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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Akihime's head shot up, her eyes wide and her mouth slowly fell open, "Yuki..." Tears poured down her cheeks, both in joy and heartache, "Yukimura-sama!"
"How cute. You came after all." Matsunaga jeered.
“Akihime-dono!” Yukimura seemed to relax when he saw Akihime was alright; he took the box off of his back, setting it on the ground before him and opening the top. “I am Sanada Genjiro Yukimura, and I have come as my lords proxy.” Taking the armor out of the box and setting it before Matsunaga before taking a few steps back and standing beside Kojurou. “This is the Takeda heirloom, the Armor That needs no Sheild, please acertain for yourself, Hisehide-dono!”
"I'm so glad..." Akihime hiccuped, her eyes never leaving Yukimura as he took the armor from its case, "I'm so glad I could see you before I died, Yukimura-sama..."
"Aw, don't talk like that, Akihime.." Sasuke whispered as he worked on her restraints, "You aren't going to die here."
"S-Saauke?" She tried to look back but obviously couldn't, "Then that means..." She looked over to Megohime, hoping to see a familiar kunoichi.
Hanging from the pillar Megohime was tied to, was indeed Amaya, who looked to Akihime with her steely blue eyes before giving a firm nod, as if to comfort her.
"Ama..." She muttered and she wept again, "I'm so glad."
"I see...I suppose this was a waste of time." Matsunaga said and rose his hand. Sasuke hissed and pulled Akihime from the pillar quickly before the explosives went off, fire engulfing the pillars quickly.
Yukimura’s eyes widened as he watched Akihime and Sasuke engulfed in the flames, a hole opening up in his chest. “Akihime!! Sasuke!”
In that moment Yukimura felt his heart break, the two closest people to him in his life, snuffed out right before his eyes.
"Life, death, all things repeat this cycle of being born and being broken. If you know that everything is temporary do not resist what you desire, but take it, appreciate it, and in the end destroy it as freely as you wish." Matsunaga said as he moved toward the armor.
"Matsunaga." Kojurou growled and Matsunaga looked over to him.
"You're free to go, boy, those unruly women are no longer, as well as your ninja companions." Matsunaga told him.
Yukimura took a step forward, but immediately a row of explosions separated Matsunaga from the two warriors, sending both Kojurou and Yukimura flying backward.
Kojurou pushed himself up, grunting with effort, his aura sparking off him like electricity. Matsunaga looked bored.
"My, you're in a foul mood." He remarked.
Yukimura pushed himself up, pain in his side making him grind his teeth as he got to his feet. “Katakura-dono..!”
Matsunaga exhaled suddenly dozens of men carrying massive bombs on their backs came rushing at Kojurou and Yukimura, Kojurou knocking them back before their bombs could detonate.
Yukimura knocked men back in waves, but they never seemed to end. “I sense no fighting spirit in these men!” Yukimura said to Kojurou, but it was clear his mind wasn’t truly on the battle before him, more than likely on his wife whom had perished before his eyes.
"These men are no more than mercenaries. Matsunaga would not have any loyal retainers." Kojurou replied before killing more men and destroying their bombs in the air. When their were no more bombers, Kojurou rushed at Matsunaga in a fury; determined to kill him right there for taking the lives of their loved ones.
Yukimura was determined to avenge the death of his wife, overwhelming Matsunaga, sending a barrage of attacks at him between Kojurou’s own attacks.
With their combined might, they sent Matsunaga flying into the broken statue of Buddha.
"It's a shame, but someday you will also fade from this world...for in the end we all return to nothing." Matsunaga said, "It is a shame Akihime wasn't given the chance to bid you a final farewell before she was sent to Nirvana. She and Megohime will have plenty of time to become friends while she waits for you at the gates, Sanada Yukimura."
Yukimura gripped his spears so tightly his knuckles turned white beneath his gloves, and he merely turned his head away with a deep frown. “A man such as yourself, will not be heading for Nirvana, Hisehide-dono.”
"Indeed, I will personally meet you at the gates of hell." Kojurou growled.
"Of course you will. A brief farewell then, Right Eye of the Dragon!" Matsunaga said and the statue exploded, burning and crackling angrily. Kojurou lowered his gaze, brows furrowed.
"Please forgive me for not arriving soon enough to save your wife, seems we both will be returning home with unpleasant news.."
Yukimura hung his head, fighting the tears that came to his eyes, choking back a sob before someone behind the two spoke up.
“Bad news my ass..” Kojurou recognized that voice immediately, it was Megohime. Amaya had to support most of her weight, and Megohime’s clothes were burnt, but other than the small cuts and minor burns on her face and neck, she was unharmed.
Kojurou turned quickly, eyes wide, "Megohime-dono! You're all right!" He gasped and moved over, "Are you injured too badly?"
"Lots of second degree burns but nothing we can't handle." Sasuke's voice sounded as he came down from the safety of the roof with Akihime. Her hair was singed and her hakama was burned up to her knees showing the small burns on her legs and her hands were burned - how far up Yukimura didn't know - but she was otherwise safe.
“Akihime-dono!” Yukimura threw down his spears and ran to Akihime, immediately looking her over to inspect the severity of her wounds. “Are you alright?”

“No, nothing’s broken or anything, but my arm feels like fire.” Megohime muttered as she moved away from the kunoichi in her own, rubbing her shoulder gently, still feeling a bit light headed from the poison.
Akihime took Yukimura's hands and smiled weakly, tears pouring down her cheeks as her hands trembled, she was in so much pain. "Hai...I'm much better now with you here, Yukimura-sama. Please do not shed tears for me, I am undeserving.."

"We have burn ointment back at the estate, everyone gets a fresh batch when we get back." Sasuke said. Kojurou smiled softly.
"I'm glad to see you are unharmed.." He said.
“That is not true at all, Akihime!” Yukimura said sternly, carefully taking her from Sasuke, holding her gently. “You are my beloved wife, losing you would be the worst thing I could imagine!” Even then he seemed close to tears, holding her tight against his chest.
Her face scrunched up as her tears fell more heavily, trying hard not to cry, "My heart is overjoyed by your words...b-but...perhaps we should just go home and care for our wounds. I'm sorry if I caused you any grief, my lord husband..." She said softly.
Yukimura shook his head as they returned to the horses, Yukimura climbed up before helping Akihime up in front of him. When they returned to the estate, both Megohime and Akihime were taken to the healers to treat their burns, and oddly, Amaya didn’t follow Akihime, but instead returned to her own bedroom.
"Hey, where are you going?" Sasuke asked as he followed her, "You should get checked out, you took the brunt of it for Megohime."
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