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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Shingen only seemed to punch him harder, sending him back into the wall. Akihime looked horrified, though she was used to their antics like this, she could not bear to see Yukimura hurt.
"You contradict yourself, boy! What did you just say to me? 'We will never know unless we try'!?" Shingen moved to stand by the door and Akihime kept her head bowed to him, "Heed my words, young Cub: before you are able to charge the foe in front of you, first you must fix your eye on the broader horizon."
Yukimura again, was on his feet in moments, moving to kneel before his lord once again, bowing his head. “Yes, my lord!”
"In truth, even I had half given up, as we had not received even one favorable reply. Until one day, not long ago did I receive a letter." He said. Akihime looked up curiously.
"A letter, Oyakata-sama? From whom?" She asked.
"The vagabond of Maeda." Shingen answered and Akihime noticed Kasuga's body language change; seems tonight was full of surprises for her, "Putting his wanderlust to good use, he is spending his time visiting the generals of the neighboring lands. This Maeda Keiji's plan for an allied army...was in fact eerily similar to my own. Once I ascertained the sincerity of his actions, I dispatched Sasuke to speak to the generals on my behalf once again." He explained before turning to Kasuga. "Kasuga, yes?"
"Yessir." Kasuga looked up, awaiting Shingen's order.
"Please infor your lord Kenshin that Takeda Shingen readily consents." He told her. Kasuga bowed to him.
"Of course." She replied.
Yukimura felt his heart move within his chest, and he bowed deeply to his lord. “My Lord, I, Yukimura, am feeling renewed admiration for your depth of thought. You think not solely of the good of the land of Kai or the Takeda army, but I see you first trying to protect the land of the rising sun from the menace that is Oda Nobunaga, Devil King of the Sixth Heaven!”
"Listen well, Yukimura. Do not doubt the importance of your presence. Be a man of faith ever forging upward to even greater heights." Shingen told him, "With Maeda Keiji spurring him into action, Dokuganryuu Date Masamune will likely rush the enemy on his own. We will use him as our spearhead, and quickly advance to reinforce him. For that to work, I would have Tokugawa join us, and ideally have Azai pin Oda from behind. Though certainly it will require a heart-wrenching decision on Azai's part."
"Oyakata-sama," Shingen looked to Akihime, who was bowing deeply to Shingen, "words cannot express the honor you bestow upon Yukimura-sama and I, for sharing such secrecies, as well as with the honorable envoy of Echigo. However," She looked up, frowning softly, "I am curious as to why I have been permitted to hear such things."
"You will be joining in our fight against the Devil King." He told her. Her eyes widened and she slowly pointed to herself.
"M...Me...?" She asked.
Yukimura looked shocked, looking to Shingen. “My Lord!” He didn’t know how to feel, he felt conflicted. On one hand, he knew Akihime was a capable fighter, he had seen her sparring before, but she had never been on a real battle field before, and their marriage was only a fledgling. “Though Akihime has proved herself with a weapon, I am worried for her safety!”
"Rightly so, Yukimura. But she will prove useful in our attack and we need as many capable warriors as possible." Shingen told him. Akihime's expression set and she bowed her head.
"I will bring honor to the Takeda in our fight against the Devil King, Oyakata-sama. As the wife of a warrior, I shall not falter." She stated.
Megohime didn’t like it when the wandering Vagabond came to Oshuu, and she didn’t like it when he stayed. All it did was stir up Masamune and lead to more outbursts; when he decided to tag along to Nagashino and Shitaragahara. She rode up front with Masamune and Kojurou, wearing a Gi and Hakama with a leather chest guard, and metal leg plates on her hips. She traded her hair combs for a simple tie, but still wore her beloved hair pin through said ponytail.

Yukimura rode along side Shingen, and on his other side, his wife Akihime rode her horse. The Takeda army stood in formation along with the Uesugi army, swaying their lords orders.
"Masamune-sama," Kojurou called as he rode up to Masamune's side and Masamune gave a grunt of acknowledgement, "About this Maeda vagabond, I'm still not sure I trust him."
"What, you think he's luring us into the Devil King's clutches?" Masamune asked blandly.
"It's not inconceivable; he may not be tied down to his house, but he still claims the family name. Maeda Toshiie supports Oda, and in return I hear he was just given the land of Kaga." Kojurou said. Masamune glanced back and snorted.
"Whatever. So long as he doesn't get in my way."

Akihime sat side saddle on her horse, her tessen strapped to the back of the saddle as she awaited orders. She wore a white gi with red trim that hung from her right shoulder, the Sanada crest embroidered into the sleeve of her left shoulder, a white sleeveless laced shirt underneath, with red western style pants and shin guards. Across from them was the Tokugawa army, and this was the last chance to sway Ieyasu to fight against Oda.
"Yukimura, Akihime. You're with me."
"Hai!" Akihime gripped her reigns tightly as they followed Shingen into Ieyasu's camp.
Megohime scowled more, but kept her opinion to herself, adjusting the bow she had over her back, the string resting against her chest plate. “If we don’t trust him, why have we allowed him to follow us?” She muttered to herself.

Yukimura’s brow was set, nodding and kicking his horse to move, holding his spears tightly. He was clearly on edge as the three of them rode into the sea of Mikawa soldiers, who although moved aside for them, also encircled them once they passed.
"He can get us close to Oda. That's all I care about." Masamune stated, and his tone told her that he was set in killing Nobunaga here and today.

Shingen dismounted his horse and Akihime followed, leaving her tessen on her saddle as Shingen set down his massive broad axe. As they moved to Shingen, the soldiers pointed theor weapons at Yukimura, who kept hold of his spears.
"Hold!" Ieyasu called and Shingen looked back at Yukimura.
"Your spears, boy. You will not need them here." He said calmly.
Yukimura paused where he was, glancing around before giving a nod. Once he left his spears with his horse, he continued with Shingen and Akihime, staying close to Akihime. “Please, remain by my side, Akihime-dono.” He said softly.
Akihime blushed and moved closer, "Hai, Yukimura-sama." She said softly. When they stopped before Ieyasu, there was no formalities, no one bowed and the air was tense.
"It has been too long, Takechiyo." Shingen greeted. Ieyasu smiled softly.
"Ah, Shingen-sama! Looking as well as ever, I'm glad." Ieyasu replied.
“I am Sanada Genjiro Yukimura. I am most pleased to make your acquaintance.” He gave a curt nod, then gave a small gesture to Akihime. “And this is my wife, Akihime.”
Akihime bowed to Ieyasu and the young general smiled.
"I have heard tales of your many valorous deeds, Sanada-dono. And you, Akihime-dono, if I recall were once apart of the noble Toyotomi clan."
"Hai, my father and I owe much to Hideyoshi-sama. But my ties are now merely familial, as I take the crest of my honorable husband as my own." She answered. Ieyasu only smiled more.
"The bond you share with Sanada-dono is unbreakable." He said kindly. Akihime nodded, smiling softly.
"As his wife, I swear fealty only to him, even against my own father." She said.
Yukimura stood by his lords side the entire negotiation, but as expected, it inevitably fell through, Ieyasu refusing to turn traitor against Nobunaga, and making the first move. As his forces advanced on the joint Takeda-Uesugi army, the three of them returned to their mounts to take to the battle field.
As expected of a warrior wife, Akihime was skilled with her weapon. Though it was mainly defensive, her movements were fluid and graceful, like she was preforming a dance. Some soldiers didn't want to fight her because she was so entrancing, others didn't want to fight simply because despite how small she was as compared to her weapon she wielded it with a terrifying force.
Yukimura was a blaze of wildfire on the battlefield, wielding his spears with as much passion as always- he was nimble, dispatching one enemy after the other, all while making sure he remained close to Akihime should any issue arise for her.

Not too far off, another battle was starting, Azai Nagamasa and his army had intercepted Masamune’s own army, forcing them to halt their advance.
Akihime seemed like a completely different person on the battlefield, like a switch was flicked on in her head. Her tessen sent men flying and caved in armors and she didn't bat an eye. Any soldier that came toward her or her husband was immediately knocked down. As one soldier rushed Yukimura to avenge a fallen friend, Akihime caved in his chest armor using her tessen as a club.
"Yukimura-sama," She said firmly, "I know it causes you great pain to see such loss of life, but this is how it must be. In order to reach a peaceful future for our loved ones, sacrifices must be made." She looked to him and smiled sadly, "The Oda would not grieve like you or I do for these men, so not let their sacrifice be in vain."

"Tokugawa is moving to block Takeda and Uesugi's path." Kojurou said, watching the fight between the three factions.
"It's just a skirmish; once we deal with the Devil King, we'll double back and clean up," Masamune said, "Then we get Shinano, too."
Yukimura clenched his fists, his face setting as he nodded. “Yes, Akihime-dono.” He said softly. This wasn’t his first battle, nor even his second, but even then, some feelings that stirred within him during battle never went away- not entirely at least.

Suddenly, one by one, the entire Date army came to a screeching halt, causing dust to fly and horses to nicker in protest of such a sudden stop. Megohime’s brows knit as she looked out over the field, and across from them, a cavalry force.
She looked alarmed when she heard something large and mechanical move across the field, taking out their troops by the handful - Honda Tadakatsu had been summoned to join the fight.

Masamune whistled and smirked, "You got some nerve trying to block my way. Who are you, and where are you from?"
“Listen well! I am none other than Azai Bizen-no-Kami Nagamasa! I cannot permit you to go any further!” The man known as Nagamasa said, his face serious as he stared Masamune down.

Yukimura frowned, watching Tadakatsu mow down men left and right as he made his way across the battle field. “Master Honda Tadakatsu, greatest warrior in all of the warring states I presume?!” Flames flickered to life on the ends of Yukimura’s spears. “I, Sanada Yukimura, shall fight you with all my might!” He proclaimed as he charged the large robot. “Come! Let us have a fair fight!”
"Azai Nagamasa?" Masamune repeated, scowling softly.
"The Devil King's brother-in-law. Perhaps Oda sent him here." Kojurou remarked. This only made Masamune scowl more. Hoof beats behind the alerted the retainers and they looked, seeing Keiji run off on his own.
"Where are you going?!"
"He's not running away, is he?!"

Tadakatsu rushed at Yukimura with lightning speed, locking his drill with Yukimura's spears and pushing him backward. It was a struggle, Tadakatsu putting all his strength to overpower Yukimura.
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