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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Yukimura slid backward as he attempted to stop Tadakatsu’s massive drill, and after the robot pushing him back so far, Yukimura stopped; he had stopped his attack, keeping him in his tracks before shoving him back, away from his person.
"He stopped Tadakatsu's attack?!" Ieyasu looked taken aback and Tadakatsu pushed back, using his jets to push forward and send Yukimura into the air before following him skyward to try and smack him back down into the ground.
Yukimura maneuvered in the air, using his spears to block the drill once more, just narrowly avoiding his attack by inches. He landed on the ground below, letting out a breath.

Megohime fired arrow after arrow, picking off Nagamasa’s men one by one, clashing with his army as Nagamasa himself battled with Masamune.
"Dana!" Sasuke yelled and threw his shurikun at Tadakatsu to distract him, Akihime rushing up on the mechanical samurai and swinging open her fan to hit him in the chest before kicking off him and landingbeside Yukimura.
"Are you alright, Yukimura-sama?" She asked worriedly. Shingen moved and locked his axe with Tadakatsu's drill, both of them equal in strength.

"Nagamasa-sama!!" A voice rang out and everyone looked, seeing Nagamasa's wife - Lady Oichi - rushing to him. She looked terrified beyond belief.
Yukimura stood, breathing heavily, but giving a firm nod to Akihime. “I am alright.” He confirmed, then took a step forward to address his lord. “My lord! I shall take him one-on-one!”

Megohime stopped, bow drawn tight, but she held onto the arrow. Why was a woman- or anyone without a weapon for that fact- running down the middle of the battlefield?
“Ichi?” Nagamasa lowered his blade slightly, looking away from Masamune and toward the sound of his wife’s voice.
"He is not one that can be taken on alone!" Shingen stated with effort, the force between him and Tadakatsu creating a crater in the ground. They pushed each other back and Sasuke moved in with his shurikun once more, Akihime rushing and jumping to smash her tessen into Tadakatsu's head.
"Yukimura-sama, his joints are his weak spots!" She called before crying out in surprise as Tadakatsu grabbed her leg and threw her aside. Sasuke caught her easily and set her down gently away from the fighting.

Oichi was running as fast as she possibly could to get to Nagamasa, only to trip over her own feet and fall to the ground. She pushed herself up quickly, too out o breath from her dead sprint.
"Nagamasa-sama, run!!" She screamed and just behind them was Akechi Mitsuhide - and another woman they hadn't yet met - with the Oda arquebus corp.
Yukimura moved quickly, attacking Tadakatsu relentlessly, jamming one spear into his shoulder before flipping over the massive man, and impaling his second spear into his jet pack. He broke off the head of the spear and moved away, freezing when the roaring sound of gunfire traveled across the battle field.

Nagamasa grunted and stumbled back, over a dozen bullets hitting him, but still he refused to go down.
The woman beside Mitsuhide motioned for the arquebus corps to rotate, allowing the men in front to reload as the second row fired on Matsunaga and his men, as well as Masamune’s.
Time seemed to slow down for Oichi as she watched her husband fall to the ground. Bullets grazed passed Masamune, bouncing off his helmet and armor as he stood stock still.
"Nagamasa-sama!" Oichi ran over when the arquebus corps stopped their firing to reload and she covered her mouth in horror when she saw the damage. She dropped and held him close, crying weakly over her dying husband. Mitsuhide moved over, relishing in Oichi's anguish as he explained that their marriage was no more than a farce, that Oichi was meant to seduce Nagamasa's generals to undermine his authority; the only reason the plan failed was because Oichi had fallen in love with Nagamasa.
"Beautiful to behold yet rotten to the core~ truly the sister of the Devil King~" Mitsuhide added cruelly.
Megohime couldn’t believe this absolute shit show, first intercepted, and now she had been wounded the first battle Masamune brought her with him. She grunted in pain, ignoring the wound in her shoulder, feeling warm blood trickling down her front and back; a through and through. She simply hid her wound, not saying anything.
Her silence wasn’t only due to her wound, but the fact that she had just watched comrades gun down one of their own, right before his wife. “Seriously...?” She looked disgusted, bow at her side with her arms.
Masamune was beyond livid taking Nagamasa's helm and passing it to Kojurou before moving to stand across from Mitsuhide. Akechi smirked coyly, holding his scythe.
"Not a single round hit you. You must be extraordinary~"
"You serve the Devil King." Masamune growled lowly and Kojurou immediately caught on.
"Masamune-sama, don't!"
"This man was your shield, he fought for you! And you gun him down from behind like a rabid dog?! This aggression will not stand!" Masamune shouted, his anger radiating off him. Mitsuhide smirked and brandished his scythe.
"I see you're angry, Dokuganryuu~ shall we have a little fun~?" He asked. Masamune unsheathed his katana and rushed Mitsuhide, ready to put him down.
The odd looking woman did not follow Mitsuhide, allowing him to battle Masamune on his own while she ordered the arquebus corps to reload and rotate once again, a rather sharp looking naginata in her hand.
"Mego!" Masamune shouted, "Use your bow and take that bitch out!"

As Masamune dealt with Mitsuhide and the arquebus corps, Ieyasu had no choice but to retreat to save what little soldiers he had left. Tadakatsu moved to the middle of the Takeda forces to stand before Yukimura, pointing his drill at the Cub.
"Yukimura, the supposed strongest warrior in the land has deemed you a worthy general. Hold your ground by any means possible." Shingen said.
“Yes, sir!” Yukimura turned back to face the warrior before him, taking up a stance. “I understand, my lord!” He said, then looked to Akihime, giving a small nod to show he would be alright on his own.

Megohime grit her teeth and drew her bow, agony shooting through her arm as she did so. “Just make sure you kill that freak!” She shouted back as she shot her arrow, which although flew straight, was cut down easily. The woman with the pale golden hair had hardly seemed to move, bringing her naginata down and cutting the arrow down the middle, scowling softly, but not moving a single step.
She wanted to hear him say it, she felt so selfish. "Do you promise?" She asked weakly, gripping her tessen, "Do you promise we'll go home together after all this, Yukimura-sama?"
"All units, with me!" Shingen called and looked to Akihime, "You, too, Akihime."
"H-Hai, I just..." Her gaze didn't leave Yukimura, her heart pounding in her ears.

Masamune became more aggressive in his attacks, tired of Mitsuhide dicking around like he was. This wasn't a game, this was an actual serious battle and here this creep was having a blast.
Akihime felt a warm hand on her cheek. “I promise you we will return home together.” He said gently, looking down at her with warm brown eyes.

Megohime did her best to land a hit on the woman with Mitsuhide, but she was only able to fire four more shots before the pain was too much and she dropped to one knee, gripping her shoulder and grinding her teeth to keep from crying out.
Each arrow was cut down by Jin, and even after being fired upon, she refused to move.
Her heart skipped and she placed her hand over his, "Your words fill me with a renewed confidence, my husband...may Buddha protect you in my absence." She said and followed after Shingen and the troops.

"Megohime-dono!" Kojurou moved over and noticed her white gi slowly turning red, "Masamune-sama, she's wounded."
"Oh, you son of a bitch, yer gonna get it now." Masamune snarled and unsheathed all Six Claws.
Megohime ground her teeth then bit her lip, forcing herself to stand. “I can still fight.. Masamune needs me..” She forced out through clenched teeth, pulling another arrow from its quiver with a shaking hand.
Megohime would’ve argued with him, but she didn’t think she could even pull the bow string back at this point.
A sudden and massive explosion from the other battlefield brought everyone’s attention to where Yukimura had been battling Tadakatsu, smoke erupting in a large mushroom cloud, a heavy rumble tearing across the field followed by a shockwave.
"Masamune-sama, sound the retreat!" Kojurou said, moving to keep Masamune from advancing and Masamune looked unhappy to hear him suggest such a thing, "With that many firearms trained on us, if we take them head on we'll be wiped out. Plus, Megohime-dono's wound needs to be cared for quickly." Masamune vocalized his disapproval and Kojurou glanced to him, "As your Right Eye, I will share this shame with you." Masamune ground his teeth before sheathing his claws.
"Dammit, withdraw." He said and the Date army trudged off the field, the conch horn sounding loudly. They all walked passed Oichi, who still cradled her dead husband in her arms.

Shingen stood with a broken Ieyasu, who wept for the loss of his friend Tadakatsu. Akihime kept her eyes glued on the crater, hoping - praying - that Yukimura was unharmed. Her eyes widened when she saw a figure race over the hill and tears filled her eyes.
"Yukimura-sama!!" She called joyfully, dropping her tessen and rushing to him, throwing her arms around him and sobbing happily, "Yogatta! I was so scared I had lost you!"
Megohime had returned to her horse, performing emergency first aid to stem the bleeding in her shoulder, but it would require proper care if it were to avoid becoming infected. Following on horseback, the amount of her blood loss finally hit her as the adrenaline wore off, leaving her feeling sluggish and slightly cold.
Even then, she was kicking herself, scolding herself mentally for not being able to do more for her husband, for being wounded and unable to preform when he needed her the most- it disgusted her.

Yukimura caught Akihime as she threw her arms around him, taking a slight step back, face flushed. “Had it not been for Honda-dono, I would not have escaped such an attack..” He reported, holding her for a moment longer, in fact, he still didn’t let her go just yet, finding something oddly comforting about holding her- even the scent of her hair comforted him.
"You alright, Mego?" Masamune asked, "How bad is it? Can you feel your arm still?"

"My heart swells to feel your arms around me, my lord husband...I feared I would never see you again. Thank you for keeping your promise to me.." She hiccupped.
Every step the horse took was painful for her wound, but for now the bleeding had stopped. “I’m fine, I’m fine... It only went through the muscle, so I’m ok.” She paused. “I think; I can still feel it.” She had her arm in a cloth sling, but was still able to wiggle her fingers.

Yukimura released her slowly, looking down at her for a moment, then blushing. “Are you wounded?” He asked quietly.
"Good, they missed the important stuff." He said softly, "We'll slow down so it won't hurt so much." He reached over and took her good hand, "You did great out there, Mego."

She shook her head, smiling softly, "Only bumps and scrapes from wielding my tessen in your honor, Yukimura-sama. Nothing I can't handle." She replied gently.
Megohime flushed softly, glancing at Masamune before squeezing his hand. “We should return to Oshuu as planned.. My shoulder will be fine.”

“Then I am glad.” He said gently, letting out a breath he had been holding in; he hadn’t realized just how worried he was about Akihime.
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