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Tempting Fate (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"M...Master..." Dia looked embarrassed, her face flushed, "Y-You don't have to be so rude..."
"I more meant your own awakening, I don't care for the woman. She would be no more than a breeder anyway." An albino of a man appeared before them, horns curling to the back of his head. His eyes were red with black sclera, and he looked annoyed.
"Mm. Yes, a wrath daemon certainly had his fun, didn't he...? Poor woman."
"Let's not bring my parents into this. Is there a possibility that I could be returned to my human form?" He asked.
"It's possible, yes." He replied, "Easy, no."
"Please help my master...if he stays like this much longer, it'll be permanent!" Dia pleaded. The red-black eyes landed on her and she froze, eyes wide and she choked like she was suffocating
"You were not given permission to speak."
He pulled his eyes away and she gasped loudly for air.
"To return to your human form, you will have to subdue your daemon." He said before turning to walk away, "Follow me."
Dia pushed herself up and followed quickly but she was thrown back by an unseen force, causing her to tumble across the ground.
He turned back to rush to her but froze. "F-Fuck, fine. Just be a little easier on her." He said.
Dia pushed herself up and gave a sad smile, "I'll just wait on the ship, master..." She said gently, "Good luck...please come back to me.."
"Died before I could meet her, thanks." He said. "Glad to see you paid attention whrn I asked to keep them out of this."
"Your father is the reason you're even like this." He stated before pointing to an obsidian and onyx alter. The rock reaxhed up and curled and shriveled away from the sky, like it was too frightened to continue to reach. "Sit." He ordered.
"Then get ready for me to keep dragging your parents into this." He stated. "Now then, you probably wouldn't know but I'll ask anyway. Was your mother raped or did she genuinely feel for the daemon she laid with?"
He heard chating in a tongue he only recognized because of the new blood pumping in his veins and he was suddenly jolted into an area of fire and brimstone with a massive angry looking daemon with a floating helm in the shape of a lizard skull with large antler like horns with fur and bird like feet and hands.
"Fight it. Defeat it." He heard the albino's voice echo.
"You must use your daemonic skill. Subdue it or you won't become human again."
The daemon roared and rushed at him, claws extended.
He braced himself and began charging up some of the only spells he knew, just something to calm the daemon.
"Pathetic." The daemon growled, "A wrath daemon who uses succubi charms in battle. You're weak. No better than a child."
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