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Tempting Fate (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Beau..." Her voice was calm, soft, faintly hypnotic as she reached for his hand, "Tell me what happened...please? Let me help.."
"Fine. Fine! The fucking daemon made me think that it had killed you right in front of my eyes and that was not fun to deal with. Noe can we PLEASE drop this subject."
"Don't.. Let's.. Just go.." He said as he sat back and watched as the computer finalized their jump.
She didn't speak the whole time, not really knowing how to help. Offering her body didn't feel right, and he clearly didn't want to discuss anything. So she just let him smoke, listening to the hum of the engines.
The trip lasted forever, much longer than it usually did. No drink, no potions, just him in the cockpit with a shrinking pack of cigars.
"Beau..." She moved to sit in his lap and closed his cigar case before holding onto him, "I would never put you through anything like that...through such horrendous grief. I would never leave you so abruptly like that, I promise. You mean so much to me." She nuzzled his neck and held tighter, "I'm so glad I met you, master...I'm so glad to have you love me. I'll never leave you, I promise..."
He had nothing to say, nothing he could say. He held her and simply stared out into the stars and the torrential swirling of slip space.
"Please talk to me.." She pleaded, reaching to pet his cheek, "I know it must have been awful. I don't know what I would do if I saw you," she stopped and bit her lip, "but it won't ever happen...! You'll never have to see it again...! I won't let it, I promise!"
A day or two passed, maybe more, it was hard for Dia to tell when they were in space. She never left his side and it was still hard to get him to talk, but he was coming around.
"So where are we headed, master...? We don't have a lot of cargo in the bay.." She mused, perched in his lap again. Maybe food would cheer him up, she thought, or maybe booze? She audibly hummed as she thought of different things to help him.
"Dropping off what we have.. High value cargo this time.. Then we're headed to collect payment and another shipment.."
"Will you buy me things, master~?" She asked. Seeing her happy made him happy, she knew that. Maybe she just needed to be more chipper. That would do it, surely!
"I might. We'll see, alright?" He said. He made a noise. "Shit.. Trade Commission is on the platform.." He said as he brought the ship down to land.
He huffed and he noticed his hand began shaking a bit. Strange. He docked and began offloading, his heart racing. This wasn't good.
All while he was offloading, he was fighting with his daemon. Literally. The daemon. Was crawling for release. Howling in his mind, his heart pulsing hard.
Dia fidgeted as she watched. The commissioners there who were watching were keeping a very keen eye on Beau, walking close to him and just watching.
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