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Tick Tock, the end is Nigh (GuardianAngelx Fluffypuppy77)

The riders werent the only ones that could teleport, the Head Sin of Pride bringing himself and his prize to a brightly light room. This was not a dungeon space but there was clear cage in the middle, one of those containers that hired dancers would stay in.
With a shove, he closed the girl in and swiped apart her little clouds that had been left outside. No telling where she was now.
The sin said nothing as he paced at the door. Where was Envy?
Where was Ivy? Not with them at the time. She hadn't gone with them right away, although now she was appearing in the room, her arms folded across her chest. Man she had a bad feeling about this and was mumbling that Death was going to be the one the had to worry about. That being and his hounds seemed to be able to track anything down, no matter where it was.
Moka definitely hadn't been expecting to be shoved into what appeared to be a cage, just falling onto the ground. Her white hair fell around her although she really didn't do much at that point in time. God damn it. Why had she been dumb enough to trust them...well Ivy in particular.
Ivy scent might be there but for all he and his hounds picked up, she could have just been a human. The other smell.. Was the one who took her. Mouth parted like a cat when he took the scent in and his two dogs growled. They had their orders. Find her.

"Just. Don't. I know what we did..." What he did. Why didn't he just kill this rider!? It would take her a while to reform... If he let her parts go at all. "Rider! Why did you all kill Sloth?! He was harmless! King of matresses!"
He possibly missed her words before about the cleanse.
Ivy was giving a huff and was folding her arms across her chest and was looking over towards Moka for a moment. She could see the Rider of Pestilence's eyes almost flash in anger as she was getting to her feet. "I had nothing to do with the death of Sloth! I had no intention of targeting him at all! I'm as upset about it as you are. It was agreed between myself and my "family" that we would only go after the Sins that were actually causing problems." Moka spoke in a sharp voice as she was folding her arms across her chest as well.
"But your kind didn't hold up!" The mans blue skin shimmered down his form as he threw his arms up.... for one normal composed, he looked like a beast. "I didn't blame you, I said ALL.... you are still a horseman, so it counts!!" he shoved the glass dancing cage and had it rock in its base with the girl in it. No, he had not harmed the Moka much.
"Seven Sins now are Five! what are we supposed to do now with out our council!? Envy! Just.... Just keep the stupid Death rider distracted!" he was back to pacing again
"Yes I am well aware of that.... I am very well aware that they couldn't keep their agreement." Moka spoke after a moment in time although it wasn't long before he was rocking the cage, which had her losing her balance and falling on the ground. Damn it. This whole situation really sucked. "Apocalypse is wanting to cleanse the world again.... all because humans can handle Sin." she mumbled after a moment in time before she was watching as Ivy was giving a slow nod, before she was vanishing away from the room.
"But we are HIS creations too. Its not OUR fault we were set loose in the world.... We are only doing our jobs! The damn big dude could FREAKING ASK US!!!!!....." he yelled to the sky out his 13th story window. The sky crackled across with blue lighting as he was heard and the sin ducked his head back inside.
"Yeah sure, some do a.... deed thats really bad, but still just working... he shouldn't have made humans in to little flesh sponges! This doesn't call for our heads. Im sure most of us would be pleasant enough to retreat while the world was razed." hands flashed to the air again as he looped the dancers cage a few times before stopping to look at the rider.
With Envy gone, the Sin slammed open the cage door and grabbed at her throat before pulling her to the ground. No, nit fighting parlay... not enough to get the warrior her out of this meek shell. A knee to her back and hand beside her hair were fists. "I should kill you... Should.... but that doesn't bring back the sins that your kind killed, so its a loose loose situation. What I will do is keep you here."
He had dispersed her close pets and hadn't allowed any ill air in to his home, trapping the clouds in the filters. No one could find her.

No he was not tearing through the streets this time like a maniac; replacing fury with cautious.... must retrace her steps... where was Moka?!
"Don't look at me. In the end.... We all just want to live normal lives." Moka mumbled from where she was at sitting on the ground, deciding that that was the safer spot to be. When she said all, she was talking about both riders and sins. Which had her wonder... if there was a way to prove that everybody could co-exist, or to prove that regardless of the Sins being there, they weren't really effecting humans as much as one would think. Even with Greed and Sloth gone, those two Sins were plentiful, in particular greed. And to be honest, since the man was gone.... it only seemed to get worse.
Although it wasn't long before Moka found herself on her stomach with a knee to her back, which had her giving a small shriek of surprise, and a small one of pain. No this wasn't enough to bring out that other side, she was still the more shy and innocent Moka that one usually dealt with. Yet that one was a bit more rational than the other one.
And sure none of her pets were inside the home....but that didn't say anything about outside. No they seemed to sense that their "mother" was gone, and her children were all in a frenzy.

Ivy had left the building and was just standing outside, gazing around for a brief moment in time before she was wrapping Moka's cloak around her, that she had snagged earlier, before she was taking off. Eventually the rider of death would pick up on that scent, but until then she was going to lead him away. Heading towards a few places that she knew Moka would venture to, and finally ending back at that warehouse. Ivy just stood in the middle of the warehouse at that point in time, the cloak wrapped around herself and standing in the shadows happened to be that of Lust as well.
Although Lust was most definitely planning something that would anger even that of Pride. After all.... it was her that had more or less lead the other two to where Sloth was at. Made it seem like he had done something that he shouldn't have. She had been lusting for more power, and step one was getting rid of the other sins. Taking out the weaker ones first. It would be difficult to deal with Pride though, getting close to him was no easy feat, unless it was Ivy, and Wrath was just far to unpredictable most of the time. Gluttony....she could probably get close to him, bribe him with some food.
A sharp bark from the dog further ahead and he got wind of what it had caught. Moka.... his Moka. Not the way he thought it had been and he jetted across the distance between him and the smell... What caused a growl.... and a shift.... was the 'thing' in Moka's Cloak was NOT Moka.
"HOW DARE YOU WEAR HER!" this human form was pissed as his beastial fangs slipped through the vail he wore as he snapped his jaw. There was a warning whimper from the two dogs as the feeling slid over him again... but he was NOT going to give in to that so easily. Lust would have to wait; this wasn't his Moka.... he didn't want this.... IMPOSTER.
"WHERE. IS. SHE?" cold waves of death seeped from his words- the building groaning under the weight of itself now as metal rusted, bolts fell away and things meant to last a while longer withered away. In a way, it was death, death of a structure.... and it would be her next if he didn't get an answer.
Lust for her to be safe, for her body and to kill this Sin.....

Fists became claws as he pulled her white hair back, enough force to get head off the ground but not too much harm. "Listen to me, Rider. I'm going to let you up.... but you are to sit down on the couch and not touch anything. I have a call to make, not concerning you; fear not; you are mine and Envys prize. So Behave and I won't carve your back like steak."
Moka was making any noise at all at that point in time, no she had no real reason to fight back, not yet anyways. That would only get her into trouble, Especially since she was definitely at a disadvantage. She knew when a battle was worth fighting, and that was most definitely not now. "Fine." was all she mumbled when he commented that he was going to let her go.

Ivy was looking towards the Rider that arrived before she was shedding the cloak and dropping it onto the ground. Was she overly concerned at that point in time of this rider? A little bit but at the same time she wasn't. After all she was the only other one that knew where Moka was at. Lust seemed to know this as well as the woman was drifting forward and wrapping her arms around Ivy, drawing her close.
"How dare you speak to the only person whom knows where your other Rider is. You Riders.... You will pay for what you have done. You will pay for going against your word. For killing an innocent Sin that had done not wrong. And now you threaten another Sin that has done nothing wrong, other than tried to live a normal life." Lust spoke in a dark voice, already her minions seeming to come up out of nowhere.
Fangs still bared free as he looked to the mess of 'zombies'- a full circle around before facing the Two Sins. "She Stole My partner!" He snarled out "That is not innocent! Where is she!?" Stepping forward, the shiver went through his spine again. With a sudden spin, he was a clydesdale sized beast again and his teeth were around the zombie that had tried to attack him.
Tossing his head in the direction of the two woman, the headless, twitching male landed between them. *~DONT TEST ME! JUST GIVE ME MY PARTNER BACK!~* He roared in their heads- causing a bleed from the zombies eyes. *~DONT MAKE ME ASK AGAIN!!~*

Releasing his knee, Pride stood back up and straighten his collar. "Stay quiet and go sit." he ordered as the phone rang. He would very much not want to slap the Rider.
Ivy was looking over for a moment in time before she was taking a few steps away from the male for a moment in time. A small shudder passed through her before Lust was cooing, "I think this was our cue to get going." With that she was giving a faint grin before grabbing Ivy's hand and yanked her along with her, bolting out of the warehouse. Time to lead that damn Rider on a wild goose chase.

Moka was getting to her feet slowly and brushing herself off before she was going over and sitting on the couch, just drawing her knees up to her chest.
Spines high at the Sins departure and his mouth parted in snapping growl. Bouncing over and through the wall of Zombie; Alec raced after them- like before, hitting things.... but he was well aware now; this blood lust wasn't her doing, this was his own rage.
Sharp barks from the dogs as they paused at Mokas Cloak before trying to catch up to the crazy Rider.

Pride was quiet in his speaking, walking at a slower circle.... before returning to the couch and patting her head as what was being said passed through the speaker. ~You should find yourself some one special, Boss.... Becca would love to see you at the couples dance for once.~
"Adam.... Adam, I dont date, you know this..... This call wasn't about me it was about the business.... But I hear you, she's always been proud of getting that dance all set up. Perhaps... I'll just pop by.... drop off the report; a...." Pride paused at his words as he looked to the rider. "....A new venture in tow..... Yes, you too....Stay out of the toys tonight...." a clack of the phone to the holder and Pride shoved his hands in his own face. "Damn..... I hate that man.... but his wife makes for a good energy source.... No, dont look at me like that, I am not making her a cheater... her own pride is very potent." he had spun his head to look at the quiet woman. "I do actually own business here, Architectual inclined here."
What Ivy said was true, they really weren't 'all' bad.... A select few had potent issues that made some day to day things hard to come to terms with....
"Would you care to join me in a short visit. In and out then back here, I rather not leave you here by yourself." He offered..... if she declined, cage or some where dank.
Moka just sat quietly although she was watching out the window at that point in time. Oh man from there she could sense Alec's anger but that was about it. She could almost foresee another death at that point in time. But that wasn't going to be on her. Although her attention did turn fully towards Pride for a brief moment in time as she listened to him speak although was just raising an eyebrow at the comment of the man's wife making for a good energy source.
"Each to their own. And trust me, I know more about the Sins than the other Riders. Ivy tells me a lot." Moka spoke after a brief moment in time, giving a small shrug. The exact reason why she had formed her own opinion that they weren't all bad, just by listening to some of the stories that Ivy had to tell. Yet again there were some where the bad deeds outweighed the good deeds. Such as Greed, more of his deeds were selfish and bad than anything else.
"And as for joining in the visit, I doubt I have much of a choice. Would rather deal with people than be locked up." Moka mumbled after a moment in time, just fiddling with her bracelet briefly.

The two woman just ran through the streets although after a brief moment Lust was shoving Envy her phone and spoke, "Call that idiot Pride, and tell him he was fucking stupid to send you to distract Death."
"Well... You did.... but the second choice involve my shoe closest......" he shrugged and offered a hand. He just needed to get the two of the riders apart.... Killing would only bring Death to his doorstep.... literally. "We are going across town, car or portal?" he asked as he went to a closet for a different coat. It might be 1 in the morning but the human's party was just beginning.

Distract could have been used a totally different way, but a chase with a killing machine named DEATH.... was probably the first choice. Landing on cars in his jumps, Alec's tail snapped the hood off in its wild flicking before leaping again, claws on street teeth tearing up trash cans... today he might be causing more damage the a hail storm was. Which at 5 o'clock in the morning, that is what the news would report- a local super hail storm.
"So no choice practically. And your phone is going off." Moka spoke with a mumble as she heard the man's phone go off from where it was laying on the table, although she didn't pay it much heed at all, just stayed where she was at for the time. Nope she was going to play it carefully at that point in time, and was commenting that a car would probably be a better idea. Portals were to... well it would be suspicious if they showed up out of nowhere. And even if they thought they were teleporting into a safe spot, there could be a human hanging around.

Ivy was doing as she had been told and calling Pride's phone, although was giving a startled shriek when Lust was yanking her arm, and pulling her across the street, away from the pissed off Rider. Well they were definitely heading towards the polar opposite side of town that the other two were at, or even had to go. "Where the hell are we going?!" Ivy questioned Lust which just had the other woman looking towards her before she spoke, "Away from that. Towards the forest."
When the girls vanished down a skinny alley that he could not fit, the creature that was Alec roared, looked up and scaled the cement wall like a ladder. Tail knocked windows and he dashed through the building. Chairs and desks shoved aside with magic as his focus was following the smell that was Envy... and Lust. Yes, he smelled her when they both ran but he didn't 'really' care if she didn't have a hand in the kidnapping of his partner.

Retracting his hand from the snub, Pride snatched up the phone and looked at the number. "Envy. What is the purpose of this call. Im taking...." he held it away from his ear as the woman screeched.... and something further away roared..Ok then... Death was on her tail. "I didn't mean a chase! He's not going to stop you know."
"You said to distract him!" Ivy mumbled into the phone before she was following after Lust towards the forest, disappearing into the trees after a moment in time. Well this was going splendidly well. Not really.

Moka just listened for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "If he gets ahold of them.... he will kill them. Let me send a message to him, to assure him I am fine. That I came willingly, it should calm him. Hopefully."
"Yes, charm him, lead him away the nice way... Now he's berserk and wont ...." He paused as Moka mentioned trying to reason.... She may be the only one.
"Fine... It's a lie though.... That just means you really can't leave here now." He plopped the phone in her hand and kicked a good in the glass cage. He didn't want Envy dead because she decided to be bait instead of charming.
Moka just looked towards him for a moment in time before she spoke, "You realize.... he is going to visible need to see me or he won't believe it." With that she was brushing some of her hair from her face before speaking with Ivy for a brief moment in time. "Ivy. Do you remember where we first met. The canyon. Take him there. Yes you will be safe. Despite be being here, my pets will still protect you. I promised, didn't I. If Pride works with me, I should be there shortly." Moka spoke into the phone as she just looked at the man before she was closing the phone and tossing it back at him before walking off towards the door. "If you don't want to more dead Sins, I suggest you come along." she spoke. Although already.... she was doing something else that was going to get her into a lot more trouble. She disagreed with having another cleansing, just as she disagreed with the sins not being allowed to be reborn. Who would have figured that she had actually her own minions working on stealing the heads of Greed and Sloth, so that they could be reborn. "Oh and Pride. You owe me." Moka added after a moment in time.
There was a flicker of hate in his eyes to this... seriously, Envy didn't want to use her charms???? She had them....
Hands up as he followed the damn rider to his door. Portal seemed far easier at this point, and both of them still had to get to Adams party.
"I owe you nothing. This situation was on Envy. YOU were my prize, Death a second catch." he straightened his collar and dipped his head. "Hand on the knob, think where you want. Then open it."

Trees..... Why freaking trees..... Alec was pacing an area around a few step as his dogs caught up. He could not fit in here... he's ruing a swathe of trees.... and get really noticed, he was not a tornado. They would have to follow, slimmer and quick if need be.... they would find and report to him.....
Only One Sin NEEDED to die, both was a bonus.
Moka looked towards him before she spoke, "Oh but you do, you just haven't discovered why quite yet." With that she was thinking of where she was wanting to go and opening up the door, before passing through it. Soon enough they were at the location that she had told Ivy to meet her at, and there seemed to be that added bonus of Lust being there as well. Although she would sooner kick the woman off the cliff. With that she was walking forward before looking at Ivy before she spoke, "You know where my hideaway here is. Go there, there is something there. Take it and quickly." Seems like her minions had managed to steal away Sloth's head, and had stashed it away. This had Ivy hurrying off to do that, while Moka was walking forward towards the forest.
With the crew stopping, The dogs caught up. A mute call to their master and the beast crashed through his portal, teeth wide open as he aimed to bite whom ever was in front..... but it was Moka.... and they snapped closed at her nose. *~Oh Good! You brought me my partner!~* his mental voice stern as he only saw his Princess of Pestilence. *~Leave And Dont you touch her.~* Face snapped to attention to the Smell that was the one coating his Moka. Pride froze from where he stepped out of the same portal.
"Alec. Stand down. Now." Moka spoke after a moment in time as she was shifting so that she was standing between that of Pride and Alec, her arms folded across her chest. "I disagree with what Apocalypse wants to do. I don't like that the others have broke their word, the promise we had made that we wouldn't kill one of the Sins that have done no wrong. That has only escalated things, and made everything more complicated. Apocalypse wants to cleanse the world again, I disagree with this. It hasn't been that long since the last cleansing, which means humans haven't had the chance to learn. I went with them on my own free will because.... I want to protect them, and I want to protect this world. I want to prove that, we can all live in harmony. We can all live.... semi-normal lives." she spoke after a moment in time, a few of her "pets" seeming to take to surrounding her once again, obviously they had missed their mother and creator.

Ivy was returning to next to Pride and Lust, although she had her back to where Alec was at the time, and was just showing Pride what she had hidden in her arms, under the magicked blanket. The blanket that was preventing the other Riders from knowing what she had done. "Pride...." Ivy spoke in a soft voice and was lifting the blanket to reveal the head of Sloth.
The beast was trembling with the amount of rage he was holding back, watching his partner and now one dog to go the side of the Sins. Lips twitched at her words, ready to fly open and bite whom ever touched his girl. Yes, his, he took pride in calling her that -shit, thank you damn sin- and the absolute NEED to take her now in the worst way..... *~If say is true, Moka, that this was a peaceful turn over; I highly doubt this; I am still than free to turn in Lusts head.~*
Lips parted at a blink and gaze snapped to the creeping woman hiding behind the three, her claws and semi pink skin out and quite easily could tear Moka apart.
By no means did Alex like this situation, he'd have to barrel through them to get to the bitch...
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