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The Change (LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

"He just wants to discuss stuff with Hope alone. It seriously isn't that hard of a thing to comprehend whatsoever. Not sure why everybody makes it seem like it is a hard thing to understand. Besides, while she is Hope's grandmother, she has no business in their discussion whatsoever." Mana spoke after a moment in time before she was getting to her feet and heading off towards the mansion once again.
"all parents are like that they protect the ones they love we all know very little about Hopes past but if you want to know more and your brother refuses maybe you should go talk to her grandmother" Freya looked at her and then stretched a little to ease some tension in her back
Mana looked back towards Freya before she spoke, "I don't want to know about her past, I don't want to know about anybody's past. Because one's past doesn't define their feature. If that was the case then my future would require be to be nothing more than a test subject for the rest of my life. I hate how people use their past as an excuse for their actions. My past should also make me want to kill my father, for what he put me through, I should have had more of a right to rebel against him than everybody else with what he did to me personally, before anybody else, but I never did." With that she was taking the arm of the person that seemed to appear next to her and was speaking lowly to her about something. How their usual cook was gone for the evening which had her speaking, "I am sure that Iona ended up just getting sick and didn't want anybody else to get sick. Thank you for informing me."
"that is not what I am talking about but the past can reveal information about the decisions they made and why but fine be as stubborn and close-minded and your fucking brother is being you want to talk big and bad about not letting the past define your future but you are doing just that" Freya then turned and stormed off leaving the silly little girl alone in the garden
"It isn't my problem, I honestly don't care who did what and why. All I know is that if the rebels threaten my family again, I'll will kill them all." Mana spoke before she was stating that Freya was dismissed as her guardian, that she didn't need a babysitter. With that she was heading off inside, her kitten leading her.
freya was long gone at this point having already quit as a guard when asked why she flat out told Marcus that if he was going to raise insensitive brats who would rather blame people then learn why they made their decisions then he could guard them himself. with that, she had vanished having kept that she was gifted as well
Marcus was just reaching out to his daughter who was just stating that she did nothing wrong, that it wasn't her damn problem. That everybody was so goddamn obsessed with Hope. It was Hope this, Hope that. She didn't care about the damn girl, she wasn't apart of her damn family, she why should Mana care. Who would have figured that while she was walking around the mansion, she would end up colliding with a guy that worked for Don, which had her falling backwards onto the ground with a startled yelp.
the male looked at her and then spoke rather harshly about watching where she was and that if she could then the spoiled brat needed to stay in her damn room. the male then walked off heading back to where his leader was so that he could find out what he wanted him to do while he was at the manor
"I'm blind you fucking asshole." Mana spoke in a rather harsh voice herself as she got to her feet and was striding off with a huff, her kitten running after her with a meow. Actually her stating this would remind the guy that he had been asked to keep an eye on the daughter of the manor, whom was difficult to track down usually. None of the rebels actually knew what she looked like, especially lately, but it was a known fact that she was blind.
Who would have figured that he wasn't all that sneaky, and would end up finding himself incapable of moving after a while. Mana was just giving a small nod before she spoke, "You know I really hate being followed.... especially by a rebel. Your thoughts gave you away. Nobody is so intent on getting information for their boss. So why don't we just do this the easy way. We can sit and talk, instead of you being a creeper and following me around everywhere." With that she was releasing her telekinetic ability from holding the man and continuing off down the hallway, this was now an invitation to follow.
the male wasn't going to talk to her he was going to head back and give his report since he was no longer able to work there without being on edge all the time
"You know. You rebels would learn a thing or two if you bothered to stop trying to spy, and just speak to myself or my family. You would learn that what my father does, is to save humanity. Or did you not realize that... humanity is a dying breed." Mana spoke before she was continuing on her way, heading off towards her bedchambers, her handmaiden falling into place next to her.
The handmaiden spoke with Mana quietly although after a moment in time the female was halting in her walking, a frown on her lips. With that Mana was just giving a small shake of her head before she spoke, "I don't believe that the rebels are bad I just believe that.... they don't have accurate information." After that she was disappearing off into a room where there were actually a few rebels, rebels that had been injured in the last battle and they had been brought in by some of Marcus' men, although Mana had banned any of her father's men from even being around them.
while they were dealing with that Helen was urging her granddaughter to eat but was being turned down and this was upsetting the elder female
Iona had eventually woken up and was leaving the room, although instead of staying in the cave, she was venturing out of the cave, and standing out in the open, just gazing up at the sky. It was a beautiful day out, although there was something that seemed to be bothering her. There was almost a darkness in the air, although she wasn't quite sure where it came from. With that she was gently reaching out towards her brother, the same guy that had happened to run into Mana earlier, and was wondering if he was alright.
Iona gave a faint smile before she was reaching her hand up towards the sky as if to touch the clouds. "How I wish everybody could just coexist with one another." she breathed after a moment in time before she was watching as some of the rebels returned to the hide out.
"Good to see you back." Iona spoke with a small smile on her lips before she was hugging her brother back before she was making a comment that she was going to be leaving soon to get back to the mansion.
"they know your out sick so rest some more and then head back in the morning" the male didn't want his sister overdoing things and actually getting sick
"It is fine. Besides, it is enjoyable to talk to everybody there. They truly aren't terrible there." Iona spoke after a moment in time before she was commenting that he had missed out on the fun, telling him about the explosion.
Iona just looked towards him for a moment in time before she was giving him a kiss on the cheek before she spoke, "Get inside. I know Don is expecting you."
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