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Black Blood Brothers: A Dark Uprising

Zelman nodded and kept eating but as he did an idea started to formulate inside of his head. He looked at his two girls and smiled and finished up the soup before he started to pace abit trying to formulate and pull all the strings of his thought together. "Sayuka, Mimiko. what I am going to suggest may make some sense and will be dangerous but it may be a way to gain information and once and for all get rid of these new vampires who think that they can be rid of me."
The girls looked at him confused. Sayuka asked "Sir what are you talking about" Mimiko sat and listened carefully to him while she ate her soup "Master Zelman i would be happy to help you in any way i can" she ate her soup and smiled at him curious to know what he was thinking of
Zelman looked at Mimiko then to Sayuka and nodded. "It would involve you two going under cover. You would infiltrate the group that has been trying to attack. find out why they are and what their plans are. I know it seems selfish but im also looking out for the safety of the special zone and don't want anything to happen to it. Its home."
Sayuka was afraid to do it. But Mimiko stood up and said "Sir i would be happy to help you even after the incident" she walked over and kissed him on the lips just as Kotaro burst in "Mimi brother is back and he's hurt badly" Mimiko looked at Zelman "Help me please" Sayuka got the first aid to help as well.
Zelman looked at Mimiko and nodded. "Fine my pet, lead the way." He pulled his coat on and started to head out of the manor following Kotaro. "Young blood, always getting himself into trouble."
Zelman walked over and looked at Jiro and shook his head before walking and getting a bottle of water and holding it. when he came to he would pour it on him just to see if he was back to normal. "Okay so what happened to cause this whole thing?" He sat back wondering how it happened and what Jiro was doing.
Jiro woke to the water "Damn it Zelman what the hell. ANd this whole thing is Casa's fault the new vamps to the zone are her followers though not Koolan children yet" he looked at Mimiko "What are you doing here" Mimiko sighed "Shut up and listen. I am here cause i am Zelmans girl ok. The love i have for you is family love just like with Kotaro" she then moved her hairt to show him Zelman's mark claiming her
Zelman closed the bottle water and put it away. "See it worked..he's back to himself." He nodded hearing about Cassandra and the new vampires. "either way we'll find out what we need to know, Mimiko, come." He then turned and started to head off. "See you again boy, glad your u and about."
Zelman looked back and laughed as he walked back to Manor. He looked around and headed to his room. "How to start to get you on the inside Mimiko." He shrugged and called up. "Sayuka, get done here. help me come up with ideas."
Zelman shook his head. "No then she'd know we were onto her and her plan and she'd just move off. We need to get you in there without setting off suspicion. Hmm..Im sorry but...You'll have to go in as a victim, willing or not."
A knock came on the door and a girl poked her head in "Um excuse me, i was told my sister mimiko was here" Mimiko ran over and pulled her in "Kimiko you are just in time. Zelman she is new why not send her in with me, since she needs to learn what my job intales for dealing with" Sayuka looked at Zelman concerned
Zelman looked at the two then at Mimiko. "Are you certain you wish to put your sister in that kind of situation, knowing what may happen?, No I am not responsible for an innocent, Only you My pet. If she wished to then it is her choice. otherwise my pet I want you to get dressed up, alluring, seductive and we are going to put you right out there for you to get into them."
Jiro and Kotaro walked in "Hold on Zelman if this involves Casa and anyone related to Mimiko then we are to be included Got it" Kimiko ran over to him and said "Oh my god i never thought i would get to meat the Sliver Blade. My name is Kimiko, Kim for short and i am a year younger then my sister Mimi" Jiro smiled "Pleasure to meat you. Please call me Jiro and this is my little brother Kotaro" Kotaro smiled "Hi, hey Mimi i didnt know you had a sister"
Zelman looked at Sayuka. "remind me to change locks around the manor." He looked at Jiro and glared. "For one it shouldn't involve casa unless her cover is blown and two what gives you the nerve to walk into my home unannounced and think you can just waltz right in here like you own the place." He glared and held a small flame in his hand.
Kim stepped infront of Jiro and said "I'm sorry i said he was with me and the i ran cause i heard my sister was here so i kind got seperated from him. I'm really sorry sir" Mimiko looked at Zelman "Forgive her this once Zelman please" Kotaro seemed a bit scared when he saw the flame in zelman's hand.
Zelman looked at Mimiko and glared. "You think you can get away with these actions my pet. You will be punished for it, You do not do anything without my prior knowledge and consent." He held the flame in his hand before he turned and headed out of the room rather pissed off. He stormed off to the roof and walked to the top of it.
Jiro sighed "You girls stay here with Kotaro i will go talk with him." Jiro then left to the roof and said softly and not wanting to be on bad terms "Zelman may i join you for a moment" Kotaro held tight to Mimiko "Mimi i'm scared i have never seen Mr. Zelman use his fire before"
Zelman didn't even turn to face him. "You just can't let it rest, I didn't force the choice on her. It was of her own will that she chose, Not mine so you have no case against Me. But me...I can hold against you. just barging in unannounced into someone's home, That is just as for the job...Its part of the life she chose."
Jiro sighed "I wanted to talk to you about that. Kim was telling the truth, she asked me where her sister was and once we were in the manor she ran off. I walked into the room cause the door was open and heard Mimiko. Plus Kotaro said he heard Casa's name and that got me mad cause of how badly she sliced me up. I am glad that you and Mimiko can be together Zelman and i hope we can be friends again" Jiro sat down a bit away to give zelman space and layed back "I guess i'm just over protective of her because she was the one who took us in when we first arrived here nd then finding out that she sees me as a brother, i just got concerned. I'm very sorry for how i've acted as of late Zelman"
Zelman looked at Jiro and then outside. "I know. and do you remember who was the first to offer you to stay at a home. I did. I know we may never stand on the same side and one day we may face off, Silver Blade. But its that what we have that I enjoy. Sure I may be a sociopath and have no morals but I know the difference between whats right and what isn't. Casa is your problem. we're going in to see why this leader of theirs wants to be rid of me."
Jiro scooted closer "Zelman if i could change anything it would have been us staying with you that way alot of what has happened could have been avoided. Not to mention we may have been better friends. You know Kotaro always asks me why you and i have such a hard time being friends yet you and him hit it great as friends. I want to help you out cause if these new vampires are linked to Casa then we can take them both out at once. What do say, Friends" he held his hand out in hopes of friendship.
Zelman didn't turn to him except he pulled out a cigarette and flipped it over to him. A sign that he wasn't going to hold hostilities yet but a friendship still wasn't there. He just turned and looked at Jiro before turning and heading back inside. "You Can deal with Casa. My fight isn't with her. but the others, leave to me."
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