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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

Nana gently pet his hair, frowning softly; Motochika could hear the soft murmur of his men off a ways behind him, most of his crew sitting around fires and already sleeping, exhausted from the fight and long trek, and those who hadn’t made it out either lay dead were they had fallen on the battle field or had been captured by both Toyotomi and Mouri.
“Yeah, he did..” She said with a sad smile, petty his head gently, brushing his messy hair from his face. “Idiot..”
“No one expected him to be able to part the sea like he did..” Nana admitted, frowning as she remembered the way he easily split the sea with his fist. “And Mouri’s involvement didn’t come as any surprise either.”
Nana shook her head. “I don’t know what kind of deals was made between the two armies, but regardless, we need a plan of action for now.” Her face was serious, and she clasped her fingers together. “What will you have us do, captain?”
Nana nodded. “Once we’ve rested for the night, I’ll send out scouts, see what’s happened of our home and the men who didn’t make it.”
Those who had not fallen in battle or fled with Motochika and had remained to defend the Fugaku or were simply unable to flee were captured, men being taken by both the Toyotomi army and the Mouri. As for the Fugaku, it was not left to be swallowed by the sea, but taken with Mouri, to fix and repurpose the ship to Motonari’s own liking.
Mouri's men made sure Motochika's men were working hard to repair the fortress ship, the pirates tired and exhausted from heaving materials without rest.
The men worked all day and well into the night, repeating this for multiple days, the only rest they received being when they dropped from exhaustion. Even then, they only were allowed the moments it took for the Mouri guards to force them back onto their feet to work again.
Most of the men were at the end of their roles, working nonstop all week to complete Mouri’s ship, some even dropping dead from being overworked, and for the pirate crews youngest and newest member, Ren was close to dropping dead himself. The lad was beyond exhausted, and he had lost his fingernails long ago, and he was covered in cuts and bruises both from battle and work after being captured.
Ren was nearly keeled over vomiting, looking up at Mouri’s general and staring before moving over to his captor slowly, sweat dripping down his forehead.
Ren would’ve argued if he had a choice in the matter, but the money had already been accepted, and Ren was sold off like cattle. So off Ren went, leaving Aki for Osaka leaving one servitude and going to another.
The boy was pushed onto his knees before Hideyoshi, head hanging and mind numb. He was lost in thought, thinking about his captain and how he was doing- if he had even survived.
"Give him to Ukita Hideie as a servant. It's all he's good for." Hideyoshi commanded. The soldiers nodded and pulled Ren to his feet, dragging him from the room.
Ren stumbled and struggled to keep up, trying to fight back even with the thought of his captain being dead; the man had extended his hand out in kindness, it was only fair to be loyal until the very end.
"Oi." He didn't even realise he was standing in front of someone; way older than him and dressed in Toyotomi armor, "Pay attention, boy."
Ren looked up through his greasy hair with blank and tired eyes, looking at the General before him but saying nothing. He felt a bit of anger in his belly, but was too tired to act on it.
Ren scowled softly and looked down at the floor. “Hai..” He croaked weakly- could he really say no?
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