Claiming The Wolf (Hatchet & ScarlettRose)

"Don't play me you blood sucking parasite." She growled lowly, her teeth turning into fangs, she had no idea who Alyssa was but what she did know warranted enough to dispose of her. "...You're not one of Nile's..." She said catching her scent, but instead Amelia, another scent she knew well due to her untimely visits, this would be interesting.

"...Doesn't matter. You've been quite the messy feeder. Might as well take you out before humans catch on to your existence." She growled moving closer, grabbing a wooden stake from her belt, ready to shift forms in the last minute in case Alyssa got the nerve to go against a pack beta, Pierce having been at this game of hunting those supernaturals that simply didn't get it.

Donder on the other hand was several blocks away, following Nile's trail until two familiar scents caught wind of him, his eyes widening. "Fuck. Its Pierce." He growled knowing Alyssa wouldn't get out of there unharmed.
Alyssa folded her arms across her chest. She wasn’t about to be intimidated by this nerd. “What are you Buffy?” She taunted, not in the mood for Pierce’s bullshit.

“Look, I don’t know what your dad has said to you or whatever but what happens between me and your dad is our business. So stay out of it.”

Sighing she dumped the trash into the big bin and began to make her way back into work. She didn’t have time for the Locke family and their relationship issues.
Pierce blinked and paused, incredibly confused as more werewolves moved behind her, blocking any chance of escape at least from the easy way. "What....are you talking about?" She said with a sneer, other wolves behind their beta looking at each other confused.

Donder never knew a vampire that lived to tell the tail unless it was for business, and Donder wouldn't have business with a newborn. Running down the street, he slowed when he saw his attack sector of the pack crowed around an alley way, his scent closer to Alyssa now and the same with hers for him. Growling, he had to choose several things, the primal part of him couldn't let his daughter off what he still deemed to be his mate...To some accounts...

But he knew he'd loose pack status just about instantly.

"You. Back up and leave her alone. Missions over, leave that one be." He barked from the corner, Pierce's eyes narrowing starting to catch on incredibly quickly as she slowly backed up.
Alyssa backed up. A whole pack staring her down. Was this all Dondare’s doing?! She was actually scared now. Was this going to be her life now? She couldn’t even go to work?!

Amelia appeared from the other end of the alleyway just as Donder had finished barking out orders.

“What’s this?” She said with a pleasant smile in her crisp English accent. “We having a party?”

Her suit was stainless and crisp and fresh just like the woman wearing it. As the leader of her Clan she had immense power but as this young girls maker she had the greatest power of all - a connection.

“Alyssa darling why don’t you go inside and get back to work.” The suggestion was an order and Alyssa complied whether she wanted to do it or not. Her biology meant she had no choice.

“Donder.” Amelia cooed as she glided forward another step. “I thought we had a deal, you pack stays away from my Clan. You weren’t about to break our deal now were you darling?”
"Amel-" He started, the other wolves backing up and immediately left the scene allowing their alpha to speak with the clan leader as it was incredibly impolite to eavesdrop and at least the wolves had the decency to get the hell out of the way. Amelia meant business.

However what cut Donder off were two powerful hands that gripped him by the shoulders and threw him against a pile of trash cans, making him fall to the ground. Looking up he saw Amelia's guard dog, Ronan staring him down just waiting for the old wolf to make a move to her. Amelia was the words, the sophistication, and Ronan was the action and now he understood why she chose him as he coughed from his spot on the ground.

"No...No I wasn't going to attack her. Pierce was until I ordered them off I swear," he said putting his hands up and snarled at Ronan to back off, but the man just stepped closer unafraid by the beast on the ground. "Even if we had a problem I wouldn't have attacked her you know that, it was just a misunderstanding...The pack didn't know..." Well...Now they most likely did...Donder would have to deal with that later.
“Ronan.” Amelia cooed leashing her guard dog. “Sorry.” She appologised sweetly to the old Were. “He’s a bit over protective.”

She moved closer to the older Were. “Of course, I know you wouldn’t lay a hand of her and truly if you wanted to do I couldn’t care less. She’s not officially my Clan, more like a favour/gift to you of our friendship. I was just passing by and felt my new little minion in trouble and thought you could use a hand.”

She brushed her hands as if brushing dust off. “Good luck with explaining to your Clan why yoh let her go though I might suggest you use the Shen belongs to my Clan we have a truce. Anyways, toodles. I have Nile business to attend to as in you are supposed to be helping me get rid of him but I think for now we should lay low. I hear he’s been given a lovely new toy. Have you heard? The council is forcing some poor Shewolf to be his wife.” Amelia laughed, “even I can feel sorry for a Were in that situation. Poor beast. Won’t last a week as his play thing.”
Ronan straightened and backed away from Donder, crossing his arms as Amelia spoke to him, her guard dog being respectful until they were finished. Donder's gaze flicked back to Amelia as he nodded, knowing Amelia wouldn't likely ask anything of Alyssa at least for the time being.

As the pair left he put his head in his hands loosing everything in the coarse of a couple weeks unsure if he could face Alyssa or his back at this point as he slowly got up, wincing from how hard that human chucked him almost effortlessly into the pile of metal trash bins. Frowning he looked back at Gio's still indecisive especially since he was kicked into a pile of garbage, ironically how he felt.
Alyssa wanted to fight wanted to say no. Wanted to step out side to see what was happening but her body was going through the motions of working and she could feel someone else was at the helm.

When that grip over her disappeared she knew Amelia was gone or at least out of the vacinity. She imagined things must have quieted down outside then.

It had been the only glimpse of Donder she had had in so long. At least he didn’t hate her or didn’t hate her enough to have his pack tear her to shreds.

The bar tender had her handing out drinks for another 30 minutes though she had been itching to get outside but by the time she was done Shen realised there was no point. Instead she started clearing up for the night. Cleaning up before she could leave.
Donder waited by the door she would leave in, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets a cigarette in his mouth. He was a sad sight to behold, bags under his eyes from lack of sleep his hair tussled and his beard could probably use a bit of a trim.

When she did come out, he didn't want to spook her but he had nothing else to say as a greeting other than "Hey..." He said his voice low, not having that sexy rumble she normally enjoyed from him.

Frowning he rubbed the back of his neck looking away from her for a long moment. "Listen...I was wondering if maybe you wanted to...Start over...And we could do things a little more traditional...If you want...Like uh...Like a date...."
Grabbing her coat and undoing her apron, Alyssa headed out the door and was out of the dead of night met by a voice and she yelped.

“Is that a family tradition? Scaring the bejesus out of people?” She questioned hand on her heart.

When her heart stopped hammering so hard she listened to him. Taking in all of him. He look tired and ungroomed and even his voice was lacklustre.

Pulling her long coat on, she never took her eyes off of him. It had been far too long since she set eyes on him but her life had been calmer, more straighter . . . Boring.

“Date?” Alyssa repeated slowly. “You? Date me? A vampire?” She reminded him. She didn’t feel like she needed to remind him his daughter and pack had just tried to kill her over an hour ago.

She missed him like crazy but . . . Alyssa sighed and shrugged. “Why Donder?”
"I told you I don't hate you, I feel quite the opposite really." He huffed at her, his eyes narrowing not in the mood to be snapped at but also understood he had it coming. "Listen...I fucked up okay, I can't do anything else about the situation you're in I just...I just want to make things work between us so think about it if you can't come up with an answer now." He muttered feeling stupid as he moved to leave.

"Look even if you say no my Pack wont trouble you again. I'm sorry you almost got a stake through your chest but I'll tell them to knock it off. You don't need to be afraid of them, just don't go terrorizing the city from hunger."
Alyssa grabbed Donder’s wrist stopping him. She gazed up at him. Taking a moment.

“If you’re serious then . . . I want to try too . . . With you.”

Her hold on his wrist loosened and her fingers slipped into his. She had missed him more than she cared to admit.

“I love you Donder . . . I didn’t choose this but . . . I chose you and I don’t regret my choice. Just the circumstances.”
Donder shifted under her gaze as she held onto him, staying on the sidewalk with her until she spoke. His fingers intertwined with hers as he smiled just a bit through his unkempt beard.

"I know...I still want to help you with your uh...Predicament as well. But we can focus on us first if you want. Whatever makes sense but...Tell me when you're free. Right now I need to...Get chewed into kibble by my pack." He mumbled knowing that the rest of the wolves knew and most likely told the other members that stayed behind to protect the area.

"Anyway...We can go wherever you want except my house. I'm really not very good at cooking." He said a bit embarrassed as he let go of her fingers, wanting to kiss her but the slight smell of garbage on him thanks to Ronan made him even more self conscious. "Tell me when you're ready. I'll see you later."
Alyssa pushed Donder back against the wall in the alleyway. “Will you leave me so unsatisfied?”

She teased her slick tongue running up his neck. Taking his hands she place them on her ass.

“Donder I’ve missed you so very much.” She admitted looking up at him through thick lashes. Her hands slowly running down his chest until they reached the edge of his jeans.

He looked like a complete mess but he was her mess and she needed him. Slowly she undid his jeans whilst her lips teased that sensitive spot just under his ear.

“Daddy . . . “ she breathed against his ear. “I want you now.”
"Here, but this...We're in a-" He stuttered, he had taken lovers in some questionable areas before but none so...Open. Even though it was deep into the nighttime they still sat on a bustling street corner but no matter what he said there was the manner of what his cock did that superseded his words.

His cock protested his fear of such a deed in a public place as it twitched and hardened for her, shutting him up as he let out a low groan as she kissed and nipped him.

"F...Fine." He grumbled, though not grumpy at all as his hands were placed on her hips, the werewolf clearly missing her just as much though he was quite positive this was the opposite of what he said earlier about doing things right. But there wasn't any time for caring about that now.
"Fine?" Alyssa retorted teasingly, her smile just about visible from the dim streetlight. Slipping her hand into his jeans, she stroked his thick meat which was already alive. "Fine." Her grumbling wolf. All hers. How she loved him. "Not that you have much of a choice my love." Alyssa teased. "I'd take you anyway." She laughed playfully.

Their roles seemed to have switched. Her new powers sensing there were others like them near by. But she did not care. It was time to stop hiding. She wanted Donder. Wanted all of him. She'd uncover all his secrets whether he wanted her to or not because for Alyssa there was only all or nothing and she wanted all of Donder Locke.

As he took her hips in his large hands, Alyssa pulled him forward until her back was against the bricks of the wall. She waste no time in undoing her own trousers and pressing the head of his engorged cock against her pussy. Her breathing raged as she teased him, not allowing him to enter her fully. Kissing and biting his lips until they were swollen with her passion. She had managed to work her way into the unmovable heart of this fierce Alpha and she wouldn't stop until she had all of him.
"You heard me girly, fine." He teased back, but his voice was a low growl to her, she was playing a different game now. No longer a human, she could withstand him in the way he wanted to play which was incredibly aggressive and rough but in a sense pleasurable as well. Donder was still a dominant force, he wouldn't go down with her demands without a fight however now they were matched, they were equals.

Growling lightly as she undid her trousers, he was grown and ready for her, his nails digging into her hips as his fangs clinched at his mate, treating her as such though she was not a werewolf. It was a power struggle and he relished in it though his growl turned louder as she wouldn't allow him entrance.

Biting, kissing, licking her back easily matching her passion as he continued to rock and rut against her until she let him in, picking her up allowing her legs to wrap around him for stability.
Grinning at his teasing, she moaned at the feel of him and then growled as he tried to push deeper into her. She felt his claws biting into the skin of her hips and relished in his aggressiveness. His growling louder as she refused him entry. Alyssa laughed enjoying his struggle as she struggled against his will to dominate her, though she knew it was only a matter of time before he over came her.

"What are you going to do about it Daddy?" She teased. Her hands under his shirt, clawing at his back. Her fangs had slid out as they kissed, biting, licking, delving deeper into each other. She was stronger now, strong enough to fight his advances but he was stronger. Alyssa cried out into the night as he forced his way in and her womanhood betrayed her as she let him in.

As he lifted, Alyssa wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. "Daddy . . . daddy . . ." She pleaded with, pulling him deeper with each thrust of his hips. Alyssa squeezed around his cock needing more of him. Their breathing ragged and hard as they worked together to reach bliss. The sound of life in the night around them only turned her on more. the possibility of being caught with her lovers cock buried deep inside her. She held onto him. "I know you really do want to get caught fucking your student." Alyssa teased against his ear. "Fuck me harder daddy, make your girl sore."
Growling and purring as she clawed his skin, his nails digging harder into her hips leaving bruises and light cuts as he moved her along with his thrusts until he reached her fully, his head rolling back as his eyes slipped down purring at the joining of their bodies and the slick wet sounds her pussy made for him. "Careful sweetheart, you don't want me to fuck you half changed." He purred, which interestingly enough was a thing, but he didn't want to scare her off with that or the fact he became even more aggressive.

Donder was strong enough to the point her back wasn't on the wall, bouncing her himself as his cock rucked through her very core until they both were a mess of sweat and heavy breaths his eyes now golden staring into her.

"No. I just like claiming what's mine." He said through his teeth as he let out a low groan, not controlling the beast anymore. If anyone saw, to the wolf it simply meant they knew she was his, and he wasn't about to be challenged. His pace quickening as his cock swelled bringing them both to blinding pleasure there in the night air.
Alyssa's gaze followed his down, watching his cock move in and out of her tight love canal. Her pleasure clear from the sounds coming out of her lips. Biting her lower lip. "Fuck! . . ." It was just so damn good! Her gaze flashing to his when he spoke. Her hand running through his coarse unkempt beard. A certain braveness and assiduity in her new form; Alyssa held his gaze as she breathed, "Don't I?"

The sudden idea of him fucking her in his other form exceedingly appealing. She loved him and wanted to know all of him. Including his beast. Her beast. "I want all of you Donder." She assured him, kissing him deeply. The dark as well as the light. not just the best parts of him but the worst parts too.

"Show me." Alyssa said holding his golden gaze as she held onto him tight, letting him bounce her on his hard, thick manhood. She felt him in the deepest recesses of her being, squeezing tighter around him. "Show me baby."

Alyssa quivered when he claimed she was his. "All yours." She cried as he worked faster. It's what she had wanted to hear for so long. She could hardly believe it was real. She felt him growing larger inside her. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched him shift. She'd never seen anything like it. The fear she suddenly felt faded as pleasure rippled through her and she gripped onto him tighter. He was already taller than her but now he was huge and instead of fear now she felt safe, protected . . . and owned.
Donder growled as his chest heaved, his fingers twitching lightly a bit afraid to start and shift for her. There were two other ways he could fuck her, he was quite sure she wouldn't enjoy the second way but it seemed she was full of surprises tonight. "O...Okay...I guess..." He growled through thrusts as he continued to ruck up into her body.

He grew taller, his bones starting to crack just a bit but he didn't shift info a full wolf, his nails now claws as his hair got thicker and wilder, his teeth lengthening and his ears starting to become pointy. However his cock stretched her, the tip becoming slightly knotted as he pushed deeper within her than any other man had before as he let out a low whine continuing to bounce her onto him his strength and speed starting to pick up.
Alyssa gasped seeing Donder in half form. She stroked the fur on his and jaw as she felt him stretch her insides. He was so deep inside her she could hardly breathe.

Then she felt something entirely different growing inside her. Something she’d never felt before. So full. He was growing inside her. “Donder!” Alyssa gasped feeling him moving fast.

She held on tight to her Were. Stroking him, soothing his frenzied beast. Wrapping her legs around his torso she held on, her pleasure clear from the sound from her lips. His growl and groans only making her wetter and slicker for him. Alyssa withered in his arms. The waves of certain pleasure beginning to take over every sensation in her body. “Daddy . . . I love you.”
Donder was unable to vocalize words as he simply growled and grunted in response, the beast plunging in and out of her in full pleasure. When she uttered her last words in response he let out a roaring howl as his seed marked deep within her, his nails digging into her skin until light ribbons of blood slid down her skin and dripped onto the concrete of the alley way.

Slowly pulling from her and setting her down, his forehead against hers he looked to have no intention of letting her go, he was more than half turned now and it seemed the beast was about to envelope him completely. He wanted to escape with her, be alone with his mate through the night but he still had enough control to allow herself to lay the rules down. His claws still lightly nipping at her sides, his cock dripping leftover seed, the entire area smelling of their sex, of his mark deep into her as she to dripped onto the ground, Donder's chest heaving.
The scent of her own blood filled her senses. Where Donder tore into her skin it ached but it was a good ache. A pain that told her or anyone that saw it that she belonged to him and he had every right to do to her what he willed.

Alyssa held onto her wolf tight, comforting him as his release followed hers. She moaned in utter pleasure as he filled her up. She’d never been so fully filled in fact, that when he pulled out it leaked out of her.

She collapsed against Donder breathing hard. Stroking his fur. His claws still cutting into her skin and she only wanted more of his mark on her. “Take me home.” She breathed against his fur. She longed to be alone in his woods with her. Crawl into his comfort bed and lay in his strong arms no matter what form he chose.
Staring at her with his unblinking, predatory gaze, his bones cracked as he shifted in a smooth fashion his form growing larger until he was a massive wolf again, standing on two legs now, his pawed hands releasing her as he swiftly nosed her onto his back. Growling, he had enough sense not to run wild in the streets of New Haven at night, instead with his massive and powerful legs he scaled buildings and leaped from roof to room, his fur blending in with the night.

Hitting the ground and running once they reached the forest as they moved into familiar territory as his cabin came into view. Letting her off, he nosed her through the door and paced outside with a low growl before somehow squeezing his massive form through the doorway. Kanto whimpered as the wolf came into the house and nudged her, growling and grunting for her to go upstairs to the bedroom where she would rest. The wolf growled and shoved the bed out of the way, curling up on the floor around her allowing her to rest in his fluffy fur.

Kanto trotted up and gave a little whimper to his master, but Donder at this point saw any male as a threat, a snarl ripping through the room and sent the poor dog running back downstairs before he settled down with her, still grunting and growling up a feral storm.
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