Claiming The Wolf (Hatchet & ScarlettRose)

Alyssa watched him growl his peace and leave, leaving a key behind. He didn't so much say it but it was his way of admitting he loved her and was even willing to take on a child he didn't want just to keep her in his life. Her lips slowly curled into a smile. Silly wolf.

He would be unapproachable at the moment. She'd give him a few days to cool off and miss her before she made a presence in his life. But those few days had felt eternally long and she was certain she was suffering more than he was because she was missing his grumpy ass.

It was late on Saturday night that she drove to his remote cabin. Standing in front of the door, she didn't knock but called him. "Seeing as you don't like me dropping by unannounced to your house, I thought I'd call first and see if it's okay?" She said when he answered his. Even though he gave her a key, she wasn't going to let him live that one down.
Donder caught her scent and answered it anyway, not saying anything he simply hung up and got up to unlock the door and like a gentleman helped her take in anything she brought. "How long are you going to stay with me?" He asked not as if she was a nuisance but to know if he needed to clear out more than just a drawer, considering they were still in the dating phase.

Going upstairs to their room he helped her put things away tiredly, his hair colored black once more as he was self concious about his hair, especially when he had a girlfriend that continuously called him old. "You also have terrible timing. The full moon is tomorrow night." He muttered which is why he looked so tired, the moon's pull on him always making it hard the day before and the day of. "I have to lock myself away during it. You know. So I don't rape you or whatever." He mumbled not wanting to scare her off.
She handed him her night back that had enough clothes for a few days. She had no intention of moving in with his quite yet. Now that would be REALLY stupid. She let him take her bag and followed him in. "A few days I guess." Alyssa replied simply with a shrug.

"Mmm terrible timing." She tried to hide her smile as it grew bigger and bigger until she couldn't stop smiling. "Wouldn't want that." She said from behind him as he began clearing out a draw for her which she thought was unnecessary but didn't think telling him was a good idea. Watching him from behind as at the mention of the shift she remember the last time he had shifted - the first time she had witnessed him half shift - and the amazing sex they had.

Surely now that she was knocked up, it was the perfect time for mind blowing unprotected sex but she wasn't going to raise the subject with him. No matter how appealing it was. She also notice he died his hair. "You know I preferred you grey." She commented from over his shoulder.
Nodding as he put everything away for her, his house was clean and pristine once more, straightening up he grumbled as his eyes started to change color before sticking on gold. "I see. Sorry you probably won't see much of me." He said his brows furrowed, sometimes the moon would be more violent than others as he motioned her to the window pointing at what looked like an underground bomb shelter next to his house. "I'll be in there for the majority of tomorrow." He said to warn her.

Rubbing his head as he felt a bit whoozy he walked down stairs as he flushed a bit when she said she liked him with his greys and nodded in thought to take that into account as he laid back down on the couch grimacing at the soreness in his bones.
Huffing, Alyssa fell back onto the bed when Donder skittered downstairs. What was the point? She thought to herself as she stared up at the ceiling. If she wanted to just stare up into space she could have done that back at her place. Though she didn't argue the fact, she didn't want him locked away tomorrow, she wanted him with her, in his arms. No matter what form.

Laying there, the room slowly grew more darker. She couldn't sleep but she didn't want to interrupt him. He didn't seem to want her around. It felt as if they kept avoiding each other slowly they'd avoid each other completely. Maybe that was what the future held for her. A slow progression into being alone. Well, not completely alone. She thought as she stroked the slight bump that wasn't noticeable unless you touched it.
Late in the night, there was a shattering of glass from downstairs and a thud as Donder fell to the ground, his bones cracking. The moon's power pulled him, forcing him to change much sooner than he first expected. Normally Donder was quite good at predicting when he should leave for the cellar but the rage he experienced over the last few weeks and stressed must have sped up the process.

Letting out a low growl he tried to fight it, making it even more painful for him as he writhed on the floor, Kanto whimpering and ran upstairs, barking at Alyssa while pacing nervously in the doorway.
Alyssa wasn't awoke by the shattering of the glass but by Kanto's frantic barking. She opened the door, waking from a restless slumber. The dog ran in barking like a mad dog. She locked him in the bedroom and ventured downstairs.

As she took the last step down she was confronted by Donder's Wolf. He snarled at her. She was as still as a tree. At one point in her life she would have been quivering but she wasn't afraid of the beast even as it bared it's teeth at her. She let him approach her, take in her scent.

They had met before. He gaze met his golden one no wavering in anyway. Her hand reached out plunging her fingers in his cashmere soft fur.
This time there was almost no inkling of her Donder, he was completely an animal overcome with rage and the need of a beast. He snarled at her, his claws tearing into the floor once more as she pet him. Shaking her hand away, he snapped his fangs at her, catching her blouse as it tore off cleanly before his snout pushed her down. Chest heaving, he looked as if he was going to tear her apart there on the floor of the kitchen.

Still for a moment, his large nose lightly tapped her stomach, the little bump there as he sniffed and huffed, it looked like gears were turning in the beast's mind as he slowly laid down, his paws on either side of her as he seemed fixated on that spot. Wolves in the wild did not take kindly to pregnancy and pups unless they were their own, and there in his most primal form, Donder accepted the unborn pup as he nuzzled and licked the spot lightly, still feral but now calming as he realized she was his mate, carrying his pup.
Even as he pushed her hand away and snapped his fangs at her, Alyssa bit down her yelp. She could not believe that Donder in any form would hurt her. She refused to believe it but still she backed away slowly but with a snarl of his fangs he ripped her shirt clean off her and she found herself falling back onto the cold kitchen from.

This time she cried out as she hit the floor. She was imprisoned beneath him. His massive form looming over her. Her bare chest heaved. She yelped as she felt his cold snout explorer her skin. Sniffing. She didn't know what for but then it dawned on her as he nuzzled and licked her small bump and she felt him calming down. Alyssa didn't realise there were silent tears running off the side of her face. No out of fear but . . . some feeling she couldn't describe.

She plunged her fingers back in his dark fur, bringing his head down between her breast, she stroked him, holding him close as she lay on the floor, littering his snout with kissed.
He grumbled as she tore him from his spot of focus, nuzzling her neck lightly, licking the tears from her face, though lovingly he still had an objective to complete as any wolf did with their mate. Growling, he shifted, crouching instead of laying down he nudged her, his lips curled over his fangs almost pleading to breed her, to keep a fresh mark on her though she carried his pup.

Unlike to all others the wolf was careful with her yet still dominating, allowing her choice but he kept his paws away from her stomach not wanting to hurt the child or stress her in any way, giving Alyssa full control of the situation.
When he crouched infront of her she sat up slightly. It was clear what the wolf wanted but this was a different side she had not seen before. A somewhat gentler side. She could easily growl and tell him to back off but when he was being so loving . . . How could she refuse him?

"Oh really?" She said with a raised, her thumbs hooking into her trousers and panties at the same time, slowly shimming them down until they were completely off and thrown to the otherside of the kitchen. Bare in front of her wolf, biting her lip, she crawled on her hands and knees slowly towards him rubbing herself against his fur. Her hands stroking, nuzzling her face in the thick fur at his neck.

"Do you think you deserve it Donder?"
The wolf cocked his head to the side at her, somewhat able to understand her but the beast had taken over. Instead he simply let out a gruff sound at her, sniffing and licking at her breasts and the spot of her stomach seeming fixated on that before moving down and nosing her legs apart before his eyes slowly laid on her's, slowly licking from her base up as his tongue moved deep within her at a slow, and painfully pleasurable pace before resting his head lightly on her stomach teasing her if she wanted more.

Deep down he didn't really think he deserved anything from her, this time he aimed to please her as his ears drooped adorably, his tail flicking but between his legs his cock was hardened with the need to breed and bury his seed deep within his mate.
Her nipples grew hard as he licked them. Alyssa moaned, arching up to her wolf's touch. If was odd when he kept coming back to the small curve of her stomach. Donder as a human had wanted little to do with their unborn child. He barely even touched her anymore but his wolf was different.

She gasped as he nudged her legs apart and then cried out as he slowly, painfully slowly began licking her slit. His big wet dipping inside her, her muscles couldn't help but clamp around him. Her fingers digging into the fur at his head. When he stopped at rested his head against her stomach, she whimpered with need.

There was nothing more she wanted then him buried deep inside her womanhood. Mate with him, have him breed her over and over again. Mark him as hers in every way imaginable. Pushing his head off her stomach, she sat up pulling him close. Her hand reaching down to stroke his massive cock. Nuzzling his neck as she pressed his knot against her dripping pussy. She needed him so badly, needed to be filled.
The wolf growled lowly at her, moving up as his paws were placed on either side of her as he mounted her once more. His cock fully out of his sheath to greet her as he pushed into her as much as she would allow and what would fit. It was common for werewolves like people to mate once pregnant, but wolves saw it to mark their mates continuously.

Pushing into her he let out a low growl and began to ride her, this time he was more fierce and unchained due to the moon but still holding himself back a bit due to her not being a were. Panting, he lowered himself so she could grab onto the fur of his neck and chest to pull him in deeper, growls rumbling through his chest as his balls slapped against her, his fur tickling her nipples and stomach as he thrust.
Alyssa moaned arching and withering as he entered her. Her wolf. Her Donder. Not matter how they fought, this always bought them back together. This mutual need for each other. This constant aching.

She gripped onto his fur, her chest pressed firmly against his warm fur. The womanhood opening up to him, taking him as deep as she possibly could. He filled her up and she contracted around him.

She wanted more of him. All of him. Alyssa wrapped her long legs around her wolf, moaning as he slipped deeper. His massive balls slapping her every time he thrust. Looking between them she watched him pound her tight little cunt knowing it wouldn’t be long before he spilled himself inside her.
Growling and whimpering for her it didn’t take long for them to reach their climax as he let out a low whine.

His warm seed pouring into her as he rocked out the feeling and pulled from her panting. Slowly he laid down with her his nose lightly on her stomach as he curled around her, the one who saved him from the rage of the full moon that night.

In the morning he was back in his human form though he looked as if he had seen better days. The forced change made his body fight against him when he moved gritting his teeth as he picked her up and laid her back on the couch, Donder having trouble moving after that as he sat on the floor wincing.
The wolf as always had taken it out of Alyssa. She slept through the night and then the day. Hardly stirring until the sun began to dip in the sky. Stretching she yawned. Eyes still stuck together sit sleep as she sat up on the couch and wrapped a big furry blanket around her much like Donder's fur except the black was tinted with white and grey.

The house was silent. She wondered where he had disappeared to. Maybe he didn't want to see her. He hadn't last night but his wolf had forced him to. Maybe he felt she'd taken advantage of him when he wasn't fully in control. But the wolf hadn't complained and neither had she when he filled her up.

As if at the thought the soreness between her leg became more apparent. She decided she needed a long warm bath and went to run one. She doubted she'd find candles or bubbles in Donder's house so didn't even bother to look but a glass of wine . . . She was certain she had stopped a vintage red in the kitchen and made the way down as the bath filled.

She was in such a rush to dip into the hot soapy water that she almost tripped over Donder. "What are you doing down there?" She asked with a frown. He couldn't have possibly wanted to avoid her this much!
Donder let out a low grunt when she tripped over him. He was able to pull himself up to at least put a pair of boxers and jeans on but he looked terrible. He had bruising on his body from the early shift and tonight was the true full moon meaning he would be in great pain.

“Sorry sweetheart I didn’t mean to scare you.” He wheezed a bit trying to sit up. “The thing about early turning on a full moon is that...ergh...I can’t really move.” He said looking pitiful as he tried to get out of her way but he couldn’t even stand on his own power.
It was clear he was in far more pain then he was letting on. Silly wolf. She helped him slowly to a chair brushing his hair out of his face. "You look terrible." She frowned filling a glass of water and bringing it to his lips to help him drink.

"Why don't you just stay in Wolf form, surely that's easier than shifting back and forth?" She asked him, not liking to see him in pain at all. "At least when the moon is around."

Tonight he looked older than he was. She stroked his furry cheek frowning. "Maybe . . . I shouldn't wear you out so much." She half joked with a small smile.
"It's not that I don't want to its that I can't. When its not forced I just turn back and then it has to repeat itself. Not to mention I break everything I touch in the house." He reminded her not wanting to be stuck outside all day as he winced. Letting out a snort of a laugh he leaned into her touch drinking the water she gave him.

"...Anyway I guess I'll drag myself down the hall. I leave to your bath or whatever I don't know." He said taking a guess at what she was up to as he slowly got to his feet needing to use the wall for support but even then it looked as if he was going to fall over, his bones popping when he moved.
Alyssa frowned as he explained. Biology had too many rules to her that didn't make sense. When he leaned into her touch she pulled him close. Her poor old wolf. She watched him struggle to even stand. It was so saddening. To see such a powerful creature become so weak and lame. But she doubted he'd appreciate her pity.

Grabbing the bottle of wine she'd come down for she went after him. Pulling his arm around over her shoulder, she stabilised him. "Come on." She said leading him slowly up the stairs. "I have a better idea."

Slowly but surely and steadily she managed to get him upstairs and stripped him rather efficiently that she was impressed with herself. Lowering him into the water. Stripping off her own shirt she slipped into the water behind him allowing her body to support his, massaging the tense muscles of his shoulder and back. The steaming hot water no doubt helping too.
"I think this position is supposed to be flipped." He grumbled a bit in front of her, his face flushed lightly as she doted on him. After a while he was a purring mess as he leaned into her, trying not to relax so much that he was crushing her with his powerful weight as she worked him to nothing but a puddle of pleasure.

Resting his head back on the crook of her neck he purred lightly, nipping at her earlobe seeming to be comforted by her once more, any anger and stress from their situation had melted away as she massaged his tense body. "...I'm sorry about...Well lets just cut it down to I'm sorry." He mumbled after a while having a lot of things to be sorry about, at one point his hand rested on that small bump on her stomach.
"Mmm but it's my turn to take care of you." Alyssa said against his ear, feeling him slowly begin to loosen up and unwind. She continued to work the knots out of his muscles. She wondered how he'd not had a stroke or a heart attack from all this stress he was carrying around on his back.

When he had fully reclined and lay on her chest, her hands moved forward, massaging his strong arms and his firm chest and abs. Enjoying the view of her man from here. She kissed the temple and the side of his face, littering him with affection. Her heart burst with love for him. "It's okay baby." She pressed her lips to his neck where she had bitten him once. "Though actually, can you say it one more time so I can record it and keep it." She teased laughing.

But then her stomach tensed when he surprised her by reaching back and touching the bump. She tried to relax. "I'm sorry . . . That it happened." Refering to the pregnancy that he did not want.
Donder said nothing as she apologized, his thumb slowly stroking it as if he was trying to come to terms with the situation as he thought. "...I think...We can make it work." He murmured after a while, "if you want it to." He said knowing she had the choice to get rid of it but he wasn't going to risk going down that road with her. "But I...I had to resign from my position at the University last week." He said looking at her, "they don't know about us yet. To them it just looked like I retired." He said with irritation at that word. "You're still a student last I looked at your record, you need to get your ass back in class by the way." He huffed but knew why she was absent.

"...It would just be impossible to allow you to keep going for your degree while I still worked there, and now with the pregnancy thrown in the mix I just decided to resign and 'retire.'" Donder didn't look pleased about the situation, but it was the only way they could make it work without affecting her more with stress.
Make it work . . . She thought about that as he continued to speak taking it all in. Her frown growing deeper as he told her about his job situation. "But you love that job." Alyssa said with a start looking down at him. "You shouldn't leave it because me. You can't leave it because of me. I'll . . . figure something else. I mean I can study anywhere. Doesn't need to be Ivy League."

Hell! She'd already made a million compromises in her life. What was one more? There was a point in her life when Alyssa would not have given her dream up for anything or anyone. But then she fell in love. Hard. With a grumpy old Werewolf and her life was quite literally changed forever. In more ways than most could imagine.

"Donder." She looked down at him stroking his hair back out of his eyes. He was so handsome. She didn't realise how much she loved that face until she had almost lost it. "If you really don't want . . ." Going back to the first subject. "This . . ." She swallowed hard. "Our baby." She looked away not being able to hold his gaze. "Then we don't have to . . ." If there was a possibility of losing him, she had thought long and hard about this. She'd rather given up their child and any hope of her wish to have children in the future, rather than lose him. "What I mean is . . . Donder, I choose you."
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