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Blood Is Thicker (1×1 w/ Jikkah)

"Yeah, I hear she kills all her male pilots, that's why they make her team up with her sister. If they partner her with Masamune..." Motochika stopped, "She'll kill him too..."
"That's fine..." Everyone jumped at Masamune's voice, he was standing at the door, listening, "If I can help out, I want doesn't matter to me what happens. I can't just float around here and do nothing." Kojurou clenched his fists tightly, glaring at his lap.
No one really had anything to say to Masamune’s words, all shocked silent until Yukimura spoke up. “Masamune, wouldn’t you rather wait for a replacement from the Garden?” His brows were furrowed, but even he looked anxious.
"What, so I can just kill her too?" He asked, "How is that fair?"
"You killing yourself doesn't solve anything either!" Kojurou snapped, glaring over his shoulder.
“Hey now, we shouldn’t argue..” Nana tried to deescalate the situation, but the tension in the room was quite thick.
Masamune turned away and headed out of the building entirely, not looking like he was in the mood. Sasuke sighed softly.
"Ah jeez, now things are gonna stink of stress." He muttered.
“And you’re the one who caused it!” Amaya scolded Sasuke, grabbing him by the ear.

((How do you want Yuki and Aki to meet~?))
"Ow, ow, ow! Amaya!!" He whined loudly, trying to thrash away from her.

((Well she and Mego are being moved in to Mistilteinn, so maybe he meets her out in the courtyard?))
((Ok, bring her in whenever~))

“Darling~” A familiar voice sounded right behind Masamune in his ear, arms wrapping around his shoulders; it was Zero Three.
Masamune jumped slightly and looked back, "Darling...?" He asked, almost timidly.

Sasuke and Motochika headed outside to play some ball, only to stop when they saw the other weird girl with the red horn looking at all the plants in absolute wonder.
"Oi, what are you doing here?!" Sasuke snapped. She girl looked up and smiled.
"Don't mind me, I'm just looking." She replied kindly.
Zero Three stood just behind Masamune, a smirk on her face as she watched Masamune squirm away from her. “Of course, we shared a kiss; you’re my darling~” Her red eyes sparkled, and the smirk on her face seemed more like a smile.

Yukimura’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. “Y-You’re her!” He had only glimpsed the girl in red, but seeing her up close was different; she was beautiful.
Masamune blushed and looked away, "Oh...I've never really heard that term before. I guess it's good?"

The girl looked over and when her eyes landed on him, they widened in absolute infatuation. She suddenly became keenly aware of her horn and timidly tried to hide it from him with her hair. Sasuke looked annoyed and Motochika grinned.
"Aw, how cute, the lass is shy~" He teased.
Yukimura’s own face flushed and he quickly looked away, sputtering out. “W-Welcome! I-I’m Yuki- C-Code 035! It’s nice to meet you!!”
"Sasuke. Code 032." Sasuke greeted blandly. Motochika grinned and jerked his thumb into his chest.
"Motochika! Code 261!" He greeted. The girl looked confused before blushing.
"Code 004. Those...things you said before. What were they?" She asked. Sasuke rolled his eyes.
"They're our names." He answered. She looked to Yukimura.
"Yours is Yuki?" She asked.
Yukimura thought he would be able to look into Zero Fours eyes, but as soon as they locked gazes, he felt like steam would come out of his ears. “Y-Y-Yukimura desu!” He sputtered out, why was he acting like this? He had been around girls his whole life, why was she any different?
“A name..?” He looked down at Zero Fours shoes. “I-I wasn’t the one who named everyone...” He fell silent like he was done, but then spoke up again. “Akihime..?” He almost asked, looking up at her.
"Ew, you're calling her a princess?" Sasuke muttered. Zero Four - now Akihime - didn't seem the least bit bothered. In fact, she looked like she was over the moon about it.
"Arigatou, Yukimura!" She cheered and rushed to him, hugging him tightly, "I love it!"
“Well, she looked like a princes-“ His whole face lit up bright red when Akihime hugged him, looking like he would pass out at any moment.
She pulled back and smiled brightly, "Does this mean you're my prince?" She asked. Sasuke fumed and moved to kick the ball at her but Motochika caught him in time.
Yukimura blinked: prince? He had read a story about a prince and a princess at one point at the Garden...
“Yes.” He answered without even thinking, and he sounded genuine.
"Yukimura!!" Sasuke snapped but Akihime looked like she could die from the raw joy.
"Ureshii desu..." She breathed and wrapped her arms tight around his neck, her cheeks flushed red.
“T-Tight...!” Yukimura barely managed out, face and neck red from both her hugging him, and her hugging him too tightly.
"Ah! Gomen!" Akihime moved away, looking alarmed, "Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry..."
"They're perfect." Motochika half-joked quietly to Sasuke.
“Is she that girl with the horn?” Nana and Amaya had heard the ruckus the boys were making outside and decided to investigate, staring at Akihime with curious eyes, though Amaya looked apprehensive.
Akihime looked and smiled before bowing politely, "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Code 004. But my prince has given me the name Akihime."
"I'm gonna hurl." Sasuke muttered and went back inside. Motochika laughed and moved to Nana.
"This isn't the one Masamune was with, this is her sister."
"Nee-chan is known to be reckless. I ask you forgive her if she has caused any harm or discomfort." Akihime said.
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