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Thread of Fate *1x1 with Jikkah*

“No! I ain’ta lady! I’m a man, and I’ll wear men’s clothes!” She snapped at Hideie, throwing down the sword and the stone to sharpen his blades.
Ren struggled and kicked hard, face flushed red. “Get off of me! Don’ touch me you swine!” She ground out as she struggled against the older man.
“I ain’ta girl!” Ren snapped, struggling to keep on the hakama, and at the same time, trying to push Hideie away.
Ren only kicked the garment away, backing into the corner and holding her pants up. “Tha’s fine with me!” She hissed.
This would continue for days, Ren refusing to change into the appropriate clothing and ending up in a fight over the matter, but she still refused to give in.
Ren silently endured all of the abuse, others in the army would indulge themselves in on it too; tripping or pushing her to the ground, she was soon covered in bruises.
Ren was busy running Hideie’s suit of armor down to the smiths to have it fixed were the metal was cracked. “I ain’t need help with anythin’, ‘specially not a dress..” He muttered with a scowl.
He was suddenly grabbed and forced to the ground, "C'mon, you gotta look pretty for Ukita-dana." One said as they started undressing him.
The armor clattered to the floor and Ren started to thrash, opening his mouth to scream. “Don’ touch me-!” A hand clamped over his mouth, and his arms and legs pinned to the floor.
They pulled off the hakama and gi, struggling with his thrashing, before pushing the robes and furisode onto his body, a couple others sloppily doing his hair.
There wasn’t much hair to work with, tears flooding down Ren’s cheeks which were bright red. He squeezed his eyes shut, shame burning in his chest.
Ren rolled onto his side and pulled himself to his hands and knees, wiping away his tears before reaching for the hakama discarded on the floor, shaking slightly.
Tears of frustration and humiliation poured down Ren’s cheeks, and he turned his head away before simply grabbing the dropped armor and hurrying off dressed in the furisode.
Ren brought the armor to the smiths, leaving it before quickly returning to Hideie’s room, trying to fight back tears as he moved and sat in wait for his lord to return; why was everyone so cruel?
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