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Blood Bound (ScarlettRose & Hatchet)

Nodding as he switched seats with her, he was too tired and a tad upset to worry about how she'd handle his prized ride as he simply sat there looking out the window ready to pass out. At one point his phone went off as he jumped awake and slowly answered it, the person on the other side being Nile's new pick up boy as Ronan tiredly told Amelia which direction he needed her to go until they were in a familiar area for him to get the order packed and finished.

Having her stay in the car, the windows heavily tinted, he slowly shambled out of the car his eyes lidded as he left into the warehouse and out the back, handing the man the large order.

Shuffling back, he got into the car pocketing the money as he laid back into the seat, "first order for him was a success."
Surprisingly she had no waited long for him the car. After all wasn’t that why she hired him? Because he was a professional.

As he slid back into the passenger seat, Amelia stroked his cheek as she drove off. Pleased to hear that things were running smoothly.

She drove him back to his place all the while her free hand was now entwined with his. When they pulled up into the parking lot she turned and kissed him.

It was not the fierce, passionate type of embrace this time. It was more the slow loving kind.

“Get some rest.” She said to him gently, kissing his closed eye lids. “My flights in . . .” She looked at her watch. “In less than two hours. I’ll be gone for a few days. I’ll see you when I get back.” She smiled at the human. “Don’t miss me too much.”
Ronan purred lightly as she stroked him, the man liking to be affectionately petted by her as he leaned into her touch. Kissing her back, his hand tightened around hers, having forgotten about her flight during these last couple days as he frowned, his hand releasing hers as he nodded.

"Oh...that's right." He said trying not to look so sullen about it, though he was quite the open book when it came to certain emotions. "...Alright, I'll see you later." He nodded, letting her leave and watching her go before he left up to his flat, falling onto the bed where he blacked out.
Her business when it came to her conglomerate always took far longer than it was supposed to so it was just over a week before she returned home.

Except, when she landed she didn’t go home. She headed straight for Ronan’s place. She had no intention to admit to him or anybody how much she had missed him.

They shared no text or calls during her time away but now she needed to see him. The Vampire longed to hold him. She was putting him above everything. Even the Clan as she had to go deal with Clan business too. But as far as Amelia was concerned that could wait too.

Of course she didn’t call up to say she was coming. As the elevator dinged open into his apartment she strolled in silently looking for him hoping to catch him off guard and surprise him.
The smell of blood was heavy through the air, when she entered the apartment, furniture, glass, plates, and the like were shattered or broken in some way littering the floor. Every room looked like a hurricane went through, bloody hand prints on the walls and floors as she entered the living area, there in Ronan's chair sat Nile, though he looked like he had seen better days as well, Ronan not having gone down without a fight.

He rested his feet on Ronan's unconscious body, his pulse incredibly weak as Nile casually read over a book he pulled from Ronan's shelf before pausing looking up at Amelia, faining surprise. "Well, my dear such a surprise. Might I be the first to welcome you home." He purred lightly, kicking Ronan in the head again for hood measure, the man groaning weakly.

"My source smelled you all over our delivery boy here. How long did you think this was going to last hm? What intel were you trying to gain from employing this cockroach?" Nile spat, tossing the book off to the side.

"No matter...I'm not actually here to kill you this time, in fact I think I found a much bigger prize...A new addition to my clan." He purred slowly glancing down to Ronan's body, "I just haven't decided on how painful I want the transformation to be...." He sighed, wanting to lure her there to watch him turn her beloved.
Amelia stiffened at the sight that greeted her. Something had gone terribly wrong here and it didn’t take a genius to figure out who or what the cause of it was.

She forced herself to relax at the sight of Nile. Her gaze flickering to Ronan’s barely conscious corpse on the ground. It physically hurt her when he kicked her lover. She held back a snarl.

Keeping her demeanour casual she glides forward into the room slowly. Her heels clicking on the marble floor as she stripped off her jacket.

“You know Nile, this back and worth thing we have going . . . It’s just the sexual tension between us. Now.” She slowly moved around his chair. “I’m tired of fighting it.”

She had to do everything in her power to save Ronan. Moving around Nile she came and straddled him. She ran her fingers through his thick blonde hair. Her fangs descending. “The human? He was just as distraction.” She lies running her fangs slowly down Nile’s vile neck. “Have him. He’s yours. My gift to you.”

Her chest pressed tightly to his she cooed in Nile’s ear. “You know what o figured out while I was away. We, have been fighting our own kind when we should be working together against those vile beasts. I hear you are married to one now. That must be so terrible for you but . . . We could always get rid of her and you can come back to your own kind and I’ll show you what a real partner can do for you.”
"Get off me, vile woman." He snarled as he shoved her away, dusting himself off as his brow twitched. "May I remind you, you murdered my parents to gain control of the original clan, forcing me off on my own to start over when I was just a boy.

It seemed the younger vampire had no interest with Amelia, though he did not comment about his wife he did look visibly irritated at the mention of ridding himself of her. "Your seduction tricks are old news, Amelia. However I will be taking your 'gift' with me. Ordering him to kill you, forcing you to rip him to pieces, now that to me is winning of erotic pleasure." He purred at her, the thought absolutely delicious to him, to watch such conflict within her.

Grabbing Ronan by the collar of his shirt, he tugged the tall man up to his feet, smacking him across the face as Ronan woke up just slightly, his blue eyes slowly looking to Amelia before to Nile once more. "I think he'll do nicely...I could always use a newborn in the front lines, perhaps he'll last more than a few seconds before dropping dead to your clan."
It was worth a try, Amelia conceded as Nile shoved her off. She in equal measures tried to dust his vile scent off her.

Though she hadn’t missed his reaction to the mention of his wife. It was very odd. She thought he’d jump at the chance of being rid of an ugly Were for a wife.

“Oh boo hoo.” She rolled her eyes. “So I killed your parents. You’re not the first or the last darling, I assure you.” She replied sweetly stepping between him and the exit as he grabbed Ronan.

“Actually I’m quite fond of this human.” She said slamming her palm into Nile’s chest sending him flying into the wall behind him as Ronan slipped out of his grasp and onto the floor.

She yearned to be by his side and take care of him but it’s have to wait. Nile was strong. He was a pure blood ergo she had to move fast. She was on him in a split second.

Slamming her weight down on his chest. Her fangs still down she looked lethal as her eyes turned crimson.

“I don’t appreciate you taking my things.” She said jumping now off him and with a kick to his side he slammed against the glass wall that made up the entire side of the far end of the room.

The glass shattered. The view of the city at night was beautiful as the wind blew through the broken glass. Amelia slowly stalked towards Nile. His skin bleeding and cut up from the shattered glass as with one hand she lifted him by his shirt and held him over the ledge.

It was unfortunate, she knew that if she dropped him, which she had every intention of doing, even the impact still wouldn’t kill him. There were only a very few select things that could kill a vampire.

“Take this as a lesson boy.” Amelia smiled cruelly. “Or I’ll do to you what I did to your parents.” Her fingers slowly beginning to let do of his shirt.
Grunting, rolling through the glass as he was shredded, he moved to get up and meet her with a punch of great force, though he had speed and strength of a pureblood Amelia was more skilled. Choking slightly at the hold on his shirt he refused to look down as he barred his fangs at her, he wouldn't admit defeat this time, as he kicked her in the stomach forcing her to release him.

He fell down several stories, gripping the edge of one before he safely got down and ran off with his tail between his legs but as usual, cockroaches would end up roaming back.

Ronan groaned, twitching on the floor as he tried to get up but failed immediately, Nile taking a lot of blood from him, having used him as a snack before Amelia got home and the bite wound was a nasty sight, though no venom was injected.
Amelia crumbled to her knees as Nile kicked her square in the stomach. She barely made a sound but the pain was undeniable. It was a long moment before she was able to gather her strength and crawl to her feet. Getting her baring's she spotted Ronan's half dead form on the floor covered in blood.

She ran to his side, pushing him as gently as possible to his back. Wiping the blood away with her immaculately white sleeve of her designer jacket. He was breathing. Thank God! Her breath had almost caught as she waited to see that. "You're okay." She whispered cradling his head in her lap. He was barely conscious.

Her heart bled for him. Slowly and carefully she dragged him by his jacket into the bedroom and the slowly onto the bed, depositing all his bloodied close in a pile by the bed as she grabbed some warm water and a flannel and cleaned each and everyone of his innumerable wounds. Her hand shaking slightly seeing her lover in such a state. Even tears brimmed her eyes. Nile would pay for this! The bastard! Amelia swore an oath.
He did not speak, only grunted and groaned as he was moved, no matter how carefully she did so pain shot through his body. Growling as she touched him with the water, twitching at the pain as he laid there staring up at the ceiling. He didn't really blame her for anything, but he wasn't a happy camper, especially since her 'couple days' turned into a week of no contact, though he himself was too nervous to bother her on business.

Nile had a thing for reopening old wounds, having cut deeply in scarred tissue from previous attackers as well as cracking some of Ronan's bones to keep him from moving too far. His knuckles were broken, however those were due to punching and swinging at his attacker rather than Nile smashing them, at least the human didn't go down without a fight of coarse.
Amelia looked down at him as he opened his eyes. "Hey there." She soothed rubbing his cheek. "Can't you stay out of trouble when I'm not around." She teased but it was only half-hearted. He was injured so badly, she didn't know where to start to put him back together. Silent tears streamed down her face that she quickly wiped away.

The thought of turning had entered her mind. But being turned into a Vampire was a cruel fate and although she had made peace with herself she would never wish it on another. That was why she was hesitant even when Donder had asked her to save his mate.

No, she wouldn't inflict that fate on her beloved. But for him to heal all these wounds as a human could take months if not years and he'd never be fully recovered. He was damaged beyond repaid. She kissed him lips gently. "I'll fix this." She promised climbing off the bed as she whipped out her phone and made a call.

"That favour." She said down the line. "I'm calling it in now."

It was less than an hour later when Amelia was stood next to a witch as they loomed over Ronan's battered form.

"Are you sure?" The witch asked Amelia.

"If I wasn't sure, why would I call you?!" Amelia snapped.

The witched shrugged after a long moment of staring at Amelia. It was clear she was uncomfortable with the situation but she owed Amelia and Amelia did not give a flying fuck about the rules at the moment. Blood magic was illegal now and banned by the council.

Ronan was half turned already with Nile draining him. Blood magic worked by the witches blood being consumed. The witch began to incant allowed, magic like the stars began to swirl over Ronan and then Amelia grabbed the witches arm and tore it open with her fangs. The witch shrieked at the pain but Amelia quickly shoved the flow of blood so it ran directly into Ronan's mouth.

In a sense the witch was sharing her power with Ronan. Her power would be the lesser for it for a long time but Ronan would be able to heal rapidly and heal fully as well as when he awoke he would possess the witches magic.

"That's enough." The witch said when she knew Ronan had enough to help him fully heal and recover but Amelia crushed her hold on the witches arm and held it in place. The witch struggled. "Let me go! He can't have it all!"

"Not all." Amelia replied calmly still holding her in place. "Just most." It was a further ten minutes before the witch realised her struggles were futile and another five before Amelia pushed her away instructing her to leave. The debt was cleared as she curled up next to Ronan's glowing form. She stroked his chest gently, not taking her eyes of him the entire night to make sure he never stopped breathing.
The blood burned as well with Nile's venom, he was unsure what was happening only seeing two forms hovering above him. The vampire venom in him wasn't enough to keep him alive to turn, but when the witch's blood mixed with it the ritual made it that more brutal as he turned.

His muscles spasmed as he gritted his teeth that sharpened, he wasn't quite a vampire, nor under Nile's control as the blood was like fire through his veins. He did not scream or shout, simply twitched and growled in pain but it was writhing and excruciating.

Late into the next day he finally stopped twitching, his blue eyes now a silvery white, haunting in color as the transformation was complete, Ronan staring at the ceiling, gritting his teeth not speaking with her, knowing she did something to him without his permission.
Amelia had stay with him throughout the whole ordeal. Watching him suffer . . . She had killed many people, hundreds if not thousands and she had made it all as slow and brutal as possible for her own pleasure but watching him suffer like this. The blood taking ahold and binding to him. It was torture for her for she knew there was nothing she could do for him but to lay with him and sooth him and tell him it'd be over soon.

Soon was far too long off. When he finally slowly stopped twitching, there was an unusual silence in the room. The sound of two creatures breathing. Rising on an elbow, she loomed over him as she lay next to him. Her soft hand stroked his jaw.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" She looked into his icy white eyes. She had seen eyes like that before but not for decades now. Now Ronan was part of a rare breed. "I-I . . . I'm sorry darling . . ."
His eyes were angry, but when she spoke, and touched his face red flecks appeared within his irises as his hand lunged and wrapped around his neck, the strength of a halfling an unchained power. "What did you do to me?!" He snapped, his fangs barred, not enough of a vampire to keep them retracted, "I told you I didn't want to be bitten!" Slowly he sat up, the veins in his arms turning black as he held her in an iron grip, the temperature in the room ticking up about twenty degrees.

Wincing as the power spiked through his veins, it stung as he let go of her with a wince, gripping his arm as the blackened color faded again and the temperature resumed back to its original setting. He was always explosive when angry, but he never once would want to lay a hand on her.

Putting his head into his hands as he sat there, his nails digging into his scalp as he said nothing to her trying to comprehend what had happened to his humanity.
Amelia gasped as she felt his iron grip around her neck. He was powerful beyond anything she could have imagined. She could have lashed out put him in his place but she didn't move. Simply remaining laxed in his grip until she was fight for air, even then she did not lash out at him.

She gasped coughing when he let her go. More than the physical pain, the pain he was suffering mentally bit at her heart. When he curled up in a ball, she pushed him back with her lightening speed, his bloodied hands shackled on either side of him by her own hands.

"You weren't bitten." She began and then breathed in deeply trying her best to explain this to him. "You WERE bitten by Nile. I could have changed you. Made you like me but I didn't. I would NEVER do that to you Ronan." His wrist still clasped in her arms as she leaned down. Her face a bare whisper away from his. "It's true you're no longer quite human but you're not a Vampire either. Ronan-" Tears began to brim her eyes once more and she swallowed hard, her voice cracking. "I was so scared he'd killed you. I couldn't bare losing you and I would not turn you. I had only one option. I gave you freedom Ronan. I gave you the world at your finger tips. I broke all the rules that I promised to abide by but I would do it again. Magic flows through your veins now. Don't you see . . . You're a God."
"If I'm a god, why is my body on fire, Amelia?" He said lowly through his teeth at her still in great pain and it wouldn't go away for a long while. His nails dug into the back of her hand, still fierce and angry about the situation that he couldn't seem to grasp. He had come to terms long ago that he would die young, though he loved her she could do so much better.

"You gave the decision to make me live with my utter piece of trash self for the rest of eternity." Ronan spoke slowly, his nails digging deeper until she started to bleed just a bit, his rage still growing like a raging fire within him. Wincing, quite literally as his veins heated up once more.
"I'm sorry sweetheart." She tried to sooth him. His nails dug into her skin. The pain was sharp and constant and she felt her skin break and begin to bleed. That's how much pain her poor baby was in. "I know. I know it hurts right now but it will pass. Soon."

Amelia promised. She hated seeing him like this. Like an injured animal, frightened, dangerous and lashing out. But she would not have changed her choice. If she had to do it all over again, she'd do the same over and over again because the truth was that he had wormed his way into her icy cold heart and she couldn't imagine a world without him in it.

"No." She told him firmly moving to straddle him. Both their hands covered in her blood now that flowed crimson over their pale skin and the stark white pillow case. "You're wrong. I gave you the power to live with yourself as long or as short as you wish. Learn your magic. Own it. Extending you existence is in the palm of your hands."

The kind of creature that he had become, had endless power at his finger tips. By no means was he immortal but if he wanted he could conjure himself to live as long as he pleased. Amelia captured his lips between hers. "But you don't get to do that until I say so." She said, her cold gaze boring down into his ghostly white one. "You are mine Ronan Lynch."
He simply snarled at her apology, not wanting her to be sorry but wanting her to fix it like she had before but this time she couldn't, witch blood wasn't part of her criteria. Slowly he calmed down, letting go of her hands as he laid there staring up at the ceiling sadly as the pain died down once more but it would spike again when he was set off.

He nodded in agreement when she told him who he belonged too, there was no question about it and he agreed to that much earlier than now. "...Can I have my pants now." He huffed still having a sheet cover his bottom half knowing she stripped him while he was recovering from Nile's attack.
When he let her go she held onto him a moment longer. Before slowly letting go. "No." She refused his request. Her bloodied hands coming to his face, bring his face up to kiss her, she held him pulling him up to a sitting position as her lips grasped at his for affection.

"Not until you kiss me like you mean it." She said against his lips. One arm around his back the other hand holding his face in place. "I thought I lost you . . . Tell me you're not leaving." She almost begged.

The apartment was trashed. She'd have to call someone to fix all the damage but not yet. She needed to know he was okay right now, that's all that mattered to her. "Do you hate me Ronan?"
Ronan kissed her back, though he was incredibly weak to put any force behind it as he held her to him in a lax grip. "I'm not going anywhere. Except to get some lunch." He mumbled, his stomach roaring in irritation since he was so hungry. "And this time I want McDonalds." He purred lightly loving to see the disgust on her face at his request.

Nuzzling at her neck he contemplated her question, finding it quite a stupid one at that but he could understand why she asked it.

"No I don't. I'm not happy with you but I don't hate you. Making a choice like that concerning me, but I get it. I'll get over it after a while." He answered honestly nuzzling her neck.
She stroked his head as he nuzzled her neck and she listened to him. Her spirits slightly perked by his words before she sighed dramatically. "I suppose this means we're going to McDonald's then?" The disgust was once again upon her beautiful features.

But if it got him to get over it and be happy with her once more quicker then she'd even do that. She'd step foot into that rat infested obesity club. It didn't mean she was happy about it. Sliding off the bed, she threw him a fresh pair of jeans and a shirt and his jacket.

Helping him up before removing her own blouses and changing into one of his fancy ones that she tucked into her trousers making it look less like his shirt and more like a fashion statement. "The things I do for you . . ." She sighed as they got into the elevator and the doors closed.
"Nah. Just anywhere with a drive thru, I'm not walking in." He huffed as he dressed himself walking out with her, taking her hand in his as his confidence level seemed to spike with her absence. Though in the elevator when she looked at him he stared straight ahead still a bit flushed with embarrassment.

When the machine shook, he wobbled, falling back and smacked his head onto the wall due to his weakness. Snarling he slammed his fist onto the walls of the elevator, his anger making the lights flicker. He hated this, he hated being weak in front of her, the fact she saw him lying at Nile's feet and he couldn't do anything about it and now he could barely stand.
Amelia grinned when he wouldn't look her in the eye but would hold her hand tight. "What? Are we in high school? Though I imagine this is high school behavior, never having gone there myself."

Then suddenly he was a state setting off the lights in the powerful elevator. Amelia placed a hand on his chest trying to calm him down. "Look at me." She said. "Focus. Don't you see how much power is flowing through you? Control it." She told him firmly. "You control it. Don't let it control you."

She slapped his face lightly when he was breathing hard, to tease him out of his emotional state which was effecting his new powers. "Remember, I'm still the boss."
Growling as his chest heaved, his eyes snapped open at her the look on his face was that of a scared animal, it was the most violent and hateful look he could muster as he stared directly at her before closing his eyes again, the power resuming as they slowly made their way down.

When she lightly smacked him, he grabbed her wrist and slammed it against the wall of the elevator but not hard enough to break. "Don't." He said lowly not looking at her as he released her grip. He would be like a volcano for the rest of the week perhaps, calm before getting set off. He felt weak, he felt robbed, he felt used but he didn't want to take his anger out on her.

He limped with her, not holding her hand anymore as the staff at the desk silently handed him his keys, to which he handed off to Amelia. He walked slower, his body tense still feeling like he was on fire and then frozen in ice.
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