Claiming The Wolf (Hatchet & ScarlettRose)

Donder gave her a deadpan glare from the bed, however the only thing he commented on was, "only good?" He snorted at her knowing she was trying to get another rise out of him before he yawned and stretched lazily.

Then she started hammering him with questions, the Pierce thing he understood but when it came to his ex he let out a low grumble, "Alyssa are you serious? Why don't I start hounding you with questions about Nile or whatever." He huffed before sitting up, "if I tell you now, you can't ask any more questions about it later. I hate talking about this stuff."

"Listen...Ren and I were incredibly strict parents with Pierce, we didn't allow anything less from excellence. Now Pierce is a smart kid through and through but we had a zero tolerance policy, when she was doing something like free reading or playing a video game or hanging out with friends she wouldn't be doing any of those. She'd sit her ass down and do homework. Its how we got her to skip three grades in school. That's part of the reason she's younger than you but still in your same class." He muttered rubbing his head.

"...Honestly that's probably why she's so unfriendly to people. She wasn't given much of a chance to interact...She has friends now...But I think we both can agree she's introverted."

"...Anyway my drinking problem was a lot worse when she was around nine to eleven. That's when her mother left...I did things...I hit her, I kicked her, pushed her down the stairs...Shouted, called her just about everything in the book because she looked like her mom." Pausing he looked at her from between his fingers, "and before you ask no I never sexually assaulted her, I'm a scum bag but not that kind of scum bag."

"Her relationship with Ren was bad, Ren was more emotionally abusive to her while we were married, and when she left she cut off all contact with Pierce. Ren was a warlock...We got a divorce simply because we were like oil and water. Sure we worked out in the beginning but our relationship sort of started off like ours...It started off with a drunk night of sex and we just sort of became obsessed with each other and then...You know we got married and things fell apart. That's why I was so...Unsure with you. I can't speak for your actions but I don't want to fall back into my old ones."
Alyssa found herself wishing she’d never asked. More than anything she found herself confronted with a side of Donder she didn’t know and didn’t want to know.

Her stomach churned at the thought of what he did to that poor girl. No wonder she was the way she was. Hell it was a miracle she was functional at all and even more so that she wanted anything to do with Donder!

Alyssa’s own mother had been a junkie. The worst she had done to Alyssa was leave her in a crackhouse with other users as a kid and Alyssa barely spoke to her mother now. She couldn’t forgive her it. That told her Pierce was a far bigger person than either she or Donder were. He didn’t know how lucky he was do have a kid like her.

Alyssa had. New found respect for Pierce. Though she had to remind herself that Donder was no longer that person. He was a different man now.

She considered him silently for a long moment before she pushed him back down onto his back with a hand around his throat.

“You won’t be doing any of that with our children.” She warned him, no less fierce than if she had been a Were herself protecting her cubs.

Alyssa climbed off him silently as she considered everything he had said. Pulling on one of his clean shirts and tying it with a belt under her chest. It’s have to do until she could grab some of her own clothes from home.
Grunting as she had him by the neck, his eyes went golden as they flashed at her but he made no move to hurt her though every nerve in his body screamed to maul the leech, he knew she was something much more.

He did not protest what she said, the fact that he didn't want any more children and he refused to correct her knowing she meant business. Sitting up as he watched her leave, he huffed, rubbing his neck and slowly got up starting to pick up around the house, Kanto slowly warming up to him throughout that evening as he let Alyssa do whatever she wished, allowing her to come to him when she wanted.

"Do you want me to take you home so you can get some other clothes?" He asked after a while, lounging on the couch when she passed him.
Alyssa had kept pretty quiet after Donder’s revelations. She had to think about it. Take it in and process it.

She had also kept her distance keep herself busy with things like making food and playing with Kanto.

As she was forced to pass him, he spoke to her and she replied cordially.

“Yeah if you don’t mind. I have to start work soon anyway.” She was silent for a long moment then added. “I do t want to bother you and I think you need some rest plus it’ll be quicker if I sleep st my place tonight. You know, show Nina I’m still alive . . .-ish.”

Her mind was consumed by that pregnancy test she had bought a couple of days ago but had never had the guts to do.

“Shall we get going?”
"Oh...Okay." He mumbled a bit sullen but he understood why, getting up he grabbed his jacket and handed her the clothes she had the night before as he took the liberty of washing them for her. After she changed he opened the car door for her before driving off, the silence heavy, his knuckles white.

Letting her out, he watched her enter the house before he drove off back home, knowing the pack was just waiting for him to go back home without her accompanying him.

The night was incredibly long, Pierce laying in her wolf form out to the side, watching Donder discuss what was what with the others, Donder however thought she would pounce and off him when she got an opening, in reality she was watching the other wolves in case of an uprising.

The pack was divided but no one seemed to leave, at least not yet as they left back to their own homes.
Alyssa had lied to Donder for the first time in the entirety of their relationship. She wasn’t working tonight but she just couldn’t be around him.

She needed space and after the miserable look he gave her she couldn’t say that to him. She was simply glad to be out of his suffocating car heavy with the tension when he pulled up outside her house.

She had barely been able to mumble a goodbye let alone leave him with any affection as a kiss or a cuddle as she climbed the stairs to her house and closed the door without looking back.

Now she was sat in her bathroom with a stick by the sink which she couldn’t bare to look at. If she didn’t know then it wasn’t really and again the story Donder told her about how he hurt Pierce went around her head again.

She knew, she absolutely knew he wasn’t like that anymore and she was nothing like his ex wife yet she was no longer sure if she could do this with Donder. But then she reminded herself there was every possiblity she was worrying about nothing and her period was simply late.
Donder really didn't recover much after that, spending the next several days of fall vacation moping at his house, dealing with pack members who disagreed with him and the way Alyssa left took most of his energy out.

Laying in the grass outside his cabin in wolf form, he clawed at the green blades, the pack started to settle down at the fact his mate was a vampire, but Donder started to think perhaps that wasn't even going to happen now the way she left. He knew she lied to him, one of his more loyal pack members came back from the restaurant and he didn't recognize her scent even anywhere which now was easier for him to hone in on.

He couldn't really blame her but there was nothing he could do about the past now.
Alyssa hadn't spoken to Donder in days and it was for once of her own volition. She needed to think. She knew he would be hurt and confused but everything with them was just so . . . complicated! And it had just become even more so. She glared at the little stick and then the other four she had done just to make sure.

She had been so stupid! Of course, she had tried to discuss the subject with Donder but even though she had pushed the topic, it was something she saw far off in the future not . . . now. She couldn't deny it anymore. She'd told no one. Not even Nina.

If she was going to tell anyone, she was going to tell Donder first and that's what she had decided today and before she could lose her nerve she grabbed her keys and drove to Donder's remote cabin. She almost jumped as she bumped into something large and dark in the night. Only to realise it was Donder's wolf who was as black as night.

"I hate it when you do that." She told him walking past him into the cabin. She had no idea how long she'd have to wait for him to shift back so she took her shoes off and laid down on the couch turning the tv on watching some movie she was barely paying attention to.
Donder didn't move or make a sound when she bumped into him, however his ears pinned flat. Raising his head as she told him she hated...Whatever he did. She had never bumped into him like this before so he took it to mean I hate it when you shift. Donder wasn't having any of it, even if what he thought she said was wrong, his ears flattened as he got up and walked away from her, further into the clearing and laid down once more.

To be honest, he didn't like the fact she simply sauntered back to his cabin after their last visit like she owned the damn place. This time he wasn't giving into her, if she wanted to just waltz around pissed off he'd let her but he wouldn't be a part of it.
She waited and waited and then waited some more and didn't even realise when she drifted off until the sunlight creeping through the windows burned her. She hissed awake pulling down the blinds. Donder was nowhere in sight. This was typical Donder, running away when she had something important to tell him.

Well, that's fine! Alyssa thought. We'll see how long he can hold out. What was he going to do?! Never come back home? She didn't think so. Thus she waited patiently. She had something important to tell him and she was not going anywhere until she told him.

As she waited, she thought of all the ways she could tell him and all his possible reactions but the one that kept running through her mind was the one where he slashed her into pieces when he found out. That, could possibly not be the worst reaction he could have. At least if he did that, she wouldn't have to deal with his issues because she'd be dead at least.
"What do you want now? Kick me in the balls and call me a monster or tell me how wonderful work was." He snapped when he walked in, catching her in her lie. "Face it Alyssa I told you I was a scum bag, but I thought I could tell you it in confidence since it was seven years ago but whatever. I can't change it so what do you want?"

Slamming the door behind him, he wasn't drunk, his anger wasn't as explosive but he had enough of whatever this was. "You can't just fucking walk on my property like you own the place, spit at me and lock yourself in my house. Now what makes you think I want to hear anything you have to say to me?"
When he strolled in naked as the day he was born and mad as hell, he was incredibly sexy. Alyssa forced herself to focus. He always got the wrong damn end of the stick. She was hoping to avoid a confrontation before this but it appeared she had no choice. Plus when he yelled at her it pissed her of which meant she was yelling in return.

"Umm firstly okay, I'm sorry I lied." The sorry didn't sound much like an apology as she hollered at him across the room. "I didn't MEAN to. I just needed some space to process and I don't think YOU would have taken well to me asking you for space so I TOOK my space!" She didn't move towards him from behind the kitchen Island. It was like a barrier between them. Her fortress of power and protection against her inscensed Wolf. "And for your information Donder you CAN tell me ANYTHING. I don't think you're a scumbag. I think you had a bad past but who hasn't huh?! The only thing I think is that sometimes you're a dumbass that jumps to conclusions. SO! I LOVE YOU!" She continued to shout out across at him. "Shut your trap for once and accept what I'm telling you. Oh and I will stroll in here like it's MY house, are you telling me otherwise?" She challenged him with a hand on her hip as she threw her keys down on the counter.

Nothing but the sound of their heavy breathing was all that could be heard for a while. She was more furious now then when she started. She wanted to punch him square in the jaw but managed to refrain herself as she began to walk around the island, stopping for a split second in front of him, so they were face to face. "Oh and I'm pregnant by the way." She told him and then swept past him towards the door not wanting to be around him for another moment right now before calling over her shoulder. "It's yours by the way before you start questioning that too." And then the door slammed behind her shaking on it's frame as this time she really did head to work.
He snorted at her apology as he growled once more, "its not your house Alyssa, grow up." And legally he was correct, her name wasn't on the deed, she simply stayed there and that was it. This was the behavior that made his blood boil she was a child in a way and it seemed he was stuck with that fact.

Snarling down at her, baring his fangs when they were face to face, it was if his eyes shattered again when she revealed the news. Normally he would have been able to catch the scent of her with child but his anger clouded his senses though now the fear opened it up and he could confirm she was, and it was indeed his.

He said nothing, staring at the spot she was as she left the cabin.


He didn't want another child, and this was too fast. He still wanted to get her life back on track, hell he didn't even get her to meet with Alexander on how she could possibly have a successful career while being a vampire and now this?


As Alyssa stormed off, a white wolf laid in the shade, cocking a whiskered brow as she marched on past her. Pierce still didn't like her, she had overheard a while back about Alyssa talking some shit about her or something or other, and there the grudge started. Her relationship with her father only deepened the dislike. The wolf watched her go before looking back at the house, getting up from her resting spot and advanced towards it.

She sat outside, licking her paw casually, [don't do anything stupid.]

"...She's not keeping it Pierce." Donder growled, his daughter's voice entering his mind, a communication technique used in the pack for were talking.

[Doing something about it in that way is you doing something stupid.]

At this point Donder walked out the back and turned forms again, both werewolves massive but Donder took the cake, [Go away Pierce this isn't your problem.]

[I'm not letting you touch that child. If you've changed like you kept telling me, you'll do something positive with this.]

[...Are you...Threatening me?] Donder snorted at her, his fangs barred at his daughter.

Pierce was having none of this, slowly looking up her golden eyes met her father's. She knew deep down he wouldn't ever hurt the child born or unborn but she knew very well he had no interest in being another father, so she decided to cement her threat in his mind, as a promise.

Lunging, her fangs sunk deep within his neck, when he pulled away her fangs acted like a hook, tearing the wound deeper. She used a kill bite, but didn't bite hard enough for it to actually cut off his wind pipe before she threw him to the ground, standing over him. Her pure white fur now stained in his blood. [Calm down. At some point you two will talk but if you hurt that kid. I'll kill you.] Her voice was low within his mind, snapping her fangs at his face once more before letting him up and left, the black wolf laying there bleeding but his pain was deeper than physical.
She had been a coward and stormed out instead of face the music. But why should she face the music?! She was smart, independent and able to take care of herself. To be honest with herself as she cleared the tables at the end of the night, she didn't think she could have handled Donder's reaction to the news. It was better she left him to it, especially knowing the way he felt about the whole subject.

Her brows pulled together as she frowned. If he didn't want a kid then maybe he should have been more careful Alyssa told herself. She wasn't wrong. Not once did he mention or think about using protection. He was a genius! What the hell did he think would happen when they kept fucking like that.

But if he was going to be an asshole then she wasn't going to back down either. She'd grown up without a father and she had turned out just fine. A child didn't need someone around who didn't want to be apart of their live. But she was jumping the gun a bit as she hadn't even given Donder the chance to respond. He'd fucked her over quite literally. Nazi bastard.
Donder 'cooled off' for the most part, at least he wasn't explosive or murderous about the subject anymore, though to be honest he still didn't want to be a father. She could have at least gotten on birth control or something...This entire situation could have been easily avoided on both parts in his mind. He wouldn't do a 180 for her, even if he accepted to be a father to the child instead of non existent but he didn't press her. He wasn't going to go after her considering her fuse lasted longer than his.

The wound on his neck healed but was still visible, Pierce biting deep enough to leave a mark that he would remember, a reminder that she wouldn't sit there while he went back to his old ways.

Donder was in town again, broad daylight this time outside of one of the more pronounced hospitals in the area talking with a tall man sporting dark red hair and silver eyes as they talked casually wanting Alexander to at least talk to her if Donder couldn't, though Donder didn't mention the pregnancy he still wanted Alyssa to graduate with a degree if she still sought after it.
Alyssa was just cleaning up. The resturante was closed but she heard footsteps behind her that could not have been heard by human ears. When she turned she found Amelia sat at a table that had been cleaned pouring herself a red wine (of course) as if the place was open and she was waiting for service. Alyssa did not say a word, still slightly weary of the woman.

"Sit." Amelia smiled but Alyssa did not move. "Sit. Please." Amelia said again gesturing to the chair in front of her but it wasn't a request as her body of it's own volition moved to sit down.

"I hate it when you do that." Alyssa grumbled.

"Ahh," Amelia smiled swirling the wine in her glass and sniffing the elixir before taking a sip. "There's nothing like a properly broken in thrall." She jested.

Alyssa was not amused. "What do you want?"

"Now, now. Is that anyway to greet your maker? After all I saved your life . . . " When there was no thanks coming as Alyssa simply stared at the woman, Amelia continued. "You're welcome. Actually I just thought I'd pop in to congratulate you."

Alyssa's eyes narrowed on Amelia. " . . . Donder . . . told you?"

Amelia burst out laughing in her sickly sweet chortle. "Hardly darling. Sometimes I think he doesn't even tell himself things. No . . ." Her gaze came to rest on Alyssa. "I can sense everything about your life form my dear. We have a very special bond. I just wanted to check in on you. Though, I've been speaking to Alexander, I believe you're yet to meet him but he has high hopes for your studies. However will you manage it all darling?"
"...What are you doing here?" Donder growled lowly finding Ronan sitting on the curb right in front of Gio's. He didn't have much of an opinion on the thug but he looked like a dog had been chained to a bike rack while his owner caught a bite to eat in the air conditioning.

"...I might've...Um...Pulled a gun on a store clerk who flirted with Amelia while she dragged me out to find some designer bullshit I dunno." He mumbled, his chin resting in his hand as he looked like a kicked puppy. "So she told me to sit and behave myself before I can interact with society again."

Donder rolled his eyes, finding this youth incredibly stupid and started to question Amelia's own intellect for keeping the thug around. He joined the young man on the sidewalk as well, Donder trimmed up but for once didn't color his hair, having a distinctive grey stripe under his lower lip down his beard and on the sides of his head where the hair was shorter due to its cut were also silver, parts of it even white.

"...Cradle robber." Ronan purred lightly at the man, seeing why Alyssa would be attracted to him as Donder glared at him.

"You're not the only one carrying a gun on you, kid." They both sat in silence, both in the dog house though Ronan had a light punishment.

"....You know I'd kill to be a dad. Maybe you should like oh I dunno. Just accept it. You don't need to be spitting out rainbows but at least be there for her."

"...How do you-"

"Pierce told me." Ronan said casually as Donder continued to gawk at him.

"How the fuck do you know my-"

"She goes to the game exchange every Saturday, maybe if you tried to pay attention to her a little more you'd know her schedule. It's pretty set actually. We talk, she kicks my ass at MTG...Ironically..." He muttered still wondering why he lost at a card game focused on magic. "Listen. You two should at least sit down, swallow both of your pride and talk about it. Nine months is a lot shorter of a time than you think."

Donder let out a snort, chewing on his words and silently agreed before looking back at the thug, "so...Does Amelia know about you and the dad thing?"

To which Ronan barred his fangs at him, "no and don't fucking tell her, I don't want to loose what we have in case she doesn't like the thought of it."

"I'll manage." Alyssa bit back.

Amelia simply cocked her head to the side a slight smile to her lips. "I can see what Donder likes about you. You have the doggish thing going on with your big hair and your sharp tongue."

"I'm not biting." Alyssa said through gritted teeth.

"Then you're smarter than he is." Amelia conceded standing up. "Oh no. Don't stand up." She teased knowing full well the girl could not until Amelia bade her too or until Amelia wasn't in the direct vicinity. "I know the way out." She moved towards the door. "And oh, Alyssa," Amelia gazed over her shoulder. "You shouldn't be wondering if it's a boy or a girl." Amelia grinned when Alyssa's face gave away that that was exactly what she had been thinking about. "You should be wondering whether it's a Were or a Vampire."

Alyssa was about to speak, her mouth agape but she didn't need to ask if that was true because Amelia's irritating smiling face gave away the fact that it was indeed true. "You know where to find me if you have any questions. You know, I had kids once too. About two hundred or so years ago and I was human but er . . . yeah . . ." She grinned before exiting and finding the number of people she had left outside had doubled.

"Are we having a kitty party out here gentlemen?"
"Lynch pulled a gun on me." Donder said casually, Ronan's jaw falling open as he gawked at Amelia begging she not believe him, he didn't like being punished when he did something wrong, even more so when he didn't do as the man said.

"Stupid old man." Ronan snapped as he stood back up, the werewolf rolling his eyes at the thug.

"Stupid kid." He snorted and walked into the restaurant, Gio looking up and grinned at the professor knowing he was a good tipper, as he opened his mouth to say something before Donder cut him off. "Bite me, Gio." He growled knowing how he took a percentage of his waitress's tips, the crude man shutting up as he walked towards her, sensing the smell of her with child.

"...When do you want to talk." He asked staring down at her, somehow they grey in him didn't make him appear any older but instead made him quite the looker.
Amelia gazed at the two men lazily. It was clear from her gaze she wonder what either her and Alyssa were doing with a pair of children. She clicked her fingers at Ronan, a gesture that said move, let's get going. She sure as hell didn't have all night and they were both causing her problems. It was like she was putting out fires all over the city.

"Want me to spank you?" Amelia grinned but she wasn't teasing.


Inside the restaurant, Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief as her invisible chains were broken. She groaned when Donder approached. She didn't think she had the energy to deal with him tonight but then she didn't want to drag this out for days. The little easter egg Amelia had left her with had her head spinning.

She glared up at her silver fox of an on again off again boyfriend. "Now is as good as ever." She gestured to the seat in front of him, telling Gio she'd lock up which the man was more than happy with as she scooted off out of there.

"Soooo . . . " Alyssa moved the coaster on the table idly, her eyes fixed on it as she asked. "What do you want to talk about Donder?"
Donder's eyes narrowed, clenching his fists his knuckles popped but he didn't storm out of there like he wanted too, simply gritting his teeth and looked at her, silently telling her to watch it. He was still a short fuse, if they fought now it'd be over.

Sitting with her he leaned back in the seat cocking a brow. "Enough with the games you know what I want to talk about. What are you going to do with the baby." He demanded an answer, needing to know her side before he proceeded with his own.
Alyssa's head shot up as Donder spoke to her shortly. Her gaze narrowing on him as she warned. "Do not. SPEAK. To me. Like that." She practically growled at him.

This wasn't her usual irritation. This was a oddly fierce protectiveness that came over her. Not for herself but for something growing inside her that she hardly believed was still there.

"The question is NOT what I'm going to do about it, it's what the hell have you come here expecting?" She held his deadly gaze. It was crazy to think that no more than two weeks ago, they were in the throws of passion like they couldn't get enough of each other and now . . . Now she didn't know what to expect of Donder.
"Then don't snap at me like some kind of animal." He retorted back, not taking her shit either as he snarled at her. "I thought you were at least on a pill or something for god's sake. I don't want any more kids Alyssa but then we were both stupid." He growled at her, spouting the truth though made him sting a little. "I asked you that because you're carrying the little...Whatever it is. I want to know what you want from me." He snarled at her.

"If you don't want me around, say it and I'll leave you alone. Otherwise tell me what you fucking want and I'll do it. But don't expect me to be automatically happy about it. I can't go from never wanting kids to having one in an instant. I wanted time but there's very little."
"Oh I should have been on the pill?! Why didn't you wear something huh?" She shot back in equal measure. "And for your information, providing the batter doesn't make you a father. If you don't want this, no one has your hands tied here. You are free to go. I know for a fact that a father isn't necessary to raise a child. I know that fact personally." She was not in the mood for his issues. "No Donder. I was the stupid one believing there was hope for you. For us. But clearly I was wrong."

Her annoyance grew further when he referred to their child, the one they had made together as a little whatever. Alyssa growled. "IT isn't a little whatever, it's a little bit of me and a little bit of you and hopefully not the 90% of you which is a complete selfish inconsiderate manchild asshole! As for what I want from you Donder. I don't want anything you are not willing to give. You don't want a kid." She followed her arms across her chest. "That's fine. That's absolutely fine. I didn't choose this Donder. It just happens, like it does probably hundred of times a day across the world. What I want from you is you. Just you. But you don't get to pick and choose the parts of me that you like or not and now this child. Your child is a part of me and comes as a package deal. If you want me Donder, I'm right here but I won't be putting up with your I didn't want another baby bullshit. You did this. It takes TWO to tango so either man up or step down. The choice is entirely yours."
Donder listened, crossing his arms but the first part of what she said was what he clung onto. "Why want someone in your life that you clearly regret considering you were so fucking wrong about me." He spat back her words and got up, "I'll make it work Alyssa. Just don't expect it to be easy." He snarled slapping down his extra house key on the table. "If you want me in its life then fine I'll do it. All I wanted to know is where you wanted me." He said and got up and left.

He gave her his promise, he'd still be hers but also be something to the child, however he needed some space now. He let her take as much time as she needed if she wanted to come back while he picked up the place still not knowing what to do. When he looked in the fridge for a beer however it was all gone. "...Pierce..." He muttered knowing she'd try everything to stop him from going back to his old self.

That weekend he laid on the couch watching the television still waiting for her to come to him if she wanted, or at least a call to get his ass over to her house and help her move some stuff. Though he wasn't sure what their living situation was going to be.
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