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The Change (LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

Don sat in the meeting listening to his general as they went over everything that was being done to find his cousin and bring her to him.

Freya nodded her head "good but i doubt that he will get what he wants if her grandmother is who I think she is he will have a real hard time getting close to Hope if she is as hurt as her grandmother says she is"
"Then he isn't going to speak to her." was all Mana could say after that point in time, brushing some of her hair out of her face before she was moving to get up from her bed.

"So why exactly are you wanting this female anyways? There are rumors going around stating that you are just wanting her to impregnate her. Is this true?" somebody finally ended up asking what many were wanting to know. Nope this person wasn't being disrespectful, or going against Don, just wanting to know exactly why their boss was so set on finding his cousin. And it was hard to depict exactly where the person was sitting, although it was also a person that was wanting to cause problems between Don and Iona, to hopefully get her to back out of the picture. And they were hoping that Don would admit to that rumor, especially since this person was gifted and knew that Iona was outside the room listening at the time. While they were speaking, Iona had woken up and had decided to venture to the meeting room although ended up pausing outside of the room, listening to the conversation at the time.
“I want my cousin found because unlike anyone else she controls the elements and if we can gain control over her our chances of taking out the leader are greatly improved. As for that stupid rumor I have a female in my life that I love and when the time is right will settle down with, so should I even consider doing something like that I would make sure to get her permission firstly” Don glared at the others in the room. While he did plan on impregnating his cousin a different male was going to be doing that honor as he deeply love Iona and wouldn’t do something like that with out her permission

Freya nodded her head “ well I am going to let you rest as I need to give my report to your father”
Iona just stood outside the room listening at that point in time before giving a small smile. Maybe Don wasn't as terrible as many believed. It seemed like without him realizing it, she was rubbing on onto him. He wasn't as cruel as he had once been, which was most definitely a good thing. Although things were about to get hectic when it was discovered that somebody had planted bombs around the room, which had everybody in a panic. Since the trigger for it now was opening the doors, good thing Iona hadn't done that. Although her eyes flickered towards the General that was walking up, one who had left briefly to check on his pregnant wife before the doors had been closed, and his ability just happened to be phasing. "Don't open the door. It will set off an explosion. Would you kindly take me with you?" she questioned and he was giving a nod before she was taking his arm and the pair were phasing through the door, and Iona was making her way through the crowd, and straight up to where Don was sitting in his makeshift throne. "Seems like everybody here is in a slight predicament." she hummed after a moment in time as she was sitting on his lap. Hey as promised she was wearing a skirt with no undies. Yet again that was actually the first thing she had grabbed, just wanting to go and join everybody at the time. Already she was allowing her magic to activate and wrap around everybody in the room. Nobody else would feel it unless they were acutely aware of what her ability was, such as the generals and Don.
Don nuzzled her neck "and how are we in a slight predicament" Don knew she wouldn't have said that if there wasn't something going on so now he was really worried. Don then looked at his generals and while he wanted to tell everyone to get the hell out of the room but if there was a problem he wasn't going to do that
"Don't be trying to open the door. It is rigged with an explosive." Iona spoke in a low voice as she was curling into him, already knowing that he would feel her magic around him. How did she know that exactly? Because she always had a barrier wrapped around Don, and when he had walked into the room, it had brushed against it, which had alerted her to something being off. "Have Ryan come up here, I want him to reinforce the room with his ability, but don't have him do it where people are alerted. Then we will leave. His ability will stop the room from collapsing and I can protect people from being hurt." Iona spoke after a moment in time. It was definitely going to take a bit out of her to do that, but it was going to be better than people getting injured. "And have Elise scan minds, anybody knows about the explosive I want pegged." she added after a moment in time. Who were Ryan and Elise? Two of his generals. One could control and manipulate earth, while the other could read minds.
Don nodded his head and then motioned for the two to come up to where they were sitting "Hope's own powers flow through these rocks so he will have to be careful when he does reinforce the room" Don didn't like that there was a bomb in the compound but the fact that it had gotten there concerned him even more. it was one thing to target him directly it was another to do something like this when there were children living in the compund
"Either way I need his help. I cannot contain the blast and keep the people safe. Not without consequence to myself, but it is possible." Iona spoke after a moment in time before she was looking towards Ryan who was doing as he was told, well after Iona had explained the situation fully. While he was doing that Elise was looking through the minds of everybody, trying to find the other person that had knowledge about the bomb other than the four of them, well and the general that Iona had come into the room with. "Found him." Elise spoke after a moment in time and was gesturing towards the male that was actually pushing the door open, which triggered the explosion. This had Iona tightening her grip on her barrier, which kept everybody safe from the explosion, and Ryan's ability stopped the room from collapsing around them.
"its fine love I was just letting you know" Don growled and sent his own powers out one that only a few choice people knew about and slowed time around them "get the hell out of the room now" Don could only hold time this slow for so long that he was rushing everyone out of the room so that they could all drop their powers and let the room go down.
Not that people really had to worry about getting hurt and they were allowed to rush out of the room. It was helpful that the time seemed to slow down which allowed them to get out. Although Iona didn't let go of the barrier that she wrapped around the room, just so that debris didn't go flying everywhere. People were freaking out though that was for sure, and eventually when Don had released his ability, everything exploded. Ryan was just giving a small whistle then looking over towards the man that Elise was cold clocking in the face, the only other person that had known about it. Iona allowed her barrier to drop and was putting a hand to her mouth. Damn that sick feeling that happened whenever she overused her ability.
Don scooped her up and held her close to him "Ryan, Elise get him locked up until I am able to deal with him I am going to get Iona settled in our room"
Ryan and Elise were giving nods before Elise was cooing, "Can do!" With that they were going over and grabbing ahold of the guy so that they could haul him off, and get him locked up. Iona was just looking towards Don for a moment before she was mumbling, "I'm fine."
"no your not love and you know I know that you are feeling sick" Don then walked her back to their room so she could rest up and get some sleep to recover from overusing her powers
Iona just looked towards him for a moment before wrapping her arms around his neck, and resting her head against his chest before she was speaking, "Don't let me sleep for long. I have to go to the mansion."
"you will rest for as long as I think you need to I don't want you overworking yourself" Don settled her on their bed once they were in the room so she could get the sleep she needed
"But I need to get back. It is going to be dinner soon. I'm the main cook.... it will be strange if I'm not there." Iona protested after a moment in time, although she figured that it was a losing battle. If anything he probably already had a plan B incase she couldn't be his spy in the mansion.
"if they ask you were feeling ill my love and decided to stay home rather then get everyone else sick" Don wanted her to rest rather then work herself into the ground.
Iona just looked towards him for a moment before she was just giving a nod and curling up on the bed.
After a little bit, Iona had fallen fast asleep just curled up on the bed. Did Don really have to worry about somebody somebody sneaking in and attacking her or anything? Not really. If that did happen then her ability would kick in to protect her from any harm.

While this was happening, Mana had ended up venturing out of her room and to the garden. Her usual place to go most of the time. It was peaceful and relaxing, and nobody ever tended to go there. Although Riley seemed to be there this time, and he was looking over as she walked up. "Are you going to go and talk to Hope?" she questioned in a soft voice. This had him shrugging before he spoke, "If her grandmother leaves, then I will."
"You guys are both being stubborn." Mana mumbled which had him retorting that it wasn't his fault that the woman couldn't deal with the fact that he said he wanted to speak to Hope alone. Not that difficult of a thing to do, at least he was agreeing to speak to Hope. But there were things that he wanted to talk to Hope about, that the other woman didn't need to be there for. Such as their relationship, and figuring more of that out. And he could find out the full truth of why she hadn't told him the truth to begin with.
"you could always take her up on her offer of traveling into the past and then she may be willing to let you its a compromise" Freya knew that if he didn't want to he wouldn't and it didn't help that the female had been forbidden to return to the manor
Riley looked towards her for a moment in time before he spoke, "No. I want that woman to stay the hell out of this damn situation." With that he was turning and storming back into the mansion, having one of his gifted wrap magic around him so that other magic couldn't affect him at all.
Freya sighed and then spoke "she isn't that bad of a person, in fact, she is really sweet if he would get his head out of his ass and actually talk to the woman he would find that out"
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