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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Megohime stared down at the reigns of her horse, a soft frown on her face. “Thank you.” She said softly. The two exchanged little in the way of conversation during the journey, but Megohime’s mood did seem to improve very slightly.
They broke for the night to rest the horses and to eat, still sharing little conversation. Kojurou didn't talk much anyway so the lack of conversation didn't bother him. He only hoped Megohime would be ok.
Megohime did her best to hide her fear, her fear of Masamune, and her fear of the nightmares that plagued her; she wouldn’t let them show. Regardless of her husbands actions, she would remain loyal to him, for she still loved him.
After a decent night's rest they continued their journey at first light, making it to the estate by early afternoon. "I will go inside first in case Masamune-sama is still angry." He told her gently.
She didn’t argue with that, simply nodding and following Kojurou up the path to the estate, a bit sore from her ride.
"Masamune-sama?" Kojurou called, "Tadaima!"
"Welcome home." Masamune's voice called, coming down the hall to meet Kojurou. When he saw Megohime, however, his body went rigid and his pupil turned into a thin line.
Megohime walked close behind Kojurou, too close in Masamune’s eye. His rage burned brighter than ever, recalling the night her heard Megohime in Kojurou’s room late at night, and now the two of them had been alone together at Miharu castle for an entire day, that was more than enough time for the two to be intimate.
“Tadaima..” Megohime said softly, bowing her head to Masamune.
Masamune stomped toward her and Kojurou did his best to shield her but Masamune only shoved him away, smacking Megohime to the ground.
"Masamune!" Kojurou yelled. Masamune ignored him, glaring down at Megohime.
"And let me guess, you kept Kojurou for a couple days just to rub it in, huh? How was his company in your bed, huh?! More preferable than mine?!" Masamune shouted. Kojurou looked flabbergasted.
"Have you lost your mind?!"
Megohime fell to the ground hard and held her cheek in shock, eyes wide as she listened to what Masamune had to say. “What are you talking about..?” She looked up at him, face contorted in confusion. “I’ve never even once thought of Kojurou in such a way!”
"Then why the hell did he take so long getting home?!"
"I was busy helping clean up the destruction you left behind and helped them grieve over the senseless slaughter you caused!" Kojurou snapped, "If you lay another hand on her, I will restrain you!"
“Seriously...” Megohime’s brow furrowed and she got back onto her feet slowly, glaring at Masamune with a look that could kill. “You think I would be unfaithful to you? You’re the one fucking other women!” She snapped. “Kojurou sharing my bed? The only man I’ve shared my bed with was you, you asshole! You slaughtered part of my family, and for what? Someone who tried tho kill you baearding my family crest!? Are you a complete idiot or do you just want it to be true!?”
Masamune's whole body went rigid and he reached for his swords but Kojurou was faster. He slammed Masamune into the wall, twisting his hands behind his back and pinning him there.
"Do yourself a damned favor and calm down." Kojurou growled. Masamune was livid, beyond livid, struggling to get Kojurou off of him.
Megohime scowled more, watching Masamune struggle to break free. “Why don’t you go crawling back to your whore.” She hissed lowly, then turned to leave, deciding to take a walk through the estate so she could calm down.
Kojurou shoved Masamune in the other direction and pointed down the hall, signaling that he should go calm down. With a huff, Masamune left to sit and pout on the back deck, keeping away from Megohime as Kojurou instructed.
Megohime sat in her own secluded area for quite some time, simply watching the clouds roll by, watching the mountains and the birds, even watching the people in the fields below. How could Masamune think she was unfaithful? She had never given him a reason to suspect so, and with Kojurou no less.
“I won’t accept it.” Megohime said sharply, turning to look at Kojurou. “I want to hear it from him, not you.” She said, standing from her spot on the deck and taking a deep breath. “I’m tired of not being able to be his wife, being the way I am now is not how I want to be. I want to be at his side while he conquers Japan, not hiding behind castle walls waiting for him.”
"I understand. Perhaps we should give Masamune-sama a moment to clear his head. I need to check on the reports of Nobunaga's progress, that should give him enough time to settle. Then we will go and speak with Masamune; I won't interfere unless he grows violent." He told her, "Agreed?"
Megohime shook her head, crossing her arms. “I’m not going to dance around this anymore.” She started down the hallway. “Finish your reports and meet up with me when you’re done, I need to speak with my husband in private.”
It didn’t take Megohime long to track down Masamune, almost like she could sniff him out. “Masamune.” She frowned softly as she stopped a few feet down the hall from Masamune, watching him.
He could hear footsteps behind him before Megohime grabbed his shoulder roughly, and she threw her leg over his, straddling his hips as she kissed him deeply, practically yanking him forward by his robes.
Megohime made a soft noise against his lips, slowly moving him back so he was laid out on his back on the deck, with Megohime on top of him. She braced her hand on one side of his head, keeping a firm grip on his yukata. She only pulled away to speak against his lips. “Fuck me.”
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