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Blood Is Thicker (1×1 w/ Jikkah)

Zero Three opened her eyes, blinking them a few times before looking around the aircraft carrier she was on with Zero Four. That same dream again, the boy she couldn’t forget, but the face she couldn’t remember; it had been years ago, but it wasn’t something she brought up with anyone, even Zero Four. Sitting up in her chair, she looked out the large window to her side, seeing Plantation Thirteen below- why were they even going there?
Zero Three turned her head away, her overgrown horn glinting in the sunlight. “I’m fine, you don’t have to fuss over me so much.” She muttered, glaring down at the plantation below.
"I know, but I enjoy fussing. It's sometimes the only way you let me get close anymore..." She said, "Perhaps you could allow me to trim your horn some time? Maybe I could even brush your hair?"
“I brushed my hair this morning and my horn is fine.” She said, seeming a bit irritated, but that wasn’t unusual for her as of late.
Once they landed, both Zero Three and Zero Four were greeted by Dr. Franxx and his entourage, heading further inside the plantation.
Zero Three looked bored the entire way, practically ignoring any interaction attempted to be made with her.
Zero Four was as polite as always, maybe that's why the adults liked her so much; She didn't question them about anything they were doing, just followed them with blind loyalty.
It was rather quiet as they made their way down the long escalator, but Zero Three was usually quiet around adults regardless; it wasn’t until Dr. Franxx spoke up however did anyone notice her absence.
“It seems like our problem child is gone already.” He mused, not bothering to turn around, for he knew she was long gone.
Everyone looked to Zero Four, who merely smiled and shrugged sheepishly, as if she had no control over her sister's actions. They looked around before Nanna caught Zero Three on one of the lower decks.
"There!" She yelled and pointed.
Zero Three had ditched both the heavy coat she had been wearing and the hat she hated so much. She turned over her shoulder and flipped the entourage the bird before disappearing through the double doors.

((Wanna bring in Masa~?))
Masamune was wandering around outside, kicking himself mentally over and over. There was no way he was going to be a Parasite now, not with the death of his partner weighing down on him. He was so stupid, how could he be so stupid? Why did he have to push her so hard?
Mistilteinn was amazing, the weather was cool and the fauna lush, Zero Three couldn’t help but be excited about exploring such a wonderous place. She was especially excited to find such a large body of water there, stripping down to nothing before diving into the cold water, swimming a bit before floating on her back, staring up at the sky.
"Did you know that there's this huge body of water called the sea?" Zero Four's voice echoed in her head, "It's supposed to be salty and it's always cold regardless of always being in the sun. We should try and find the sea sometime and go swimming, see if it actually is salty."
Zero Three picked her hand out of the water and gave the water droplets on her hand a taste, but frowned at the lack of saltiness to it. “Not the ocean.” She muttered, closing her eyes and continuing to float in the water.
Masamune continued his wandering, letting his feet just carry him where ever. He stopped at the lake and exhaled, maybe skipping rocks would make him feel better?
The sound of water shifting brought Masamune’s attention to the girl in the middle of the pond, floating motionlessly with her eyes shut, completely bare.
Masamune had never seen her before, long raven hair swirling in the water around her head as she bobbed along, the single blue horn sticking out of her forehead like a dagger, glinting in the sunlight.
As soon as he entered the water, Zero Three’s eyes shot open and she twisted in the water, getting to her feet and staring down Masamune with sharp eyes, then slowly starting toward him. In the blink of an eye, she had closed the distance between them and was now on top of him, both of them in the shallow water. “Why are you watching me?”
His eyes widened and he started stammering, "I-I thought you were drowning, I was gonna come help you." She was naked. He didn't realize that before, more focused on trying to save her from the lake. But now he was fully aware of her lack of clothes and had no idea how to handle it.
She blinked, looking a little taken aback when he said he was going to save her. As quick as she was on top of him, she was off, trudging out of the water as she wrung out her hair. “Your eyes wander.” She said, a soft smirk on her face.
Her smirk only grew. “Oh? So you don’t like the way they look?” She teased, not even trying to hide any part of herself; had she no sense of modesty?
"Wha- no, I think you look pretty!" Shut up, Masamune. "I was just always told it was rude to stare! Your body looks great!" Shut up, Masamune.
Her face went lax and she stared at him with a blank expression before she burst out laughing. “Oh, I get it now, you’re a pervert..!” She was nearly doubled over, still completely nude, holding her stomach as she laughed hysterically.
She caught them easily and held her hands up to mock innocence. “But of course~” She pulled on her underwear before moving over to gather up her other clothes, getting dressed and looking back to the boy. “Better?”
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