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Blood Is Thicker (1×1 w/ Jikkah)

"Yes, much, thanks." He sounded embarrassed. He looked when he heard movement and there were adults coming around, including Nanna.
"Nee-chan!" Zero Four rushed over and hugged Zero Three, looking at Masamune and tightening her grip on her sister protectively, "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?"
Her expression immediately dropped into almost a lifeless look, and she simply looked away from Masamune, looking completely indifferent now. “I’m fine.” She said blandly.
"Let's go, Zero Three." Nanna said as Akihime returned the coat and hat onto Zero Three, making her look presentable. Masamune looked confused, maybe even a little hurt that this Zero Three had to leave and he had to be returned.
Zero Three didn’t argue, she had had her fun and now it was time for her to go back to work- as much as she absolutely hated it. She followed her sister, eyes downcast as she walked, shooting one last glance at Masamune before he too was escorted back to Mistilteinn, being scolded the whole way.
Masamune was sent to see Hachi, their caretaker with Nanna, and told that he had the choice to either return to the orphanage or stay. Masamune made a noise, knowing Kojurou would throw a fit if he left, so he decided to stay. He didn't know what he would do with himself, maybe use one of the training bots for a while to better control himself, but he didn't want Kojurou trying to hunt him down. Whe he left Hachi's office, he stopped when he noticed someone sitting on the bench waiting. "Yukimura?"
Yukimura stood up, long hair tucked back in a low ponytail as always, smiling brightly when he saw Masamune. “So you’ve decided to stay in Mistilteinn for now? Kojurou was worried about you when you ran off!”
"Yeah, didn't want the brute dragging me back.." He grinned, "What are you doing here anyway...? Don't you wanna see the graduation...?"
Yukimura frowned and looked down at his feet; his own partners mental stability took a turn for the worse and she was sent back to the garden for re-evaluation- he blamed himself naturally. “No, I figured I would wait here for you.” He said, quickly pulling a smile back on.
He frowned softly, "Well I was gonna watch them swallow all the praise." He said in good humor, a small smile on his face, "But if you'd rather not, we can walk around.."
Yukimura perked, shaking his head fervently. “We should go watch the ceremony, it’s already started, but I’m sure we haven’t missed the start up yet!”
Yukimura hurried after Masamune, the two hurrying to the ceremony.
The parasites were indeed just starting the process synchronization process, their first start up before Papa.
Nana and Motochika were paired together, the two of them always finding their practice start ups rather easy.
Amaya and Sasuke bickered usually, but their connection was also pretty stable, and as for Kojurou and Jin, they seemed to have the easiest time making a connection.
"Look at all the adults here...!" Sasuke whispered to Motochika, who grinned at the ginger with excitement.
"Aye, I can't believe they're all here to congratulate us." He whispered back.
Amaya would’ve elbowed Sasuke in the ribs had they not been center stage, so she opted for scolding him instead. “Shut it, we’re starting our piloting ceremony any minute.”
"Yeah, yeah, it's no big deal.." He muttered dismissively. After Papa's speech, they left to change into their pilot gear and enter their Franxx. Kojurou seemed a little out of sorts as he made sure his gear was straight while Jin got situated.
Jin glanced over her shoulder at Kojurou, long golden braid falling over her shoulder. “Kojurou, everything alright?” She asked with a small frown of concern.
He glanced up at her before tugging his gloves, "I did not see Masamune during Papa's speech. Perhaps he decided to return to the orphanage after all.."
Jin frowned softly, sitting up and turning on her seat to look at Kojurou. “Knowing him, he’s still kicking around Mistilteinn,” She gave him a small smile. “He isn’t one to up and quit like that.”
He made a noise and nodded, "Perhaps Hachi kept him longer than anticipated. I shouldn't let him worry me, otherwise it will strain you. Forgive me."
She simply shook her head again, returning her arms into the control pockets, the handles on her suit engaging and moving away from her body and extending so Kojurou could hold onto them. Before they could start up their Franxx however, alarms overhead started to blare, signaling the approaching Klaxosaur.
The beast was huge, with a massive head and jaw, slamming into the plantation with the loud screech of metal crumpling following. Immediately the plantations defenses came online, firing missiles at the rampaging klaxosaur, but the projectiles seemed to do little as it headed straight for the still inactive Franxx’ with the pilots still inside.
Yukimura and Masamune had just made it to the ceremony in time to see the klaxosaur attack, stopping in the long corridor and staring at the massive beast with wide eyes, Yukimura was frozen. “Are they still in the Franxx..!?”
The two stood there, frozen as the klaxosaur rammed into the Selenicereus Grandiflorus’ garage, which was still locked inside and not active.
Jin’s eyes widened when the two were nearly slammed into, flinching and holding on tightly as Kojurou and she were nearly thrown from their seats.
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