Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

“I’m fine, go tend to your own wounds.” Amaya said, opening her bedroom door and taking a step inside.
"Amaya," Sasuke said firmly, "I can see the burns on the back of your neck. There's blistering, it needs to be treated or we'll have to scrub the skin off."
Amaya didn’t answer, didn’t turn to face Sasuke, only standing in the doorway and remaining silent, then she fell forward.
Amaya was burned far worse than he had anticipated, almost the entirety of her back charred and covered in blisters. Her breathing was laboured, and her face twisted in pain, even while unconscious.
"Goddammit." He muttered and left quickly to get a bucket of cold water and a cloth, tying her hands and legs to keep her from fighting too much and gagging her to keep her from screaming and biting her tongue as he began to scrub the dead and charred skin off.
Amaya woke halfway through Sasuke cleaning her back from pain, her entire body going stiff and a strangled scream coming from behind the gag, but she didn’t thrash.
"I now, it hurts, but the skin is still loose so it's coming off clean. Just a little longer." He soothed as he cleaned the rag and continued to clean her burns.
Amaya only bit down harder on the gag, squeezing her eyes shut as Sasuke cleaned her wound. When he was finished, Amaya was shaking hard, and her face was pale, but she hadn’t lost consciousness again.
He removed the gag as he grabbed the ointment from his pouch, "How ya holdin' up, Amaya?" He asked as he slowly applied it to her raw back.
“T-Terrible..” She ground out through her teeth, sweat trickling down her brow. “Untie me, I’m not going to do anything..”
He stopped and cut the ropes before going back to applying the medicine, "Obviously I don't have to tell you to keep pressure off your back."
"Well, you're going to have to. I'll have someone fill in for you while you recover." He said and finished with the medicine, "I'll get some wrappings to keep it clean, don't move." He said and vanished.
Amaya didn’t listen, she couldn’t. She couldn’t just let some other shinobi protect Akihime; sitting up with a grunt, she tore away the rest of the top of her body suit, allowing for it to hang around her waist as she stood and moved to get clean clothes.
“Shut up, I cannot simply abandon my role, wounded or not.” She growled out, pulling out a yukata and pulling it over her shoulders, wheezing in pain when doing so.
"Amaya, if I know Akihime, she wouldn't want you to push yourself like this. It's just until you've recovered enough that it won't hinder you. Please, I'll have the estate on full lockdown." He said.
Amaya stood there quietly before looking over her shoulder at Sasuke. “You’ll personally keep your eye on her?” It sounded more like a demand than a question, but he knew how much he worried about the girl.
"The only time she'll leave my sight is when she bathes and relieves herself." He answered, to assure her that Akihime would be safe. Not like she would need Sasuke to watch her, Yukimura would probably glue himself to her side after what happened.
Amaya took in a shaky breath, then nodded. “Fine, one week.” She said, removing the last of her torn clothes and tying her yukata closed.
Amaya gave a small nod. “I can take care of my own wounds you know.” She said softly.
Amaya shot him a glare over her shoulder. “I think you’ve seen enough of me already.” She said sharply.
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