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Blood Is Thicker (1×1 w/ Jikkah)

She stopped when he raised his hand, her blue-red eyes focusing on his hand, teeth still bared at the boy, but she had stopped hissing.
This was her, this was definitely the girl he had seen in the lab during his testing, he could never forget someone like her; blue skin and a single horn, she was like an Oni.
She seemed to relax for a moment before she bared her teeth at him again, ten stuck her tongue out at him; could she not talk?
She sat up a bit when he stuck his tongue out at her, first noticing the lack of sharpness to his teeth. She stopped scowling at him and simply watched, a look of wonder on her face.
He looked confused that she was just staring before mocking her by chomping his jaw. None of his teeth were sharp and pointed like hers.
She bore her teeth again, but this time it wasn’t in a sign of aggression, in fact, it almost looked like she was trying to smile at him, her odd-colored eyes seeming to hold a flicker of interest.
He furrowed his brow before grinning back at her. If only there was a way he could get closer to her. She was so odd, so different. So absolutely wonderful.
Suddenly her smile disappeared and was replaced with a look of pure fear, eyes moving to the door as she heard keys. The boy couldn’t hear the door being unlocked however, but he could tell something was there, and it scared the girl.
He had no choice but to leave before the adults found him. He dropped to the ground just as the door opened and Zero Four came back in. She moved to Zero Three and hugged her tight, "Daijoubu? They didn't do anything to you while I was away, did they?"
The panic slowly left her body when she saw it was only Zero Four returning, slowly wrapping her arms around the other girl and holding her tightly. “Lone.” She muttered against the other girl, having missed her friend.
She pet her hair slowly and smiled softly, "I'm glad they left you alone." She said softly before moving back and pulling some chocolate from her bag, "I convinced the adults to bring me something bitter, I had a nibble to make sure, I'm sorry," She smiled softly and held it out, "It's very unpleasant for my taste but I know you'll love it."
Her eyes sparkled and she quickly snatched the chocolate away from Zero Four, chomping down on the bitter chocolate with a small squeal of excitement.
Zero Three only continued to eat her chocolate happily, sitting on the floor as she practically inhaled it.
Zero Four smiled softly and tidied the room up, making the bed rolls and keeping everything clean.
The boy kept coming back to see Zero Three, usually when he noticed Zero Four was gone. He couldn't get any closer tot he window, but it seemed to be enough for him.
Zero Three seemed to enjoy the boy’s presence, even moving closer to the window with each visit. She was strange, and didn’t seem to know many words, but never the less, they managed communicating.
He wanted to get her out of there, to actually spend time with her. He was tired of the testing and the prodding, he just wanted to be free. So one day, when he was visiting, he had a huge rock he had managed to pull up with him, "Get away from the window!" He yelled so she could hear.
Zero Three saw the rock and looked a little panicked, but seemed to understand him enough to move away from the window.
He threw it with all his might and broke the glass without a second thought, jumping across the branch to stand on the window and offer his hand to her, "Come with me." He pleaded gently.
Zero Three hid her face when he broke the window, looking back to him when he spoke. She looked at his outstreatched hand and made a noise before slowly moving over and reaching out. She placed her hand in his gently; her nails looked more like claws, blue skin contrasting greatly against his peach colored skin.
As soon as she stepped into the snow, she stiffened. It was strange, cold and wet; she had never actually touched the white stuff that always fell outside her window. “Ah!” She curled up her toes; bare foot in the snow with an electronic cuff around her ankle, which read off a number: 03.
"Oh geeze, you don't have any shoes..." He muttered and tore pieces of his cloak to wrap gently around her feet to make a buffer from the cold, "There," He grinned at her with his odd teeth, "Better?"
She mimicked him, giving her awkward smile with those razor sharp teeth, pointed like knives.
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