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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Masamune nodded, "We'll head back and take care of you, get you back out there. I mean, if you wanted."

"Yukimura." Shingen called and Akihime jumped out of her skin - she had forgotten that they weren't the only ones there, "Gather up as many of the injured as you can and send them to Kai. We will treat them there. Akihime, please locate Date Masamune and have him route to Kai for his injured as well."
"Hai, Oyakata-sama!" Akihime nodded and looked to Yukimura, smiling brightly, "I'll see you at home, Yukimura-sama."
“Let’s just get home first.” Megohime said as they regrouped with the rest of the Date army, heading back in th direction of Oshuu.

Yukimura bowed his head to Akihime. “I’m counting on you, Akihime-dono!” He said, then hurried to help with the wounded.
As they rode through the canyon to Oshuu, a voice no one really know called out to them. A woman from the sounds of it.
"Masamune-sama! Matte kudasai!"
"Who the hell?" Masamune looked back and saw a woman in Takeda colors with Yukimura's crest racing toward them, "Fuck, I know her, where do I know her from?"
"That's Sanada Yukimura's wife, Akihime." Kojurou said.
Megohime was already not having a great time, the pace they were keeping jostling her wound and making it painful, but when someone she didn’t know came riding up behind them, she was immediately on edge. “Send her away.” She muttered through her teeth, face still pale.
"I come on Shingen-sama's behalf! Please come to Kai and have your wounded treated there!" She called. Kojurou looked to Masamune who had returned his attention in front of him.
"What should we do, Masamune-sama?" He asked. Masamune said nothing and Kojurou felt that he had declined the offer, at least until Masamune had fallen from his horse. "Masamune-sama!"
"Dokuganryuu-dono!" Akihime pulled her horse to a stop and moved over to Masamune as the whole Date army halted and Kojurou moved to Masamune's side as well.
Megohime didn’t feel her pain anymore, jumping from her horse and running to Masamune. “Masamune!” She knelt beside him and searched his body for wounds, freezing when she pulled her hands back and found them covered in blood. “Kojurou, get my bag!” She ordered, pulling open his funeral shroud and quickly working to get his chest plate off of him. She already knew what was there, but refused to believe it until she saw it with her own eyes. Just moments earlier he had been talking to her, holding her hand and praising her. Her lip trembled as she stared downmarket at the bullet wound in her husbands side, blood oozing steadily from it; her face twisted into a horrifying look, something between horror and a snarl as she immediately started to tear her sleeve off, pulling it into strips.
"All troops, head to the Takeda estate in Kai!" Kojurou yelled. Akihime moved and pulled a small jar from a pouch on her sash, opening it amd offering it to Megohime.
"Here, this will slow the bleeding until we can get him to Kai, it's an herbal paste Sasuke made." She said gently.
Megohime looked up at Akihime like she was the one who had shot Masamune, reaching out to take her pack from the Date soldier who had brought it over for her. She said nothing to Akihime as she worked, quickly applying a coagulating agent, then wrapping up Masamune’s middle tightly. Two of Masamune’s men helped pick Masamune up, Megohime retrieving Masamune’s war helm before returning to her own horse.
Akihime blinked, clearly confused, before returning the jar to her pouch and moving back to her horse to lead everyone back to the Takeda estate. "My name is Akihime, by the way! I am Sanada Yukimura's wife! It is an honor to meet you!" She introduced brightly, looking back at them from her side saddle. How could she be so happy with Masamune dying not five feet away?
Megohime paid absolutely no attention to Akihime, watching Masamune as they rode on, him draped over the saddle of his horse as Kojurou led it. She had tunnel vision, and the only thing she could hear was her own heart beating in her chest, sounding like it was going to burst at any moment.
When she noticed no one was listening or even paid her any mind, she clammed up and continued the journey home. When they arrived at the estate, she instructed Kojurou to take Masamune to the side house to be treated before asking the Date army politely to head to the medical wing for treatment.
"Megohime-dono, please follow the troops and have your wound treated." Kojurou said, "You can return to Masamune-sama when you're cleared."
“No, I’m going with Masamune.” She said firmly, a soft scowl set on her face. “I can get it looked at once he’s stable.” She argued.
"Go get your wound treated. It is not a request." He stated firmly. Akihime smiled nervously.
"Come, Megohime-dono, it's only a short way from here." She offered.
Megohime looked angry enough to try and fight Kojurou right there, not happy that she would be away from Masamune’s side for even a second. When Akihime spoke, she shot her another glare, then turned to leave on her own, following the Date men to where they would get their wounds treated.
Akihime swallowed nervously and Kojurou took Masamune to the side house where he was set before the armor that needs no shield and his wound treated.

Akihime headed off to hers and Yukimura's room, sighing tiredly, "Tadaima...!"
Yukimura was not yet there, in fact, the room was still dark and cold, showing Yukimura had not made it to his bedroom- probably still speaking with Shingen about the battle they had just fought. It made Akihime’s heart flutter with worry for just a second however, what if he himself had suffered an injury on the way home?
The ninja appeared before Akihime, head bowed and kneeling. “Hai, he and Takeda Shingen are speaking in the war room as we speak.” She reported.
She exhaled and smiled, "Arigatou. I'll make some extra tea for you for keeping the estate safe!" She said and hurried to the war room.
Just as Yukimura and Shingen we’re leaving the war room, Akihime came running down the hall. Yukimura smiled softly and gave her a small bow. “Akihime-dono, you’ve arrived!”
She picked up speed and threw her arms around him tightly, nuzzling into his shoulder, "Tadaima..." She said softly. She gripped the back of his jacket and started shaking, tears pouring down her cheeks as remembered how heartbroken and distraught Megohime was when Masamune's wound finally overtook him. What if it had been Yukimura? "Tadaima...!" She choked out.
Yukimura blinked and stiffened when he realized Akihime was crying, not sure why she was doing so or what to do about it. “A-Akihime-dono..!?” He put his hands on her shoulders and moved her back to look her over for wounds. “What happened..!? Are you injured?!” She could see the panic his face, eyes wide.
She shook her head, "No, I-I'm all right. It's just...Masamune-sama is badly injured and I just..." She cried more, "I was so worried about you, I'm so selfish...!"
Yukimura’s eyes widened at the news that Masamune was gravely injured. “That is most upsetting news..!” He suddenly pulled Akihime closer again, maybe a smidge too hard, but he meant well. He held her tightly against his chest. “I returned home safely like I promised.” He said softly.

Megohime had her wound treated and dressed, and it hurt more than it did before, but she still was determined to be by Masamune’s side. Entering the room they had put him in, she barely gave Kojurou a glance as she knelt beside Masamune.
"Arigatou!" She clung to him tightly as she wept, standing with him until she finally calmed down, "I...I will change and make tea for everyone and ask the cooks to prepare meals for the troops. Masamune-sama has been placed with the armor that needs no shield.."

Kojurou looked to her before standing and moving to leave her alone with Masamune. He looked like he was merely sleeping, resting in the bedding they had laid out for him.
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