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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Akihime blinked before she frowned, "Forgive me, I was told by his soldiers that it was minor and nothing he couldn't handle. Maybe they were saying it to make themselves feel better...they all looked worried. I meant no disrespect to you or Masamune-sama."
Seriously? Did this girl have no concept of real life? How had she survived on the battle field? She snorted and turned her head, taking a step to move away from the younger woman. “Why don’t you head off to bed, little girl.”
"I wanted to properly introduce myself since the last time was rather inappropriate of me to do so." She said, "Watashi wa Akihime de-" She gave a soft grunt before her eyes fell closed and she dropped to the ground. Before Megohime could register what happened, a small sting hit her neck and her vision blurred before she too lost consciousness.
Megohime felt herself fall, but never registered hitting the ground, everything going black as the ground rushed up at her.
She found herself staring at the ground once again however, only now, it had seemed some time had gone by, only she found she could only move her eyes at the moment.
"Ah, so good to see you've awoken." A voice called. She was tied to something, a broken pillar of some kind, "I was wondering when you would come to."
Pain registered first in Megohime, glancing down and noticing her arms had been pulled behind her back and around the pillar to have her wrists bound together. She let out the faintest noises of pain, eyes moving back to her captor. Her shoulder was tight, painfully tight, and it felt hot, burning hot.
Megohime followed him with her eyes, then quickly looked around to see where she was, that was when she saw Akihime. She too was bound to a broken pillar, head slumped forward in her unconscious state. “What..?” She spurred a bit, looking back to the man with furrowed brows. “Who are you?”
"Matsunaga Hisahide. I'm a collector of many treasures, you see. And I wish to add Masamune's Six Claws to my collection, as well as the Takeda's prized armor." He said. There was a small noise and Akihime came around, blinking her eyes before looking around.
"Good evening, Akihime-dono." Matsunaga greeted. She looked over, eyes still unfocused.
"Hisahide...?" She muttered.
Megohime’s mouth fell open slightly; did Akihime know this man?
“My husbands claws?” Megohime echoed, then let out a laugh, glaring down at Hisehide. “You couldn’t get one scale from him.” She hissed.
"Claws?" Akihime echoed.
"And the Armor That Needs No Shield." Hisahide added. Akihime's persona flipped like a switch; she was livid, jerking forward to glare.
"You absolute vile human being! You detestable coward! Yukimura-sama and the Takeda would never give such a thing to you, not for my sake! I would die in a heartbeat to preserve the pride of my honored husband, as well as the Takeda!"
"Pride has nothing to do with it." Hisahide stated coolly, "If Yukimura and the Takeda valued your safety, they will meet my demands, as well as the Date."
Megohime fell silent, testing the ropes around her, but not squirming to try and get free; even if she were to cut the ropes, the fall would certainly injure her. “So what?” Megohime finally spoke up. “You laid in wait like a fox, taking your prize once the enemy falls? You’re nothing more than a vulture.”
"I heard the One Eyed Dragon was injured and taking refuge in Kai. I thought it a golden opportunity. Date's Six Claws and Takeda's prized armor? These are both treasures I have long coveted." Hisahide smirked lightly, "And what better motivation than to take the wives of Masamune and Yukimura as guests."
"You filth! You slime! The Takeda will not give in to your demands!" Akihime snapped. Hisahide rose his eyebrow slightly.
"You are so sure? You believe your husband would just leave you to die for the sake of his lord?" He asked. Akihime faltered and clenched her jaw.
"I trust my lord husband to do what he knows is best for the Takeda." She replied.
“Oh please, would you shut up?” Megohime scoffed, Akihime’s yelling grating her ears. “You act all tough, but in reality, you’re hoping and praying Sanada comes to save you.” She hissed at Akihime.
"And you aren't hoping the same thing, Masamune-sama comes crawling out of his own damn grave to rescue his thorny bride." She hissed back, glaring death, "My husband and I have been nothing but hospitable to the Date and all you can think to do is shit on our kindness."
"How unladylike." Matsunaga remarked amusedly.
“Your kindness?” Megohime shot back, the two bickering like they weren’t hostages in that moment. “Girl, you couldn’t see the severity of this entire war and everthing it pertained if it reared up and hit you in the face. This is war, and whatever favor Takeda plans on cashing in on will come one day. There is no such thing as free kindness.”
"Don't pretend like you know the threat Oda holds. Have you seen his destruction first hand? Have you helped those whose lives he's ruined? No, you haven't, have you? You've been too busy kissing your husband's ass so he'll love you and accept you. What a sad, pathetic woman you are." She hissed.
“I hear only assumptions coming from you, you know nothing of me, the pathetic one here is you, barging in and assuming you know all.” She scoffed. “Projecting much?”
"Ladies." Matsunaga interjected, "That is quite enough. Akihime, you should know better than this." He scolded and her anger was steadily replaced with shame before her head dropped and her eyes closed, looking defeated.
“Ah yes, please grace us with your wisdom O wise decreped hoarder.” Megohime sneered. “As much as I dislike Sanada’s wife, I like you even less. Pray tell why we should be compliant at all?”
"There's explosives..." Akihime said softly, "on the bottom of the pillars..."
"Nothing gets passed you, Akihime." Hisahide smirked as he walked away, "I'll be back later when my treasures arrive. Behave, girls."
Megohime scowled, watching Hisehide leave, starting to pull at her bindings; panicking a bit.
"If you break the rope, us and what's left of this temple are blown sky high.." She said gently, "Please do not struggle and trust someone will come for us..."
“Deplorable.” She hissed, head hanging so her eyes were hidden, but the rest of her face wasn’t; her face was twisted in a scowl. “Making a mockery out of me to lure my husband out here.” She was shaking. “I’m a hindrance..!” She hissed, almost like she was scolding herself, like being captured was her fault.
"No you aren't, Megohime-dono.." She said gently, "It'll be ok...Buddha has a plan for everything..."

Yukimura, Sasuke and Amaya sat bowed before Shingen to request taking the armor to Hisahide to return Akihime and Megohime, Kojurou already having gone off with Masamune's swords to bring Megohime back.
"If anyone is gonna kick his ass and bring Mego home, it's gonna be me." Masamune had said. Needless to say, Kojurou did not allow Masamune to leave with his wound still healing.
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