanna bother if I wasn't going to like it.."
She made a noise and soon enough, they were back at his home. "If you're sure.." she said, not fooled for a moment.
"I'm...sure..." He said slowly, glancing around the room. He already didn't like being here, he wanted to leave.
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