Tempting Fate (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She nodded and headed to the cargo bay. It didn't seem like very long before the whole ship jerked and shook, red alerts blaring loudly everywhere. The engines blared critical damage and Dia came rushing back to the cockpit, "What's going on?! Are we under attack?!"
He cursed loudly. "Fuck. Pirates. Stay here." He said. He moved to the lockers in the cockpit and brought out a heavier blast rifle. He tossed her a pistol. "Be careful." He said. He checked a monitor to see where they were. "Shit they got the engines.. I can get them back and running.. But it'll be a bit."
It was way too quiet, his ears were ringing that's how quiet it was. They were definitely on board - but where was the issue.
He cleared hallway by hallway, huffing in frustration. He aimed down each corridor, making sure to check his corners in case.
Reaching the engine room was stressful, he didn't see a single person on his way there. What the hell were they planning?
He made a noise and made sure that the engines were repaired, but remained offline until now. Then, he made his way back up towards the cockpit.
He hissed and ducked down a hallway. "Bastards!" He peeked around the hallway. "Face me!"
There were a handful of them; maybe fifteen of them or so. They had rifles with them, ballistic and lazors. "Come quietly and we'll take you in alive!"
"No fucking chance. Lay down the rifles and I'll only kill one of you." He said, peeking down the sights as he aimed down the hall.
He huffed and ducked back for a moment. Stun grenades? None on him. He made a noise and aimed down to peek again, before carefully picking a target and firing.
He huffed and backed down, taking an alternate route and picking off another target. He had the home field advantage here, he knew this ship like the back of his hand.
They all died with relative ease, and soon the ship was quiet again. Odd, he could have sworn there were more of them. Maybe they left once they realized they were loosing. Heading back to the cockpit, the first thing he saw was Dia's expression of raw terror. "Master, run!!" She yelled in a panic but something hard and heavy hit him in the back of the head, knocking him down.
He grunted heavily and blacked out for a moment. He got up and looked around. "Dia? Dia?!" He grabbed his weapon and looked around frantically.
Rushing to the cargo, the pirates were loading the last of his goods before starting to leave. "It's been real fun, Castalan! We were gonna take you in for your bounty money but I think this sweet little number will fetch us a little more!"
"Master!!" Dia tried to run to him but she was held firmly with her arm behind her back. Their ship was getting farther away as the cargo closed.
He scowled and cursed loudly. "Fucking bastards." He spat. He closed the cargo bay and quickly moved to fire up the engines, quickly bringing his ship around.
He made a noise and cursed loudly. An ides popped into his head. He checked the trackers on the cargo before making a noise. "Can't hide for long." He said before plugging the coordinates into the computer and making the jump to intercept them.
He had made himself ready, gathering his best weapons and enough ammo. The ship had limited weapons, mainly defensive. He locked the ships computer on a docking course with the cargo, and manned the dorsal turret, bringing it to bear and slamming down on the triggers, a salvo of heavy blaster rounds finding their way into the pirate's engine banks. Salvo after salvo. Not enough to blow the engines, just to insure they couldn't escape.
Their engines popped and fizzled, roaring and hissing in protest to his attacks as the ship shook violently.
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