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Would you rather?

The latter, it could make smexy times very kinky.

Would you rather be able to see the past of a random person or the future from the perspective of a random animal?
If I only get one, I would pick past. If I can try repeatedly as many times as I want, I'd take the animal because I'm sure there's some data I can get out of that in regards to when things will get nuked.

Would you rather: have to fight your way out of a haunted crypt with an arming sword or have to take control of an alien starship with an intuitive laser rifle (you get to keep it).
Unable to write, that way I can still use a program to dictate words into written form. I love reading so much and don't know what I would do when I turned blind all of a sudden.

Would you rather have switched senses or random sensations?
If by switched senses you mean stuff like seeing out of your skin or hearing from your nose, then I'd probably take that over random sensations. I really like being able to sleep.

Would you rather have free breakfast food, whenever, for the rest of your life, or have a handheld ray that will make anyone vegan (but they can be converted back through normal means).
Bus, I like to watch the scene outside the window and could get a seat at some point.

Would you rather have a car that can fly only when the moon is out or become invisible at day?
Hydras (Hydrae?) are not at all known for intelligence. Given my choice, I'd take Prometheus any day of the week.

Would you rather be able to control the elements of water and air, or earth and fire?
I would rather control water and air, so much more destructive if used properly. lol

Would you rather have the magic to create life or destroy life? Why?
A blacksmith, I always wanted to forge swords and armor.

Would you rather be a sea dragon or a dragon on land without wings?
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Waffles all the way!

Would you rather be an Elf with no magic ability, or a dwarf who couldn't grow a beard?
Hmm, Nascar? Although honestly, both would eventually put me to sleep. :LOL:

Would you rather have ham or turkey for a Christmas dinner? And how would you like it prepared?
Sweet, usually. Salty if I have a sore throat.

Coca-Cola or Pepsi-Cola and why? (If you can't tell the difference, it's because either your sense of taste is compromised or you're not paying attention.)
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