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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Though the woman was rather beautiful, she stuck out like a sore thumb. She wore extravagant robes and many decretive hair pieces, and they only grew more confused when she set down a pad of papers and readied a paint brush and ink.
Megohime paid no attention to Masamune’s men, simply writing down a few things as Kojurou spoke. It wasn’t like the woman Masamune brought with him wasn’t dressed modestly, but a woman in his war room? And in such formal attire?
No one was listening to what Kojurou was saying and it only annoyed Masamune more.
"Stop staring at my wife like she's some kind of circus attraction!" He yelled. They all jumped in fear. Wife?! That was his wife?!
Megohime turned her head to look toward the men, an indifferent look on her face as she set her brush down to bow her head to them. “Hajimemashite.” And with that, she picked up her brush again.
Megohime said nothing to the men, only looking to Kojurou. “Please, continue at your leisure.” She said, and although she seemed calm, Masamune knew that familiar glint in her eyes; Megohime was angry.
Kojurou nodded and continued with his report. Oda had recently taken most of the Odawara province, even going to far as to destroy the village his wife, Nohime, was born in. He left nothing but destruction as he made his way north, and there was rumor that Tokugawa Ieyasu had allied himself with Oda, as well as Maeda Toshiie of Kaga. Whoever denied Oda's alliance was quickly slaughtered.
Megohime kept meticulous notes, which, when glanced at seemed like she was simply writing poetry- horrible poetry at that. She was not however writing poetry, but keeping notes, note’s in which she encrypted by substituting certain words with other words, or even entire phrases, ensuring if those notes did end up in enemy hands, they would be disregarded.
Megohime smiled faintly, giving Masamune a small nod of thanks, continuing her work in silence.
At the same time, at the Takeda estate, Shingen summoned Yukimura and Akihime to his meeting room to discuss the still growing threat of Nobunaga. They both bowed outside his room and Akihime spoke up.
"Oyakata-sama, I - Akihime - await your command."
“Sanada Yukimura reporting in.” Yukimura bowed his head to the paper door, his long hair nearly touching the deck as he waited for Shingen’s instruction to enter.
"Ah, Yukimura, Akihime, enter." Shingen called and Akihime slid the door open to allow Yukimura first entry. Inside was a kunoichi in a rather immodest body suit and blonde hair. Akihime averted her eyes immediately, her face flushing at all the skin the kunoichi was revealing. The ninja turned and bowed to both of them.
"I am a messenger from Uesugi, my name is Kasuga." She greeted.
Yukimura got to his feet and a small smile appeared on his face. “Oh! So you are Kasuga!” Yukimura knew this woman? “Sasuke has said so much about you!” He moved over to him, bowing his head again. “I am Sanada Genjirou Yukimura!”
Kasuga looked a little concerned when Yukimura mentioned Sasuke had spoken of her and Akihime moved to stand by her husband.
"Isn't she Sasuke's betrothed?" She asked softly. Kasuga was taken wildly aback by this.
"Betrothed?! What nonsense has he told you?!" She demanded, clearly embarrassed.
“Ah, by the way, have you two decided on a date for the wedding?” Yukimura was painfully oblivious to the fact that this all seemed to be news to Kasuga as well, he merely looked excited to see his loyal shinobi’s betrothed.
"A date?!" Kasuga rose her voice in her humiliation. Akihime glanced around, moving closer to her husband.
"Where is Sasuke anyway...? You think he would be over the moon to see his wife..."
"He has no reason- Sasuke isn't-! Sarutobi Sasuke and I share no such relationship!" Kasuga argued. Shingen didn't seem to be bothered with the interaction.
"Sasuke is on a mission similar to your own. I sent him to speak with Tokugawa of Mikawa and Azai of Omi." All attention landed on the leader of Kai, "We plan for a temporary alliance."
“An alliance?” Yukimura kneeled before his lord, taking a spot beside Kasuga to listen to Shingen. “Could it be that you intend to defeat Oda together with the generals from other lands?” He asked, placing his hands on his knees.
"Precisely," Shingen said and Akihime moved to sit at the side, not exactly understanding why Shingen had requested to see her as well, "this ludicrous world under warrior rule Nobunaga desires is a world ruled by fear and carnage. We must first protect this world before we destroy each other over it." Kasuga looked surprised by his words and Akihime lifted her eyes gently to look up at her commander.
“Sir, with all due respect,” Yukimura piped up. “With your strength, my lord, and the power of the Takeda’s cavalry, I believe we are more than a match, even for Oda’s forces!”
"But we would not go unscathed," Shingen retorted calmly, standing from his seat, "Assuming we defeat Oda we will suffer great casualties, leaving us indefensible against other enemy attacks."
Yukimura bowed his head. “That may be so, but we will never know unless we try..!” He argued against his lord.
In an instant, Shingen moved and punched Yukimura straight through the back door and into the courtyard wall.
"Yukimura-sama!" Akihime gasped, rushing to the broken door to check on her husband, Kasuga's eyes widened in shock as she looked back at where Yukimura had flown.
"Am I not constantly telling you to expand your view?! Bafoon!" Shingen chastised.
Yukimura staggered back into the room, like he had simply been pushed out rather than literally punched through the door. “Forgive me my lord, but other than Lord Kenshin, the generals of the other lands seek to profit from the sidelines at every opportunity! Would they ever answer the call for join forces?”
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