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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

“Thank you, Akihime-dono, but please, you should rest as well.” Yukimura said; the both of them looked exhausted, and already the sun had dipped below the horizon.

“How is he..?” Megohime asked softly, reaching out to carefully brush his hair away from his eyes, cupping his cheek gently.
"I can't...there are wounded who need tending and men who need to regain their strength. I must do all that I can to help them." She told him gently, "As a servant of Buddha, it is the least I can do."
"We must speak to the Right Eye of the Dragon about the Date's stay here." Shingen told Yukimura, "Let Akihime continue to do her part." Akihime smiled and kissed Yukimura's cheek gently, blushing softly when she moved away.
"Please forgive my boldness, I will aid the troops, please see that Masamune-sama is alright." She said quickly.

"They pulled him from death's door, he will be fine for now. That's all they've told me, however." He said. He clenched his fists and bowed deeply to Megohime, his forehead touching the floor, "I ask your forgiveness for letting such an atrocity happen. Had I been more diligent, Masamune-sama would not be in this state."
Yukimura nodded, and though his face was flushed, he bowed deeply to her. “Thank you, Akihime-dono! I will work my hardest just as you are!”

“Stop that... Pick up your head.” She said quietly, running her thumb over Masamune’s cheek. “I’m just as much to blame... I was right there bedside him, I spoke with him, and yet I couldn’t even perceive in thes slightest that he was wounded..” She clenched her jaw, feeling a tear run down her cheek. “I should’ve noticed.”
Akihime smiled and nodded, heading off to change before going to help care for the troops.

"As his Right Eye, I should have seen it sooner..." He said softly, "Thankfully his condition did not worsen...were it not for Akihime-dono's arrival, we may have lost Masamune-sama..."
Megohime clenched her jaw at the woman’s name; what had she had to do with such a thing other than to mettle in their affairs? “She had nothing to do with saving his life.” She muttered.
Kojurou was more than right, had Akihime not come, there would’ve been no place for Masamune to be treated other than on the field, where there were all vulnerable to attack by the enemy. Megohime refused to acknowledge it though, somewhere inside her, that stubborn part of her refused any and all help, and it would be the death of her.
“How?!” She snapped at Kojurou. “Because she simply showed up as he fell off his horse!? She noticed at the same time we all did, Kojurou, she did nothing special!” It was easy to see why Megohime was acting this way, her husband had almost died before her eyes, and on the very first battle she aided him in; did she feel responsible?
"Because if she hadn't told us we could divert to Kai, Masamune would have died right there in the canyon. You know we didn't have the supplies to care for a wound that extensive, he wouldn't have made it to Oshuu." He told her firmly.
Megohime glared lightly, leaning down to kiss Masamune’s brow. “Please leave us.” She said softly.
Megohime didn’t argue with him, she only continued to gently let Masamune’s hair and face, keeping her back to Kojurou to hide her tears.
Kojurou sighed softly and looked when the door slid open, bowing when Shingen and Yukimura stepped in. Shingen looked to Megohime, who was still focused on Masamune.
"This is Megohime-dono, Masamune-sama's wife. She was with us when his wound overtook him." Kojurou said.
Megohime quickly wiped her tears away, turning to bow to Shingen and Yukimura, but she kept her eyes down, not having the energy to meet their eyes. “Thank you for allowing my husband to take refuge here.” She even sounded drained, like she had been practicing the line all night.
Her own wound was wearing on her, causing her a great deal of pain.
"Our healers are preparing something to pour down his throat, it should help him." Shingen said. Kojurou kept his head bowed.
"We cannot thank you enough." He said softly. Shingen kept his wyes on Megohime.
"Do you disagree with us using the Date army as the spearhead of our attack?" He asked gently.
Megohime frowned softly, gazing down at her hands before looking back up at Shingen. “My husband isn’t someone who lets others control his actions, regardless if Takeda and Uesugi’s forces had joined or not, Masamune would’ve been right there on the field of battle.” Megohime said softly
"There are generals who still wish to claim land, and it is their hope that we fall while taking down Oda. However there is one man who is not a general who we have sent to speak to Mori and Chosokabe."
"Maeda Keiji." Kojurou said and Shingen nodded.
“Mori and Chosokabe..?” Megohime echoed softly, looking to Masamune as she thought. Those two would surely be hard to convince to ally with Takeda and Uesugi, let alone getting Masamune to agree to one. She made a face, allowing Kojurou to control the conversation, waiting and listening to hear what the retainer had to say.
"Time is short, but I would like to have Oda fully encircled before we attempt this again." Shingen said.
"It will be most difficult to get Mori and Chosokabe at your side," Kojurou told him, "Also, the idea of teaming up to defeat a common enemy is not the way of the Date." Shingen didn't seem to bothered by this, knowing that the Date had their reasons.
"However..." Kojurou looked to Megohime and Masamune, "Necessity knows no law."
After that, Shingen and Yukimura pardoned themselves, Yukimura waiting behind for a moment longer before leaving and closing the door behind him.
Megohime didn’t sleep much at all that night, watching Masamune well into the early morning. It was still dark out when Megohime went for a walk, needing to clear her mind from the previous days battle.
Everyone appeared to still be asleep, though she felt eyes on her as she walked - probably the ninjas that floated around the grounds. But then she heard other footsteps not far from her, and on inspection it was revealed to be Akihime. She looked tired, dressed in a simple gi and hakama with her hair in a looped braid. Had she been helping the men all night?
"Aahh...Yukimura-sama is probably already dead asleep..." She muttered to herself before yawning, "I hope I didn't worry him..."
Megohime hadn’t changed out of her battle attire either, only removing the armor from herself, leaving her in only her Gi and Hakama. She clenched her fist when she saw Akihime, opening her mouth to speak, but quickly closing it, turning away with a soft glare.
"Ohayo gozaimasu..." Akihime greeted gently, smiling tiredly, she must have felt Megohime staring, "Couldn't sleep? I heard Masamune-sama will make a full recovery within the next couple days. I'm very glad that he'll be all right."
She saw Megohime visibly stiffen, covering her mouth with the sleeve of her Gi and only glancing to Akihime. “Yes, well, he’s no ordinary man.” She said coldly, almost as if she was indifferent about her husbands condition.
Akihime only smiled more, "Yes, I heard he has quite the strong will. It is comforting to know he did not allow such a trivial wound to fell him." She swallowed another yawn to continue her conversation, "He is lucky to have you as his wife, to stay by his side as you have."
Megohime’s entire mood shifted, and her fuchsia gaze fell on Akihime, letting her hand drop to her side. “Trivial?” She echoed lowly. “His would nearly killed him, you ignorant girl.”
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