Claiming The Wolf (Hatchet & ScarlettRose)

The ride back home was quiet but much preferred that way. Alyssa had a lot to think about. A lot to consider in a short space of time and it was getting on top of her some. But she had Donder to get her through it right?

"You're doing for a run now?" She questioned him when they got out of the car. The sky was a navy blue with streaks of red, night slowly creeping in. "Donder." She turned him to face her. "Are you alright? You never shut up for this amount of time." She half teased but then her features turned into a frown of concern. "What's wrong baby?" She asked, taking his chin in her hand forcing him to look up at her.
Donder searched her face, his expression still guarded before he pulled away and sighed, staring out the windshield. "...I know. I ruined your life at least once. Probably twice." He said glancing down at her stomach before looking back out the window. "I know you don't want to be a vampire but there's nothing I or anyone else can do about it and I'm sorry. I'll never be able to forgive myself for it. I just...i wanted you alive and with me. I know its selfish." He muttered, his knuckles white as he gripped the steering wheel.

"You just seem...Like you want to put off this whole vampirism and I get it. Its not fun but you can't. I just want to help you try to control it so its not as much of a hindrance in your life." Silent again he let out a low breath looking back at her.

"Do you want your degree? Because to me and I think to Alexander it seemed like you've changed your mind on it. Not to mention the baby, I got the feeling that if it was something other than a human you'd get rid of it. Alyssa even if we did all this 'right' and normal like everyone else there would be a chance, even if you weren't a vampire that the kid wouldn't be human. I asked you if you wanted the baby and you said yes only if I agreed to do this with you. And I did...But now it feels like you're just willing to get rid of it right as I started to get over my stigma." He said not baring to look at her, finally saying as he felt and thought, staring out the window.
Alyssa heard out Donder. She knew the way it seemed and the way she acted but mostly it was a lot of change and the same time as she was just grasping and anything solid and normal and familiar. Taking his chin in her hand again, Alyssa forced him to turn his head and look at her.

"Donder, I want my degree. Of course I do. I've worked hard to get to where I am. I've worked DAMNED hard. I just don't think," She stroked his cheek with her thumb. "That this is the right degree for me anymore. Especially with the circumstances of my change. As for being a Vampire," She sighed. "I won't lie, it's alot to still get my head around. It's not like a book or a movie. You're right I didn't want this but I do understand why you did it. You did it because you love me and I love you Donder, and if I'd had to make that decision I'd do the same thing in a heartbeat because having you with me however is better than a life without you."

Pulling him towards her, she pressed her lips to him gently at first and then more fiercely bringing his hand to her heart and then slowly moved it down to her bump. Her hand over his. "Maybe I'm being selfish by wanting this one to be human but I promise you I'll love it just as much no matter what he or she is. Promise me you'll do the same."
Nodding, rubbing his thumb over the bump as he thought things over, he nodded one more time and leaned in giving her a soft, sweet kiss. "Alright..." He said in understanding as he got out of the car with her, taking her hand and took her inside forgoing his run.

"...If...You want to pursue another degree...Tell me when you've figured it out and I can have them take you out of your current degree plan if you no longer wish to do it. You'll have to start over again in some fashion at Yale but financially if its fine with you I'll take care of it." He promised, holding her hand as he sat down on the couch watching her.

Cocking a brow however, "and don't take it like you did when I tipped you a Franklin. I just want to make it easier for you if you need to switch degrees." He huffed remembering when she tore into him. "Anyway. Alexander would like to see you again, if anything at least to make sure you're doing fine in the human medical sense as well as the vampires. He also...Knows quite a lot about werewolves...Because there are some things I don't want to talk about to you that he can." He muttered glancing to the side with a flush not wanting to go into it. "but if you'd like another appointment in with him soon, tell me and I'll schedule it with him. I'm not supposed to tell anyone but his 'closed schedule days' are actually open for supernaturals. He can get you in faster than normal."
Alyssa snuggled up to him on the couch, pulling his arm over her shoulder and around her as she slipped her finger through his. "Hmmm you paying my fees . . . I suppose I'll have to pay you back in some way." She cooed kissing and nipping her way up his jaw. "I wonder how I could possibly do that." She teased, then pulled away sharply. "But then I'm not sure I want you throwing it in my face when you get mad." She reminded him when he reminded her about that incident which had some hand in bringing them together.

"Yeah I guess set it up. I'll be more prepared this time. Plus we need to know how this little one is coming along." She cocked a brow at him when he flushed and started talking about Werewolves and things she should know. "Why don't you just tell me?" She asked him. "I rather learn it from you."

The curiosity was peaked and she'd be like a dog with a bone until she got answers. She turned on the couch to look at him fully. "Donder! Tell me." She demanded needing to know what this big secret was.
"I'm not going to throw it in your face. I was mad for some other reasons which will not be disclosed at this time." He said cocking a brow and tensed when she started to demand the big secret making him growl and get up. "No. Its embarrassing." He huffed trying to avoid her though she would follow.

Donder at this point was being a bit of a brat, his face and ears reddened with embarrassment as he huffed, "well maybe I don't want to tell you. Its weird and you wouldn't get it. Its a werewolf thing." He muttered going downstairs to hide from her and his embarrassment, shutting the door after him.
Alyssa jumped up at his over reaction. She growled in frustration at him. "Donder!" She shouted from behind him before following him down. "You're impossible! How can you possibly be embarrassed to tell ME anything?!" She asked astonished.

She followed his escape. He was unbelievable. "How can you be embarrassed to tell someone you've been naked with doing all sorts of weird but really hot stuff with," She couldn't help but add. "Anything?! We're about to have a child together! You can't keep things from me." Not letting a door stop her. Opening it, hands on hips she looked at him expectantly. "So you expect me to talk to a stranger about this thing that embarrasses you and will probably be no picnic for me because you're not man enough to tell me, your possible girlfriend. You'd rather through me out to the wolves!" The pun was completely intended. "Well, I'm not accepting that. And you know I won't quit til you tell me so why don't you just save yourself the trouble and wolf up and tell me."
Grumbling on his way down the stairs, she discovered it wasn't exactly a man cave down there but instead...Well lets just say she would figure out where Pierce became a nerd. He had every game console that could hook up to a television and preform well as well as mint condition comic books, most likely worth thousands if not more. On one wall there was a massive black board with equations and theorems written in his hand as he moved back to the very back part of the basement, sitting down on a wooden stool.

"First of all, you're not my 'possible girlfriend.' You're my girlfriend get used to it." He growled, turning on an overhead light, when she came around the sight was breath taking.

There was a small scale city, a medieval style made out of wood, metal, and clay with individual buildings people, animals, and everything that was highly detailed as he put an eye piece on and picked up an unfinished knight and his horse. This was one of his secret hobbies he hid down in the basement, not intending her to see it but it was where he typically went when he was stressed out.

"Ugh fine I'll tell you." He growled not looking at her, "pull up a stool. Anyway. Dominant werewolves typically do things thing called courting...We try to show off to our mates either before they get together or after. Kind of like the fuck boys at school do." He said rolling his eyes as he began painting. "Usually dominant wolves will hunt, lay a rabbit or a deer on your doorstep but I had a feeling that would freak you out so I never did it. So instead I thought maybe giving you a large tip would help...." He muttered showing her just how far back his feelings sort of started to bloom, or at least bud. "Obviously it didn't." He said glancing over at her, "I wanted to do other things like buy you a car or something I don't know. I really didn't know what you liked and I haven't courted someone since my wife who hated the idea in so long I sort of lost my touch. Not to mention again, I'd go kill a bear for you but I didn't want to freak you out....Considering you're not a werewolf you'd...Probably not like it"
Alyssa took in her surroundings not realising how much of a nerd her boyfriend was. It would have been endearing if he wasn't being so damned difficult. She'd always dated bad boys before him and all the guys she'd dated except for Nile probably didn't have a brain cell between them. She supposed that was another thing she found incredibly sexy about Donder, was how smart he was.

"That's to be seen isn't it?! She told him, venturing further into the nerd cave. "Depending on whether you tell me or not will decide if I'm your girlfriend or not." She threatened him emptily. "Though it appears to me, there's A LOT you've been keeping from me." She raised a defined brow at him as she pouted haughtily. "Donder! I've done everything you've asked you could at least do this one single thing for me."

She smiled when he conceded and began to listen, pulling up a stool like he said and making herself comfortable for the tale that was surely to be riveting. Her eyes sparked with amusement as soon as he began. "Wait! Wait! WAIT A MINUTE!" Alyssa grinned. "YOU were trying to GET with ME back then." She laughed. "My, my Professor Locke you are a very, very bad teacher." She grinned enjoying this far too much and laughed even more, covering her mouth with her hands as he went on. "Oh my gosh Donder!" She continued to laugh. "Is that all?!" When it looked like he was about to get up and leave, she quickly shifted onto his lap wrapping her arms around his neck forcing him to look at her. Amusement and love lighting her eyes. "You'd kill a bear for me huh? And what else would you do for me?" She asked him with a massive smile as she held his bearded chin in her fingers to stop him from looking away. He was so adorable when he was all embarrassed and flustered. She didn't think she could possibly love him more than she did in this moment right here.
"Look. I didn't want you to not like me, and the minute I heard you making fun of Pierce behind her back about her being a 'nerd' as you say I didn't want you to know." He huffed at her, his eyes narrowing as the massive man continued to paint the incredibly small wooden knight.

Flushing deeply, his face impossibly red as he seemed to sink and hunch down a bit, "alright no. I didn't want to get in your pants way back then I just. I don't know it was a crush. No one's ever gotten in my face like that before. I still didn't appreciate it but the fact that you kept stuttering apologies after you tore into me was a little adorable. Though annoying now..." He muttered glancing to the side as he knew her better.

Slowly setting his utensils down as he looked at her, his brows furrowed at her incredibly embarrassed, "yeah. Or a mountain lion or whatever. Anything that's not an endangered species, its what we do. Wolves in the wild do it to impress their mates. I've heard things of dominants purchasing a massive basket if mini muffins and have it sent to their lover's place of work, flowers, things they just like. But I guess I'm stupid and don't know a lot of the things you like." He huffed though both of them didn't know each other's hobbies.
"Awwww that's so cute." She grinned, kissing him thoroughly. "I always knew you liked it when I shout at you." Alyssa teased him, taking his face in her palms and littering him with more kisses. "I love you so much." She said to his squishing his red blushing face between her palms. "I always knew you were a big squishy marshmallow underneath all this grumpiness. Silly wolf." Running her hand down his chest. "But you know, you don't need to buy me anything Donder. You already please me, even when you're being a moody old hermit."

The confession from him was unexpected. She never thought he liked her way back then, she was almost certain he found her completely and utterly intolerable and then to find out after all this time that this big muscly wolf had a crush on her like a school boy, it was almost unbelievable yet her heart leapt at the innocent confession.

"As for Pierce, I didn't mean it in a mean way. It was more, like stating fact. You have to admit and now I see where she gets it from." She sat in his lap and thought for a minute. "You know this means, Pierce is going to be half-sister to our baby. Kinda weird huh?" She said and then asked. "Do you still talk to your ex? Like are you on good terms?"
"I don't." He grumbled at her, hating to be shouted at as she squeezed his cheeks causing him to scowl once more. "My face isn't supposed to do that," he huffed his voice muffled from her attempts at torture. Huffing as she continued to make fun of him he sat there, keeping her small frame in his massive lap as he leaned back into the chair feeling relaxed.

"She didn't mind being called a nerd, though she knew you said it out of dislike. I was just afraid you didn't like that sort of thing and if you can't see for yourself..." He trailed off looking around the room, a massive medieval fan especially Game of Thrones.

Grimacing at her last question, he sighed and rubbed his eyes frowning at her. "I'm going to start asking you questions about Nile and see how that makes you feel..." He huffed, his mood dropping considerably. "Pierce as far as I know does not talk to her mother and no. We are not on good terms either. Please stop asking me about her."
“You can ask me about Nile.” Alyssa replied. “Though, I doubt you’ll like the answers. Would you just relax already. Can’t be good being this uptight.”

Getting up from his lap she looked around the newly discovered room curiously. “This is like some young nerds fantasy.” Flicking through the comics. “How long were you going to keep this from me?” She asked with a grin, continuing through the impressive collection. “You know I know my way I like to think pretty competently through DC and Marvel.”
"...I'm not going to ask you about Nile. Though I don't understand what you saw in him." He snorted rolling his eyes as he slowly tried to relax as she scolded him. Grumbling as she removed herself from his lap he watched her walk around and inspect his things as he glared at her. "I'm not a nerd, its just a hobby." He huffed, unlike his daughter he did seem to mind the term as he got up following her a bit, his arms crossed.

"You don't seem like the type to even touch these. I'm still not sure if we have anything in common." He joked, thumbing through the well organized, mint condition collection of his comic books. The room did turn into a man cave at one point with a large movie section as he walked over and lounged on the couch yawning.
"Don't worry." She grinned over her shoulder at him when he came to stand behind her like a club bouncer. "I won't break or tear anything . . . Unless you make me mad." She teased. "Besides, there's nothing wrong with being a nerd. You shouldn't deny what you are. Accept it. Go on Donder say it. Say 'I Donder Locke am a big old nerd.' She continued to tease him.

Following him to the couch, Alyssa climbed on top of Donder and straddled him. "So what if we don't have anything in common?" She stroked his chest over his shirt. "We'll have to find new hobbies together otherwise we always have . . . one . . ." Her fingers slid down to hook into the edge of his jeans. " . . thing we seem to be great at together and I like to think you enjoy it and I suppose I'm quite satisfied . . . -ish." Alyssa winked down at him with a grin on her pretty lips.
"You won't break or tear anything period." He warned her darkly, his eyes narrowing as it took him decades to collect all of those things. "And no I will not say it, and stop calling me old." He muttered a bit insecure about his age especially with such a young girl carrying his child.

Grumbling to himself as he let her climb up and straddle him he cocked a brow, "couples typically fair better if they have things in common. But I suppose we can find new hobbies if we can't find some old ones." Letting out a snort of amusement as she reminded him of their one thing they could at least agree on before scowling at her again, "I satisfy you and you know it." Donder growled at her, barring his fangs. "You would have left me if I didn't by now."
“You think I’m that kind of woman?” She said with mock shock. “I suppose you’ll just have to remind me again.” She began to grind against him. “How satisfied you make me.”

Her nails raking down his chest over his shirt. “I mean if you have it in you. I know Daddy’s getting old and tired.” She teased knowing he disliked it when she called him old and would growl at her which only turned her on more.
"Well you make it sound like I don't have any other redeeming qualities." He snorted lightly, groaning as she ground against him his hand placing on her hips to have her go faster as he purred. "Sweetheart don't make me spank you," Donder warned in a low voice, his eyes flashing golden. Due to her pregnancy and her becoming his new mate his wolf liked to pop up more often as a protective measure, though he had the feeling she found it a little fun when he went wild.

"Ngh. On your knees." He growled, tearing off her short and pushing down her pants as he flipped her around, pressing her ass against his growing cock but not entering her as his hand slipped down rubbing her womanhood's folds.
"Why not?" Alyssa grinned leaning forward as she took his lower lip between her teeth. "Maybe I like being spanked by daddy."

His eyes glittered and his hands pressed into the skin of her hips, starting to take control. She knew what it meant and thoroughly looked forward to it. Grinding harder against him as his hands demanded. Playing with him, relentless in her teasing.

Alyssa gasped as he growled and in no time at all found herself in exactly the position he demanded. She bit her lip as she looked back at him, moaning, feeling herself becoming wet at the masterful strokes of his fingers. Her ass pressing back against his cock. Rubbing against him. Reaching back, she took his hardness in her hand and rubbed it between her ass cheeks. "Mmmm is this where you want it daddy?"
"I want it wherever I can get it from you sweetheart." He purred lightly, stroking her but never entering her wanting to drive his baby girl mad with desire. Groaning as he watched her rub his thick cock between her ass he grinned, "you sure do get slutty for Daddy, don't you darling?" He groaned as he leaned over, littering kisses on her back and up her shoulders before he slid his cock down to her cunt. "Let Daddy wet himself up first," he murmured sliding into her wetness with a low groan not wanting to take her dry.

"You get wet so easily, girly...You drive me insane." He purred his head rolling back in pleasure as his thrusts were long, deep, and painfully slow as his hands took control of her hips, leaving nail marks before giving her a hard spank, letting it sting her a bit before rubbing the reddened spot.

"In several months you're going to have to be careful about calling me Daddy" he teased her, watching her as he leaned back moaning at the sight of him entering her.
Alyssa moaned as he teased her unbarely. She gasped as his cock slid down to her soaking pussy. “Well I don’t think you want me getting wet for anyone else now do you Daddy?”

She grinned but that was wiped from her face as he entered her painfully slow. All of her clamping around him trying to keep him inside her.

Alyssa whimpered and cried out when he spanked her but still wanting more.

“Nuuh.” She replied as he fucked her slowly. “It means I can call you Daddy all the time. Baby needs to know it’s Daddy and I like having mine too.” She teased.
"It seems like you need to be reminded who your Daddy is sometimes." Donder grumbled a bit, leaning over and sank his wolfish teeth into her neck, leaving a mark there as he continued to thrust within her until the sound of wet skin against skin was heard.

Donder quickened his pace until she was just about to come for him, his chest heaving before he pulled out, her soaked womanhood now empty as his head teased her ass, Donder smirked as he loved to hear her whimper and whine for him, loving to have this dominance over her as he rocked lightly not fully entering her young ass wanting her to beg.

"Are we pouting, girly?" He asked looking over at her, his brows raised as a devilish grin spread its way on his lips.
Alyssa grinned at his wonders before moaning, arching back as his fangs broke the skin on her neck. Her body was covered in marks and bruising from their previous love making. It was just like his sexy tattoos except this one would show to any wolf, vampire or man just exactly who owned her. She was getting so close. So close to the edge. His manhood moving out of her and against her clit so right, she was ready to cry out for him in unabated pleasure when he pulled out.

"Why?!" Alyssa demanded on a whimper and yes she was pouting! So frustrated as the tip of his cock gently pressed against her waiting ass. Again she pushed up against it. "You're not leaving until you fill up something." She told him with sultry eyes over her bruise shoulder. "You got that daddy?" She told him feeling a little rebellious.
Donder's grin was slapped off his face as he moved to her in a flash, still not entering her, his cock moved under her as his length rubbed slowly against the opening folds of her pussy. His hand wrapped around her neck not putting any force to hurt her but to remind her of who and what he was.

"You're not going to be filled if you keep acting like that brat. You got that, little girl?" He retorted lowly in her ear, he didn't need to shout, knowing a whisper would do the trick as his length continued to tease her, "you're not helping either of us sweetheart...Don't you want Daddy to mark you like he did before?" He purred his free hand stroking the bump on her stomach as he nipped on her ear lobe. "Beg for it like a good girl."
Alyssa's gasp was cut short when Donder's larger hand wrapped around her throat. Her nipples growing painfully hard and the wetness between her legs only increasing with the power he exerted over her. Her eyes closing at the sensation of him slowly rubbing between her pussy lips.

She tried to nod but his hand made it impossible so instead she bit her lip and managed to get out a "Yes daddy." Her pussy trying hard to grasp onto him as she quivered in need for her man. "Yes daddy I do, so badly." Alyssa breathed. "Please! I need you to mark. I need daddy to use his little girl." She whimpered. Feeling his hand on her bump she mewed. "Daddy please!"

His cock still teased her endlessly and she was so frustrated but trapped in his hold. She continued to whimper. "Daddy take me please. I don't care where I just need to feel you inside me. Please daddy, please!"
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