Tempting Fate (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

The ship docked slowly, and he made sure to take out the main power before exiting the turret. Only a limited time until the life support cut out. He slung his rifle over his shoulder and moved to the boarding ramp. The locks hissed and he took the time to adjust his eyes to the darkness. The doors retracted and he shouldered his rifle, aiming down the sights as he readied himself. "No mercy." He said. Two guards by the door, quickly dispatched. He went around the ship, making sure to clear room by room, corridor by corridor. The rifle ran dry, so he switched to pistols. The crew were panicked, easy prey. He took his time, slow and methodically. He paused to light a cigar before executing a pirate. He turned to another one. He slammed the man against the wall and drew the pistol to his chin. "The girl. Where is she."
Beau smirked and fired a round into the man's foot. "Girl. My girl. Castalan? Ring any bells, smart ass?" He asked, pressing the barrel to his chin again.
"Thanks." He said, before firing, sending the man sprawling backwards. He moved back, moving towards deck three, sweeping through every room on his way down. He moved and continued through the darkness, smashing his rifle into pirates to knock them down, then killing them as they lay on the ground. He had to steal ammo, but eventually made it back to the holding cells. Dialen's door opened suddenly, and she could see a pirate on the ground, backing away and begging before being send backwards by a laser bolt. Another and another, before she could smell a familiar scent. His cigars.
She gasped, eyes wide as she held her torn clothes to her body. "B...Beau...?" She whimpered, "I-Is it...you...?"
He stepped into view, dead checking each of the guards, his grim face illuminated by the dim light of the burning cigar. "You should be safe to head to the ship. I have to clean up in here." He said. He moved to give her a hand. "Can you stand?"
She did more than stand, launching herself into his arms and holding onto him tightly, "You came for me!! I knew you would, I just knew it!! Oh, Beau, I was so scared, I thought I would never see you again!!" She sobbed, her dress barely clinging to her body without her holding it. They touched her. Defiled her. Took advantage of her terrified state. He could see it better now with her so close.
He huffed. "You're safe now. Get back to the ship. I won't be long." He said, kissing her forehead.
She hiccuped and forced herself to move away, "O-Ok...please come back to me, Beau..." She pleaded softly.
"I will. Just be safe." He said as he moved to grab their ammunition. As she walked through the ship, she could see just how much carnage he had caused. All of this for her. He made his way back up to the main deck, having found his way to the armory. Nothing was going to stand in his way.
As he made his way back to the main deck, all he could think about was what they could have done to her. He could hear her crying, begging him to save her as they took her. It only fuelled him.
He even smiled as he dispatched with them. He made sure that there were no survivors. He worked his way up to the main deck. He had found an antique, a pump action. It was loud, it was powerful. Perfect. The doors blasted open to a room full of men. "Evening, gentlemen." He said. He grabbed one and held him as a shield and hostage. "Bring me to the captain." The room parted and he was brought before the captain. As she waited, she could hear the cries and screams of the crew. Soon enough, he was back on board, and the cargo had been loaded up.
She moved to the cargo hold, standing quietly and watching before she finally found the courage to call out to him, "Beau...?"
He disconnected from the ship and moved them a safe distance away before setting the ship to drift a bit. "I'll be back. One last thing." He said as he moved to the turret.
"No. Survivors." He said, squeezing the triggers hard, the salvos once again finding their way home in the ship. The ship erupted in a blossom of fire. There was that cold look in his eyes again. He took a drag from his cigar. "One less band of fucking thieves. Disgusting." He said.
She stood by the ladder still, watching him with adoration, "Oh, master~ you're so powerful and strong~ I don't deserve a lover like you~!"

"Stop!! Get off me!! No!! Beau!! Beau, please!! Help!! Make them stop!!"
He grimaced and decided to scan for survivors. He picked any off, dead checking corpses. He was beyond furious, livid. "Bastards. Filth. Vile fucking scum!!" He shouted. The guns were giving an overheat warning before a safety system kicked in and they shut down for a time to cool off. All she could hear was the methodical clicking of Beau's fingers on the triggers. "Not fucking dead yet. Have to fucking pay."
Her small hands slid over his carefully, her chin resting gently on his shoulder, "Beau...they're all dead...there's no life out there anymore...you did it...you killed them all...thank you...thank you for protecting me again..." He could feel her wobbling as she stood carefully on the ladder and leaned against his back, "It's ok...I'm safe now..."
"I should have kept one for the bounty to pay off mine." He said. "Fucking pirates. Come on.. Let's drop off this cargo." He said, moving down the ladder.
"It can wait..." She said softly. She placed her hand on his chest and frowned, "You're hurting...I want to help you, master..."
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