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Blood Is Thicker (1×1 w/ Jikkah)

“M-Masamune?!” Yukimura called after him, but found his own legs too weak to move.
As Masamune ran, he spotted another Klaxosaur from the corner of his eyes- it was smaller than the first one however, but fast.
“What do you mean she’s piloting it alone!?”
He could hear some of the adults below starting to panic.
The smaller klaxosaur slammed into the first one, actually knocking it back and taking it down to the ground as it tore into the back of its neck.
The massive beast didn’t stay down for long though, throwing the smaller beast off and letting out a horrible screech before charging.
The two didn’t fight long before the smaller was thrown into the plantation, the feline looking machine nearly falling right on top of Masamune as it fell.
"Wh...What the hell...?" Masamune muttered, eyes wide.
"Nee-chan!!" It sounded like that other weird girl from the lake, where they all a deck below? "Hang on, nee-chan, I'm coming up! You know you can't pilot alone!"
The machine hissed as the door open and the same girl from the lake stumbled out, head bleeding profusely and her horn snapped in half. She spit out a mouthful of blood before looking to Masamune, breathing labored before she smiled at him again. “Hey, pervert, you’re still here?”
"I'm not a pervert!" He huffed, "What are you doing, you can't pilot that by yourself, you'll die!" He sounded just like Zero Four.
Her expression grew blank and she slowly stood, wiping the blood from her lips. “That’s fine with me honestly.” She said softly, turning to head back inside the Franxx.
Zero Three stopped, but didn’t turn around. “You’ll die.” She said flatly, turning and looking over her shoulder. “Are you telling me you don’t mind being devoured?”
He looked down, as if actually thinking it over. "As I am now, I may as well be dead. So either way makes no difference to me." He looked up with a determined expression, "So do what you want, use me and kill me I don't care! Just take me with you!"
A dark smirk crossed over her face, and she turned back to Masamune, offering her hand to him. “Come then.” She said. “Allow me a taste.”
She yanked him inside, and as they entered the shadowy interior of the Lilium Tigrinum, her eyes seemed to glow red. In a moment, Masamune was pulled against Zero Three, and her lips pressed firmly against his as she kissed him deeply, the Franxx door shutting behind them.
His eyes widened and the whole cockpit lit up like the night sky before he lost consciousness. Zero Four was with Dr Franxx, looking terrified as she watched the Lilium Tigrinum, hoping Zero Three was ok.
The giant klaxosaur brought its giant head back, ready to crush Tigrinum beneath it, but just as the beast brought its head down, Tigrinum came to life, stopping the attack and tossing back the klaxosaur like it was nothing. Tigrinum started to change its shape- no, it’s entire form changed, quickly becoming humanoid before pounding on the klaxosaur before it could get back up, slamming its fist into the beast over and over again before its arm sunk deep into the beast, then was yanked free. In the Franxx’ hand, was a glowing yellow orb, it’s core, the beast beneath the Franxx slowly slumping into a massive puddle of its own blood.
"She...she found a partner...?" Zero Four would be lying if she said the idea of her sister having a new partner didn't upset her. But if this person could pilot with Zero Three and not die like everyone else when they tried to seperate the siblings,then she would support her.
Dr. Franxx made a noise of pleasure, chuckling softly. “It looks like she’s finally settling down- or lashing out more.” He muttered.
After the Klaxosaur was defeated, Tigrinum moved to stand in idle, eventually powering down before the door hissed and opened, Zero Three exiting with Masamune slumped against her.
"Masamune!!" Motochika and Sasuke rushed over, wanting to get their friend to the infirmary. Zero Four made a face, was he unconscious the whole time? Did he really pilot with her sister?
A full day after the initial piloting had taken place, and there were many among the children of Mistilteinn that had taken issue with Masamune supposedly piloting with the girl they found out to be code 003.
Amaya sat across from Sasuke, legs crossed over one another. “You say that like he actually piloted the Franxx.” She said with a scowl. “He doesn’t even remember piloting it.”
"He obviously did though," Sasuke argued, "That Franxx didn't look like an actual Franxx and didn't actually fight until he got in it."
"I don't think Kita had to die for him to actually become a good pilot." Motochika stated. He didn't notice Kojurou visibly stiffen at the comment. He had always viewed Kita like a sister.
Nana nudged Motochika in the ribs, frowning softly. “Hey, Motochika, maybe don’t mention Kita..” She whispered softly, having seen Kojurou’s face pale. Yukimura’s own expression turned sour, frowning softly; almost immediately after the death of Kita, his partner Ume fell apart mentally and eventually physically, resulting her return to the Garden.
“Masamune did pilot the Franxx..” He spoke up. “I was there..”
"What?!" Sasuke shot up, "You saw him go in?!"
"What was the blue girl like?! The red one seemed like she was gonna have a heart attack!" Motochika said. Red one? There were two?
Yukimura felt his face flush, in all honesty, he hadn’t payed attention to either girl, he had been in a daze half from being struck in the head by falling rubble, half to being so damn entranced by the Franxx before him, he’d never seen anything quite like it. “I.. Don’t know.”
Amaya scoffed a bit, but said nothing, and Jin simply sighed softly, looking to her partner.
"In any case, we should trust that this is a golden opportunity for Masamune," Kojurou said calmly, "He can become a Parasite now. It will be easier for us now that it's evened out, four is better than three."
Yukimura’s heart dropped a bit, another reminder that he too had no partner, and no purpose.
“We don’t even know for sure if Papa will let him pilot with that girl- a human-klaxosaur hybrid? That doesn’t even sound possible.” Amaya said.
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