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Blood Is Thicker (1×1 w/ Jikkah)

"I'm Zero-Sixteen. But taken to calling myself Masamune instead." He introduced, "Your thing there says you're code Zero Three." He noted.
She blinked at his words, trailing behind him through the snow. She didn’t understand a lot of what he was saying, but she seemed to listen anyway, watching him with wide, curious eyes. “Masha..!”
She tilted her head, looking at him through her wild hair. She didn’t understand, she already had a name, why would she take another?
"It's easier than just spouting numbers all the time, I think.." He muttered, fidgetting when she just stared at him, "Forget it, you aren't interested."
She grabbed his arm tightly, refusing to let him go a step further, this time frowning deeply and making a soft whining noise. “Name.”
He looked back before smiling, "Ok, I'll think of a good name for you then." He said before he started thinking long and hard. "How about..." He muttered softly, brows furrowed, before looking up and snapping his fingers, "Mego!"
Her whole face lit up, and even with most of it hidden behind her hair, he could see her red-blue eyes sparkle. “Mego..!” She repeated, seeming to like the name she was given, even if she didn’t know what it meant.
The two traveled far, seeing small streams full of fish and many different birds. Everything seemed to startle Zero Three, leading her to cling to Masamune, baring her teeth at rabbits that scurried off to snow that fell from trees.
Masamune found it rather cute to see her act that way, telling her that they couldn't hurt her and that she was safe. She was a fun change of pace from Yukimura and Kojurou.
Soon she seemed to tire out, trudging in the snow behind him, holding his hand tightly. Perhaps she didn’t have the same amount of stamina he had, did she not train like he did?
He looked back and frowned, "Here, we can find somewhere to rest.." He said and looked around before finding and relatively dry log, "Here...!" He moved and sat down, brushing some snow aside for her to sit.
She sat down, breathing a bit hard, her breath making small puffs in the cold. She pulled her knees to her chest and rested her chin on her knees, looking to Masamune.
She made a face, still unable to understand much of what he was saying, but he was kind, he didn’t hurt her like the others. She reached out and took his hand again, holding his hand for warmth. “Masha... Good.”
He looked down at her hand and saw some healed scars, frowning softly before squeezing her hand, "Thank you.." He smiled, "You're good too...!"
The girl suddenly stiffened, eyes going wide when she heard the crunching of the snow somewhere off behind them.
He felt Zero Three’s hand squeeze his hand even tighter, shaking and staying huddled up where she was; he could see absolute fear in her eyes.
He looked back at her and signalled that she stay quiet before checking where the arned adults were and tugging her silently to a new hiding place. He wasn't about to let them take her back there, to be hurt and prodded like some kind of broken toy.
She followed him as quickly and as quietly as she could, but the adults were quick on their trail, and soon had them cornered. Zero Three hid behind Masamune, clinging to him desperately as the adults tried to pry the two apart.
The adults didn’t try to argue with Masamune, they simply yanked the two apart. As soon as they did that however, Zero Three lost it. She tore into one of the adults hands with her sharp teeth, scratching and kicking to get away and get back to Masamune. A heavy thud could be heard as Zero Three was rammed hard in the head, making her stumble and fall limp into the snow, blue liquid trickling from the split in her skin.
"Mego!" He struggled hard but ultimately they beat him over the head as well. He reached out to her in vain, struggling to keep his eyes open, "Please...don't take her away..."
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