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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

The pressure that was building from him teasing her clit was starting to increase, making her gasp and dig her nails into his shoulder. “Masamune...!”
Megohime nodded, bringing her fingers through his hair. “I do... I need you, Masamune..” She said breathlessly.
He pushed off his yukata and rubbed the tip of his cock against her entrance before slowly pushing into her. He was gentle, like he was in the bath, not wanting her to feel rushed.
Megohime pulled him closer, kissing him deeply as he pushed into her, feeling a soft moan against his lips.
Megohime squeezed his hand gently, her toes curling and her head rolling back as she let out a strangled moan, trying to keep quiet.
They continued their slow pace long into the night, enjoying the closeness and the intimacy before Masamune helped her achieve her climax and that in turn allowed him to meet his own climax and fill her with his seed.
Even after their love making, the two would exchange loving kisses and soft caresses. Legs tangled together, Megohime lay with her head on Masamune’s chest, fingers laced with his as she left a trail of gentle kisses along his sternum. “I love you.” She said softly.
The last of the visit went just as smoothly, ending with Megohime sending Masamune off from Miharu’s castle gates with the promise to arrive at his estate in Oshuu within the month.
"I'll get the room ready for your arrival." Masamune told her from atop his horse before reaching to take her hand and kiss her knuckles gently, "I'll make sure Iisaka keeps away from you."
Megohime gave a small nod, caressing his cheek. “Just house her with the horses.” She said softly, almost as if joking, but the look in her eyes told Masamune she was not joking in the slightest.
He chuckled softly, "She has her own part of the estate she stays in, she hardly ever leaves. You'll be alright. She doesn't compare to you anyway~"
Megohime tilted her nose up slightly. “I don’t see while you’ll need her anymore,” She let out a soft sigh. “But as long as she stays away from me we won’t have any issues.”
"Promise." He said gently.
"Masamune-sama." Kojurou called and Masamune made a small noise of disappointment.
"Don't miss me too much." He told her, "I love you, baby."
Megohime watched him ride off with his retainer, sighing softly before returning into the castle. She planned to say goodbye to her parents, planning on staying with them for only two more weeks before following after her husband.
It didn't seem like very long - a few days maybe - before Kiyoaki received word that Masamune was making his way back to the castle.
"I guess he missed you a bit too much, Yoshi." Kiyoaki smiled.
Megohime looked confused, she had planned to leave a little early, perhaps Masamune didn’t want for her to travel all that way on her own? She did miss Masamune already, her feelings for him had only increased, feeling that they had rekindled their love during his time at Miharu castle.
When Masamune arrived, Kojurou was chasing him as he made a war path through the castle. Kiyoaki looked confused as Masamune passed.
"Masamune-sama?" He called worriedly. He ignored him and Kiyoaki looked to Kojurou for help, but the Right Eye only gave him a brief apology before chasing Masamune again.
Megohime had just emerged from the bath house, heading back to her bedroom to have her handmaidens help her get ready for Masamune’s arrival. “Nobuko, can you ready my blue and gold Furisode?” She said, sliding open the door and stopping dead in her tracks at the sight before her.
It looked like the scene of a nightmare; Masamune stood over the butchered corpses of her handmaidens, three of his swords dripping with blood. When he heard the door, he turned and glared death at Megohime.
"Masamune-sama, please control your-!" Kojurou was cut off at the sight, eyes wide, "Masamune...!"
Megohime’s face was pale, and she stared at the corpses of her handmaidens, the women who had been with her for years- then she say Nobuko, her wet nurse. She slowly sunk to her knees, tears slipping down her face as she stared into the wide, dead eyes of the older woman. “What have you done..?” She whispered.
"I thought we had really fixed things." He growled, moving toward her, "I thought that maybe, we could actually be happy and have a decent marriage. But no." He stopped before her and grabbed her by her yukata, hoisting her up roughly, "You were just pulling the wool over my eyes so when I got home, your assassins wouldn't have too much trouble taking me out."
Her eyes were still glued to the woman who had raised her along side her mother, now lifeless in a pool of her own blood. When she finally tore them away from Nobuko’s corpse, she met Masamune’s eye, shaking her head, fresh tears still pouring down her cheeks. “What assassin?”
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