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Blood Is Thicker (1×1 w/ Jikkah)

Her expression grew sad, almost hopeful, but that quickly disappeared. “I wouldn’t bother.” She turned her back to him. “You’ll be dead soon anyway.”
This stopped her, and she slowly reached up to grasp at her chest, her heart feeling like it was going to burst. She hung her head, staring down at the floor for what seemed like forever before she spoke up. “Ok.” She whispered out. “I’ll take this name you have to offer.”
As soon as he said the name, she felt overwhelming pain in her head, falling to her knees and clutching her head, eyes wide and mouth open in agony.
"H-Hey, you ok...?!" He panicked before his own head began to pound in agony, "Wh-What the hell...?!"
"Masamune!" Kojurou had come in to see what was taking them so long and saw Zero Three on the ground, "What happened?!"
"I-I don't know...!" Masamune gasped.
Zero Three had curled up tight, almost pulling at her hair before she started to scream. Why was she screaming? Why did her head hurt? Why couldn’t she remember. Almost as quickly as she started screaming, she stopped, slumping forward, unconscious.
“What’s going on?” Jin rushed out followed by the others when Zero Three started screaming, all looking startled.
"Nee-chan!!" Akihime came rushing in, moving to Zero Three and holding her tightly before looking up at Masamune, "What did you do to her?!"
"N-Nothing! I-I just gave her a name cuz she was pissed off at you!" Masamune argued.
Her expression was one of pain, brows furrowed and mouth twisted into a grimace, then she muttered something. “Masha.” It was barely a whimper, but they could all hear it.
"Masha?" Motochika echoed, clearly confused. Akihime looked beyond panicked and easily carted Zero Three out of the room to the guest room they were given.
"H-Hey, hang on!" Motochika called but Akihime ignored him as she hurried off.
Zero Three muttered “Masha” over and over, looking more and more pained each time she said it, but she refused to wake.
Akihime laid Zero Three on her bed and debated telling Papa about her sister's returning memory. She couldn't do that to her, she loved her so much, but remembering caused her so much pain and this human would only break her heart. She pet Zero Three's hair gently, trying to soothe her as she rested.
She would stop muttering not long after, but remained asleep until lunchtime.
A soft knock came at the door and a girls voice spoke up. “Akihime-chan?” It was Jin.
“I’ve brought you lunch, are you awake?”
The door opened and she came in, holding a tray of food and setting it on the small table. “Is Zero Three ok?” She asked softly.
She nodded, "I think so...I think it's just something from when we were children acting up..." She replied gently, "I hope she didn't worry anyone." She looked up at Jin with a small frown, "We don't want to cause any unnecessary stress..."
Jin shook her head, her gentle smile still on her face. “Please don’t worry about it, Nanna said we should treat you as part of the team for the time being, so think nothing of it, we’re glad to support you.”
A team. People who cared for her and her sister. She smiled weakly as she fought her tears, "Thank you, Jin-dono...your kind words fill me with joy."
Jin noticed the tears in Akihime’s eyes and immediately was worried she had done something to offend her. “Please forgive me if I’ve said or done anything upsetting, it was not my intention..!”
"No, I've said, it's just been my sister and I for so long..." She dried her eyes quickly, "Having friends is such a wonderful feeling.."
Jin nodded and offered a smile once more. “If you need anything, everyone will be downstairs.” She said, giving a small bow before leaving.
Akihime stayed with Zero Three for a long time, not moving an inch.

"Are you alright, Masamune?" Kojurou asked. Masamune waved him away, holding his head.
"I'm fine, God, stop hovering would ya?" He huffed, "It's just a headache.."
Jin waited outside of the bedroom Masamune shared with Kojurou, waiting for Kojurou as to speak with him about the team once he was done.
Kojurou stepped out when he was sure Masamune was ok, jumping when he almost ran into Jin, "J-Jin-dono!" He cleared his throat, "How are they?"
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