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What A Pair We Make (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He slammed his hand against the wall he had backed her into, eyes angry and near crazed, "Just say it, Ulvir. Say you fucking hate me already. Say how much being near me sickens you, frightens you." He got in her face, bearing his pointed fangs, "You won't even fucking kiss me anymore."
"B-Because you f-fucking terrify me..! I-I don't know what happened to you, Taran..!" She said. She was near tears now. "I-I love you, Taran..! I always will..!"
"I'm sick of this!!" He snapped, forcing himself away, "I'm sick of trying and waiting!! If you loved me, you would have shown me! You wouldn't shrink from me whenever I move!!"
"You keep threatening me and punching everything whenever you get upset!!" She snapped. "And if you had loved me as you said, you wouldn't have left me alone!! Forgotten!!" She screamed.
"That's what this is about?!" Oh, that made him angrier, eyes manic, "I apologized!! I came home with you!! I did my best to fix it!! And for WHAT?!" He threw his fist hard into the wall, breaking the rock and his hand with it. But he didn't even seem remotely bothered by his mangled fingers, "I became powerful for you!! I wasted a year becoming perfect for you!! And the price I paid for it was more than I ever wanted it to be!! I didn't ask to forget your face, Ulvir!! I didn't willingly surrender the memory of you!! Why would I throw away my life for you to lose you?!"
"I didn't ask for any of this!!" She screamed. "If I had even known that you'd gone off on this fool's errand I would have begged you to stay!! I'd give up all of my power just to have the old Taran back..! You apologized yes but you forgot me, you strangled me twice, TWICE!! And now you won't feed, and you keep doing things like that!!"
"Then leave." He stated firmly, "Get the fuck out, don't come back, I really don't give a shit. I don't want to see you." What? That was his solution? Push her away?
"This is it." He confirmed, "Get out. I'll find another bitch who won't make me feel like shit all the time."
If he had bothered to turn around, he would see that she was gone. Not even a goodbye. Not a farewell, nothing. He had made his choice.
His eyes saddened and he looked at the ground, the pain in his hand finally crawling up the back of his skull and he grimaced, moving to sit down and cradle his hand. "Good job, Taran...good fucking job..."
He returned to the arena, having nothing to really keep going for now. He became a means for other incubi to do their rite of passage; if they could defeat him, they could join. He was never defeated.
He was eventually evicted from the arena, as Lucifer saw the need for more incubi, and didn't particularly care for the wanton destruction of candidates. He didn't know it, but she had kept an eye on him. She would check on his dwelling, check on him in the arena. She would mask her presence, each day growing more and more disappointed.
He didn't go home. Didn't want to. He just wanted to fight and kill to smother the pain he was going through. The succubi wouldn't come near him anymore. That made the pain worse. So, he went to a vacant area of Hell and sat to die. Didn't feed, didn't fight. He had no purpose, no need to live. He had failed everyone and everything. He could cry if it weren't so pathetic.
It hurt to see him sink so low. She slowly gathered up the courage, and moved to approach him. She gently cleared her throat. "Hello, Taran.." she said softly, not wanting to startle him.
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