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Tempting Fate (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Oh would you just shut up!" He shouted. His anger manifested into a large mace, glowing with the daemonic light of some magical flame, which he brought to bore down on the Daemon's skull.
The daemon wailed but refused to go down. In a wave of flame and smoke, Dialen appeared in the large daemon's hand.
"I will break you." His gaze stayed on Beau as Dia looked panicked.
"Master, he-!!" Before she could finish, she was crushed in the daemon's hand, her bones popping and breaking. Her eyes immediately lost their light and she was dropped to the ground in a broken heap.
Beau flew into an uncontrollable rage, roaring incoherently as he slammed the mace into the daemon's skull again and again, rage burning bright in his eyes.
Beau swung again at the daemon, landing another blow before calming down slightly. "Then get the fuck back inside my head! And do not come back out unless you're fucking requested!" He spat.
He jolted back to reality, out of the confines of his mind. He looked himself over and his skin was tan and peachy, no claws and no horns. He was human.
"Congratulations.." The albino muttered.
"Fuck.. Well.. Thanks. No offense but I hope I never have to come back here." He said before getting up.
He shook his head, "You won't..." He said. "So what happened, if you don't mind my asking. Everyone has a," he paused, trying to think of the right word, "breaking point? Mm...for lack of better term. What gave you that push to subdue him?"
"I'd rather that stay confidential." He said. "Besides that why would you care? Or further to the point after tossing her around like that and generally being an asshole, why would I tell you?" He asked.
"Daemons may not enter this place, it is protected. The temple would have killed her before I did. It's a sanctuary for halfbreeds like you and I. Pure bloods are not welcome." He answered.
"Mhmm. Couldn't just outright say that? Couldn't say 'hey stop at the door, this place will kill you'? Again, thanks. Been a blast. Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta run."
When he entered, Dia came to greet him. Thank God, it really was just in his head.
"Beau!" She rushed to him and embraced him tightly, "You're human again!"
"I'm so glad..." She smiled softly, holding him tighter. She looked up at him before leaning up and kissing him, "You're so handsome this way...~"
"I'm fine.." He said. "Let's get the hell out of here though." He muttered, punching in their new flight path
He could still hear the popping and the breaking, wet and loud. Dia moved to her seat and frowned more, "You can tell me, you know...I won't judge you, master.."
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