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Black Blood Brothers: A Dark Uprising

Mimiko relaxed and then melted as she felt his fangs sink into her skin and she let out a loud moan of pleasure and with out wanting it to, her back arched pushing her neck closer to his body for him to drink more and her face gained a slight blush showing she enjoyed this particular order she had to obey. She began to squirm from pleasure now and she mumbled "M-masteer Z-zelman i-i'm g-getting w-wet" she had no control of her actions at this point and she could feel her self getting wetter the more he drank and a small bit began to run down her leg leaving a wet trail in the pantyhose. She thought to her self 'This is totally different from when Jiro bites. Is it cause Jiro sees me as a way to be strong and Zelman sees me as me' her mind was spinning and her heart began to race from the feeling of him sucking her blood.

[ok no prob]
Zelman slowly slid his hand up under her dress and in between her legs running his hand up along her inner-thigh as he fed from her. He soon stopped feeding but kept his fangs in her so that the pleasure would keep increasing as long as he had his fangs in her. He then started to speak into her mind as he fed from her. "Learn my pet that as you gian pleasure from this you will be required to give me the pleasure that I give you. that's why your wardrobe will change to how I see fit and how you act. now keep squirming."
She moaned and it did not take much to make her squirm as the pleasure she felt increased. She was about to hit the floor so she spoke up "S-sir m-my legs are g-giving out, could we move to the couch please" she squirmed hard from the pleasure of him and added "I've never felt this kind of pleasure fro went Jiro would bite me Master Zelman. Just then a knock came to his door and his other assistant Sayuka said not opening it "Sir a Jiro Mochizuki is wanting in" Jiro shouted "Zelman we need to talk!" Mimiko froze and said softly "S-sir"
Zelman slowly pulled his fangs out of Mimiko and released her as he licked his lips. He walked back over to the couch and looked over at Sayuka and shrugged. "Let him in." Outside of the building the leader of the gang that had attacked Mimiko watched at Jiro got to the building and was let into the building. "Now what does the silver blade have to do with Zelman clock?"
Jiro came in and stared at Mimiko "I came to get Mimiko back so you dont drain her to death" Mimiko walked with Sayuka to the bathroom to clean up and then came back and the two girls stood behind Zelman. Sayuka said "Sir what shall Mimiko and i do" Mimiko stood there in her outfit with her newest mark from Zelman in sight of Jiro's eyes "Sir any orders for us" Mimiko thought 'he may be better to be with then Jiro'
Zelman just held out his hand for them to stay quiet and not to speak. "Jirou, I take only what I need. You can see that she is fine. I haven't drained her nor do I tend on doing that. She offered herself, and that's the end of that." He watched Jirou and folded his arms over his chest before looking at him. "You young blood need to learn some manners about coming into someone's home unannounced."
Jiro got pissed and said "How can you call me 'young blood' when my blood is from the sage Alice Eve my own former lover herself Zelman Clock" he stood and asked Mimiko "Please come back Kotaro is worried and I need you" Miiko knelt down and held tight to Zelman's hand "Jiro I came here of my own will, if Kotaro wants to see me i'm sure Zelman would be ok with him coming" she looked at Zelman to see his answer "Sir"
Zelman looked at Jirou and glared baring a fang but sat back. "I call YOU young because you are. You have not lived as long as I have. and yes I know you inherited the Blood of the Sage Eve, Silver Blade." He looked over at Mimiko then nodded. "Yes, by all means let the little one come by here, as I said before when you first came here he's more then welcome to come. Now Jiro that is settled. Mimiko,Sayuka, do see our guest out."
Sayuka took Jiro and Mimiko followed as both bowed "Yes sir Mr. Zelman" they escourted Jiro out and then came back after a few minutes. Sayuka asked "Sir may i ask why you refuse to drink from me" the hint of jealousy on her words. Mimiko froze not sure what to do "Sayuka i dont think that is proper to ask of Master Zelman"
Zelman looked at Sayuka. "Because then your mind would become clouded and addicted and you would prove then to be of little service to me and my errands, Besides you aid me in other ways." and in that he spoke of in bed but knew that now he would do the same with Mimiko. but she would also be subservient to Sayuka. "Now Mimiko..I have given you, how do you plan to return?"
Sayuka left to go back to her things leaving them alone. Mimiko blushed "I'm not sure what i could do sir, as you have tasted i'm still virgin and have no idea on how i could return" her voice showed she was nervou, scared, and even liking him. Jiro sat in the shade with Sei and hung his head "Sei how could i have lost her to Zelman of all people" Kotaro was playing near by with Kain so Jiro and Sei could talk.
[could you do sei?]
Zelman looked at Mimiko and shrugged. "You'll have to figure out." He sat back and eyed her up. He knew it was going to be fun having her around as another servant. Sei looked at Jiro and gave a light shrug. "It is hard to understand why Jiro, But with her and him we may be able to know more of what he does since now we'll have an insider."
Mimiko blushed and said "Um d-do you...have a..." she was trying not to be so embaressed. SHe walked over and sat on the couch near him and said softly and shyly "D-do you have anyone you love as a mate" the question came out and she turned red from asking. Jiro had tears form "Sei if you saw it you would have been worried, she knelt by him and grabbed his hand as if they were lovers when she spoke to me" Kotaro ran over "Hey brother i think that if Mimi does like him then maybe she can get him to be our friend"
Zelman looked at Mimiko and laughed for some time before he stopped and sat back. "I have not been asked that in ages but no I do not my pet." He got up for a second and looked at Mimiko and grinned. "Come here my pet. middle of the room and kneel down, legs spread abit." Sei looked at Jiro and nodded. "I know this troubles you, but you do have a mission and cannot get too attached."
Jiro sighed "I know." he looked at Kotaro "Kotaro i have to leave again and i need you to stay and behave for Sei got it. Sei i will be leaveing the zone again and will let you know ahead of time when i will return through Kotaro." Jiro got up and vanished. Mimiko went over and knelt down like he said and asked "Sir could i...become your girlfriend/mate" her face went red from not knowing how he would react to her feelings or questions "I'm sorry that was wrong of me to ask sir"
Zelman watched her knowing she obeyed well. "You cannot just force those things on people my pet. as for right now you are my pet and I am your master. You will do as I say." He looked at her and kneeled behind her and grabbed her wrists and tied them behind her back and with her legs spread abit he then connected the rope to her ankles to keep her exposed to him. "Tell your master what you want him to do to you." Sei watched Jiro vanish before looking at Kotaro and smiling. "Hungry?"
Kotaro smiled "Yeah i am, can we get ramen?" Mimiko gasped at being bound and said "I want to be loved for the first time. And i want to be yours forever Master Zelman" her dress tore on the side from how she was positioned so a bit of her thigh showed through the rip.
Sei looked at Kotaro and nodded and looked up at Cain. "Lets go." Zelman looked at Mimiko and grinned licking his lips and nodded. "good,you shall be mine forever.." He smiled and moved a hand over her sides. "tell me how does it feel to be tied and exposed, helpless to what ever your master may want to do to you, knowing you cannot stop him?"
SHe blushed and said "I-it feels good master. I want to do anything for you. Please master Zelman make me yours in any way you want" she moved her hand trying to struggle for him. Kain walked over "Alright sir, are you sure its ok to let him go after Casa alone Sei" Kotaro smiled "Hey Sei lets be best friends ok"
Zelman laughed. that was just a fraction of the true dark nature he knew resided inside of her. "You can do better then that my pet, I know you can. If you can convince me then you'll be rewarded. but if you can..I'll just keep you unsatisfied and wanting." He smiled and moved to the couch and sat down watching her. Sei nodded. "Yes Im sure." He then looked at Kotaro and nodded. "we will."
Kotaro was happy and hugged Sei "Yey come on let go eat" Mimiko struggled more "Please master i want to be with you...ow" she hit the trying to get free and her dress ripped more to where her white panties were showing a bit. She turned red and tryed to get her hands free "Please sir i want to be loved so badly. I have asked Jiro and he always ignored my question, i feel like i can be myself and have you seen me for me not just a compromiser between red and black bloods. If you asked i would even become a black blood for you" she froze and turned away from his eyes and continued to struggle.
Zelman watched Mimiko and grinned. "So you give your body to your master..good." He smiled and untied her. only to retie her to the table having her bend over it and tied her legs to the legs of the table. He smiled and walked over to her running his hand up the back of her legs. "beg for it then. beg for your master to please himself in you. beg for him to rape and ravage you." Sei nodded and headed to go get Ramen for Kotaro.
Miiko moaned at his touch and said "Master please take me, make me yours, do anything you want master just know I love you" she squirmed from being tied and as she felt his hands on her she started to get wet "Please master rape me, do anything just make me yours in every way possible"
Zelman watched Mimiko and ran his hand up along her pantyhosed legs before pulling her hose and panties down abit as he unzipped his pants and slowly slid himself into her. "All right then my pet, I shall make you mine." He grinned and pushed himself into her as she squirmed for him. "You may think all we vampires do s drink blood and sleep but we do the same as you humans."
Mimiko screamed from the pain of him taking her virginity and said softly "Thank you mast, thank you for taking me as yours" she moaned and wanted to have more pleasure "Please master more, i want to feel more master. Oh god Zelman, I love you" she said being taken over by the feeling of him in side her and him being the first to enter her.
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