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Blood Is Thicker (1×1 w/ Jikkah)

Nana blinked, then looked from Motochika to Akihime, smiling softly.
“Code 077, Nana.” She bowed her head slightly to her.
“Code 100, Amaya.” The white-haired girl muttered, seemingly just as grouchy as Sasuke.
Nana spoke up again, smile still on her face. “It’s nice to meet you, Akihime.”
"It's nice to meet all of you, as well. I hope we can become friends." She said earnestly, "It's only ever been nee-chan and I. And now that she has that boy..." Her smile became sad, "She won't really...need me anymore..."
“Nee-chan..?” Nana tilted her head. Was that the girl who piloted with Masamune? Speaking of which, where had he gone off to? “So it’s true you two are really siblings?”
She nodded, smile bright once more, "Hai. Nee-chan and I are one in the same. I love her very dearly, only I feel the sentiment is not shared. She's never really liked me. It's because of the adults, I think.." She answered.
"Adults?" Motochika asked. Akihime nodded.
"It isn't really my place to say...but they treated us very differently growing up. Nee-chan received the short end of the stick."
Yukimura didn’t understand, received the short end of the stick? “What do you mean? Was she not treated fairly?” He asked.
She shook her head, "She would never tell me what they did, but she was always so angry..." She replied, "She hated them for what they did...and she hates me because they didn't do the same with me..."
The group fell quiet, Yukimura frowning softly and Nana looking away.
“How horrible.” She muttered softly to Motochika.
"I have darkened the mood, please forgive me." Akihime apologized.
"Well, in any case, it's almost lunch time. I'm sure your sister and Masamune will show up sooner or later. Ya wanna come in?" Motochika asked. Akihime smiled brightly and nodded.
"I would like that very much."
Masamune and 004 was still missing, but everyone else had gathered at the two tables in the dinning room, which seemed to be split by gender.
“Still no Masamune?”
Jin asked softly.
"No, I haven't seen-" Kojurou stopped as he watched Akihime move her chair beside Yukimura's before taking her food over as well, "-him."
"I hope you don't mind if I sat with you..." Akihime said bashfully, playing with her hair. Sasuke, however, was practically shaking with rage.
Again, everyone was quiet, looking at Akihime in shock before slowly they all returned to their meals.
Yukimura sat stiffly as he ate his food, keeping his eyes glued to the plate. “I-I do not mind..!”
"Go sit at your own damn table!" Sasuke snapped. Akihime looked and frowned, hugging Yukimura's arm as if he could protect her from this rude man with red hair.
"I want to sit with my prince..." She said.
"He's not your prince!" Sasuke hissed.
Yukimura seemed to flustered to even eat properly, simply cutting his eggs over and over again.
“Why all the yelling?” A new voice popped up, Zero Three having come back with Masamune, frowning softly when her eyes fell on Akihime.
"Masamune!" Kojurou greeted with a smile. Masamune gave a wave and moved to sit down. Akihime looked away from Zero Three before perking up.
"Ah! Nee-chan! Yukimura gave me a name! I'm not Zero Four anymore! I'm Akihime!" She looked so happy to share this with her sister, hoping she would be happy as well.
Zero Three only stared at her sister, a flicker of malice in her eyes before she turned on her heel. “I’m going to the kitchens to look for baking chocolate.” She said before vanishing down the hall, clearly not in a good mood at all.
Akihime's grip tightened on Yukimura's arm but her smile didn't falter. Masamune looked confused before following after Zero Three.
"Hey, what's up?" He asked.
She looked over her shoulder at Masamune her crimson eyes cold. “Nothing, I said I wanted to get some chocolate from the kitchen, that’s all.”
“You aren’t? But it tastes good.” She blinked, stopping and turning to look at Masamune.
“Yeah, being bitter is what makes it good, if it were sweet it would be disgusting.” She said, like it was the norm to eat bitter chocolate straight.
She averted her gaze and put her hands behind her head. “Why would I be? I have a name already. We all do.”
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